Sunday, June 26, 2011
Names and Naming
"The beginning of wisdom is to
call things by their proper name."
In Genesis, in order to exercise dominion over the animals, God
tells Adam to Name the animals by giving each animal a Name
that is appropriate based upon their individual characteristics.
Why did God charge Adam with Naming the animals?
This responsibility, which God entrusts unto Adam, informs and
reminds us that Names, like Words, have power.
Whenever we Name something we both define and limit whatever
it is that we have Named.
To define something, we must first observe and study its specific
aspects, its individual characteristics. This allows us to fully
understand this something, fit it into a category, and then give
it a Name that is proper and Harmonious with its specific
This process requires reasoning, recognition, and understanding;
and it is the first step in our ability to communicate, not only to
ourself, but, to others what this thing is that we have just Named.
And once we Name, and thereby define, something, we possess
a power over that which we have just Named.
To limit something, which is the second part of Naming, is to
unquestionably specify what something can and cannot be.
A tree cannot be an animal, a dog cannot be a cat, integrity
cannot be deception.
Names are permanent vibrations. When something, or someone,
is Named, that Name stays with that person or thing for the
remainder of its existence.
When we were born, most of our parents spent a great amount of
Time selecting our Names. Likewise, when we had children of our
own, most of us labored over what we were going to Name our
child depending on whether it would be a boy of a girl.
A person's Name carries great magical powers. It contains the
essence of who we are. Either our name empowers us from
birth, or we quietly and eventually grow into the essence, the
vibration, of our Name.
In addition, those of us who pass through Initiation Ceremonies,
Rites of Passage, and Confirmations, are given an additional Name
which is not only sacred, but also, in some instances, secret.
These Names, too, become a permanent part of our Nature for
the remainder of our Incarnation. They not only endow us with
additional powers but also hold us to the responsibilities and
aspects of their vibrations.
In many ancient cultures, and in many indigenous cultures
throughout the world today, a person is given two Names at
birth. Their common Name is the one they use when mingling
with their friends, neighbors, and strangers. Their private name
is known only to their parents and perhaps a rare few others.
This private Name is hardly ever spoken, and when it is spoken it
is done so in very protective privacy and at low breath.
These cultures believe that any evil spirits, or enemies, who
learn someone's true Name possess a power over that person
and can use that person's true Name to bring misfortunes and
ills upon that person.
We give names to many things, both seriously and fondly.
We name our pets, we name our cars and planes, we even
give nicknames to others.
But here is an interesting piece of seafaring mythology.
Probably every ship and boat has a Name. Legend has it that
once a vessel is named it is by that name that Poseidon, the
God of the Waters, recognizes that vessel.
Should the Name of a vessel ever be changed, it is important
that the old Name be entirely removed from the vessel before
the new Name is applied. Furthermore, in a Ceremony of
highest respect, Poseidon must be immediately informed of
the Name change along with the new Name. By doing this,
Poseidon is made aware that the Name change is not being
done with any intent to Deceive Him of the nature, contents,
and voyagers of the vessel which has been re-Named. This
Ceremony also re-invokes His approval for the re-named vessel
along with the safety of all who may sail upon her.
We see the importance that ancient cultures, indigenous
cultures, and mythology place on Names and Naming.
Therefore, just as we need to be cautious of the Words we
speak, so too must we be careful and Aware of the Names
we give to other persons, animals, places, and things.
For when we Name something we are bestowing a verbal
power and essence to that which we are naming. Therefore,
these Names, just as the Words we utter, must be Chosen
with the utmost care and consideration of whatever it is that
we are Naming.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Non-Conformity and the Non-Conformist
"Society is jealous of those who remain away from it."
- Joseph Campbell
"Whosoever shall be a man must be a non-conformist."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
As an analysis of "Conformity and the Conformist" has already
been explored in a previous article, let us now turn our attention
to Non-Conformity and the Non-Conformist.
The Non-Conformist is the exact opposite of the Conformist. The
Non-Conformist looks at life entirely different than does the
Conformist. The Non-Confirmist lives his, or her, life by a set of
rules which are designed to both protect, and cultivate, their
personal Sovereignty and independent Thought.
Where the Conformist is easily swayed by Intimidation, "guilt
trips", and the false expectations and Opinions of others, the
Non-Conformist understands that these gimmicks are simply
levers which are used to manipulate the masses and to move
people in certain pre-ordained directions. Therefore, the Non-
Conformist is eternally vigilant so as to avoid these societal
Where the Conformist fears being exiled from a group, organization,
or even a segment of society (should their views, attitudes, and
behaviors not fall in line with the required expectations of these
entities) the Non-Conformist harbors no such fears; for the Non-
Conformist is much too busy blazing his, or her, own unique
Path into a new, uncharted, and Adventurous future.
Where the Conformist cringes at the prospect of not "fitting in", or
being ridiculed and gossiped about, The Non-Conformist finds these
everyday nuisances laughably unimportant. For the Non-Conformist
understands that personal Destiny is far more important than
the everyday bickerings of the masses.
The Non-Conformist values their individual Thoughts, unique
feelings, personal Sovereignty, mental expansion, and spiritual
pursuits far too highly to succumb to the fleeting and clouded
whims of the mainstream horde. A horde which is so often, and
so proudly, on the wrong side of so many important issues..
The Non-Conformist loathes giving up even one miniscule bit of
their Sovereignty and Free Will. To do so would be to go against,
and violate, their Divine Nature and Spiritual Principles.
For the Divine Nature of the Non-Conformist abhors the threat of
Sovereign damage that Conformity can bring unto it. And this,
in itself, makes it impossible for the Non-Conformist to voluntarily
Conform to the often misguided rules and false expectations of
other persons, groups, factions, organizations, and even society
The Non-Conformist watches from afar as the massive parade of
humanity passes by in its ceaseless march toward folly, Ignorance,
Self-Deception, and Self-Imposed Limitations.
Great advancements and achievements cannot be born from the
Conformist. Evolutionary, and revolutionary, achievements are
born from the Lone Wolf, the Trailblazer, Wizards and Wanderers,
and all Seekers who pursue new Horizons. For these are the True
Individuals who bask in the primeval sunshine, breathe the rarified
air, and walk the untrodden Paths which are only to be found in the
domain of the Non-Conformist.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Conformity and the Conformist
"A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates
when he becomes a conformist."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"In order to be a perfect member of a flock of sheep,
one has to be foremost, a sheep."
- Albert Einstein
If we give it any Thought, we will realize that, from a very early
age, the first thing our family, teachers, and society train us to
do is to Conform.
It is very easy to be tricked and manipulated into Conforming to
situations that are not in Harmony with our Basic Nature. This is
accomplished by means of subtle Intimidations and "guilt trips"
imposed upon us by adults, teachers, "friends", co-workers, and
special interests who are constantly bludgeoning us with false
expectations and Opinions of what we are "supposed to be" and
what we are "supposed to do".
These very discomforting false presumptions and expectations,
imposed upon us by others, Become so ingrained within us that
many of us carry these Intimidations and guilt trips with us for our
entire lives.
This causes us to feel very uncomfortable and Intimidated when we
see errors with, and feel it is necessary to defy, the expectations
and demands imposed upon us by the numerous factions of
These Intimidations and guilt trips are also meant to serve another
purpose. They confer upon us guilt, fear, and discomfort when we
become Cornered into the position of possibly "hurting someone's
feelings", or some groups feelings, when it becomes necessary for
us to stand up for whatever it is that is right for us; regardless of
how much these persons or factions are abusing and using us.
And because of these feelings of guilt and Intimidation, a great
many of us also sadly and reluctantly accept mental persecutions
from others for fear of "not fitting in" and not wanting to "hurt
someone's feelings".
So from very early in our life, and mostly in very subtle ways, we
are being subliminally trained to Conform. For if we do not Conform,
we face the threat of being friendless and of not "fitting in" to the
different regimented, and controlled, aspects of society.
However, the Truth is that this unreasonable fear, imposed upon
us not only at a very early age but throughout life as well, of not
"fitting in" eventually becomes a yoke around our necks that
shackles many of us throughout of lives.
Whether its a neighborhood group or a school, church, or political
organization that we wish to join, the first thing we are informed of
is that we must Conform to the rules, policies, and whims of that
group if we wish to be accepted into, and remain in good standing,
in that group.
And, although it is True that we have the Option of Choosing which
groups we wish to join, the fact is that once we join any particular
group, we are required to Conform to their rules and whims or we
find ourselves being either expelled, gossiped about, or ignored by
the group. And it is at this point that we face a personal Decision
of either giving in and Conforming to this particular group or
leaving it.
We find this pattern of Conformity facing us as we Travel through
life. For whether we wish to join a fraternity, sorority, trade
organization, religious group, or political faction, if we disagree
with any of the rules or whims of these groups we find ourselves
having to Choose whether to Conform or leave.
The same rules hold True within our family structure: either we
Conform to the rules and expectations that our family imposes
upon us, or we Choose to leave.
We have all been faced with these types situations throughout
our lives. And, for the most part, we find ourselves remaining
within some groups and leaving others.
However, for the true Conformist, things are quite different.
The true Conformist actually Believes that it is critical that he, or
she, must "fit in" and accept a given role in either a group or in
society. Therefore the true Conformist is forever Compromising
their values and discarding their personal Sovereignty for the sole
purpose of being accepted into a mob; for groups and society are,
in fact, mobs.
With these Thoughts in mind, let us remind ourselves to be ever
vigilant of performing any Action, or making any Promise,
based solely upon Intimidation, guilt, or the need to "fit in".
So, too, should we be extremely cautious of making any Promise
or commitment based upon any of the following: the expectations
of others; the fear of being ridiculed or gossiped about; or the
"guilt" of not wanting to "hurt the feelings of others".
For these are all subtle baited traps which are designed to strip
us of our Sovereignty and lure us into the darkened dungeons
of Conformity.
Next: "Non-Conformity and the Non-Conformist"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Bells and Chimes (As Symbols)
"Think when the bells do chime,
'T is angels' music."
-George Herbert
The Symbolism of Bells and Chimes is wide-ranging.
Bells and Chimes are used in Ceremonies, celebrations, and
announcements by numerous cultures throughout the world.
A Bell has a domed top, a flat and circular bottom, and, except
for its clapper, is hollow within. Its domed top and flat bottom
make it similar in Symbolism to the Tortoise. However, the Bell
Symbolizes much more.
The Bell's dome represents the vault of heaven above. Its flat,
circular bottom represents the flat, circular Horizon of the earth.
The clapper represents the Tongue, Word, and Voice of Divinity;
also known as the Hermetic Logos. The empty space within
represents all that is contained between heaven and earth.
When the clapper hits the inner side of the Bell, it Symbolizes
a message being resonated and created within the vault, or
dome, of heaven and delivered to the earth below.
Bells have a wide variety of Symbolic and practical uses.
Bells are used in our alarm clocks to waken us from rest and
urge us forth into our daily pursuits.
Bells are used in classrooms to announce the beginning and end
of classes. They are also used to notify us that the time-period
for a test, or exam, has expired.
Bells are used to announce the passage from one station to
another in religious rituals. They are also used in Rites of Passage
and Initiation Ceremonies to proclaim that a worthy and well-
qualified individual has passed from one station in their life to
a loftier one.
Ships and boats sound their Bells when sailing through thick Fog
in order to announce their presence and location to the other
vessels in their vicinity.
Bells have a wide range of pitches and tones. The pitch and tone
of a Bell set the mood, and Symbolism, which that particular Bell
is designed to represent.
The higher tones lift people's spirits, represent happiness, and
Symbolize a closeness to Spirit. the lower tones can dampen
people's spirits, instill an unhappy and somber mood, and are
Symbols of the gross and mundane.
Low-pitched Bells summon the masses to obligated meetings and
rituals. They are also used in clock towers to inform us of the hour
of the day in our material realm.
High-pitched Bells, along with Chimes, are used in religious
processions and Ceremonies to invoke Divinity and remind the
participants of the high-solemnity of the spiritual service.
High-pitched Bells announce holy days. They are also used to
celebrate and Remember joyous and festive Events.
And in their highest tone, and loudest volume, Bells are sounded
to proclaim the end of a war or conflict, and celebrate liberation
and freedom; such as the Bells we hear being joyously sounded
at the end of Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture".
Chimes, on the other hand, are uncontained and free-moving
pieces of metal, glass, and wood which resonate against each
other by being either shaken by hand or blown by the wind.
Chimes resonate at a much higher, and gentler, pitch than do
Bells and therefore Symbolize higher spiritual essences.
Chimes, along with very high-pitched Bells, summon and
announce the presence of the higher Spirits; including Divinity
Wind Chimes invoke happiness, high-spiritedness, peacefulness,
the good Spirits, and Divinity. They are also placed around
people's homes, and sacred places, to banish evil spirits and
negative energies.
The gentle, high-pitched, tinkling sound of Chimes also announces
the presence of the Unicorn.
Chimes are also used at festive wordly occasions. The tinkling
(Chiming) of glasses at a wedding celebration, by tapping a spoon
against a glass, calls everyone's attention to the fact that a toast
is about to be made in honor of the new bride and groom.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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