Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Four Elements
(Alchemy, Astrology, Symbolism)

Esoterically, metaphysically, and astrologically we are Instructed
that the realm of matter consists of The Four Elements: Fire, Earth,
Air, and Water. Each one of these Elements is an integral part of the
physical universe. Therefore, creation is manifested by way of these
Four Elements.

Human beings are physical creations. Human beings exist in the
material realm. Thereby, human beings consist of, and are governed
by, the Divine Essences contained within, and expressed by, The
Four Elements.

The Four Elements are divided into two classes: one class consists
of the two seen, or visible, Elements and the other class consists of
the two the unseen, or invisible, Elements. The two visible Elements
are Fire and Earth, and the two unseen Elements are Air and Water.
With this in mind, let us take a look at each one of these Four
Elements so that we can better understand how we have been
designed by Deity to function within the realm of matter.

The Two Visible Elements (Man and Woman):

Fire is the masculine principle which radiates: it is assertive
and bestowing. Fire is the masculine Seed which impregnates the
feminine Womb. In the physical realm Fire is the Man; it is also
the Sun.

Earth: Earth is the feminine principle which receives: it is passive
and receptive. Earth is the feminine Womb which accepts the
masculine Seed. In the physical realm Earth is the Woman; it is
also Mother Earth.

The Two Invisible Elements (Thoughts and Feelings):

Air: Air is the masculine, mental principle: it is the conscious,
rational mind where Thoughts and ideas are created. The mind is
also the Gateway to Imagination. In the physical realm, Air is the
atmosphere and heavens above us into which we gaze for inspiration
and guidance.

Water: Water is the feminine, spiritual principle: it is the intuitive
Subconscious; it is the realm of feelings. It is also the deep Spiritual
Ocean, the primeval Chaos, where everything already exists and
awaits manifestation. In the physical realm, the Element of Water
represents our deep oceans which conceal and Veil, the numerous
Mysteries which lie below their surfaces.

A unique combination of The Four Elements exists in each one of
us and their unique combination determines who we are; they
determine our Divine Nature. For although we may be born a man
or a woman, a portion of the opposite gender is incorporated into
each and every one of us. This Divine Truth is expressed by way of
the yin-yang Symbol.

However, although all Four Elements exist within every one of us,
they are merely the "building blocks" necessary for creation. They
are not creation in and of themselves. For creation to occur, life
must be "breathed" into them by the Breath of Divinity which is
spoken of in all ancient texts. This "Breath of Divinity" is the
Mysterious and quintessential Fifth Element called Aether.

See also:
"The Apple - As A Symbol"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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1 comment:

Michael Taggart said...

Wonderful post! I was looking for something like this for a picture I was working on.
Here's a link to the picture. Also linked back to your blog.

Thanks - Michael