Sunday, December 26, 2010
Gold - As A Symbol
(Alchemy, Mythology, Tarot, and Folklore)
"All that is gold does not glitter."
- "The Hobbit", J.R.R. Tolkien
History, Alchemy, mythology, and folklore abound with tales of the
Quest for Gold.
The 49ers rushed to California from all parts of the world in their
Quest for this precious metal. The medieval Alchemists toiled
their lives away over their furnaces in their attempt to turn "lead
into gold".
Mythology tells us of: Jason and his Argonauts in search of the
Golden fleece...Hercules and the Golden Apples of the Hesperides
...and, King Midas turning everything he touched into Gold.
Folklore tells us of: leprechaun Gold...dragons guarding huge
caverns of Gold...maidens with long Golden hair...and even a
damsel spinning straw into Gold.
But what is it about this yellow metal that has captivated,
obsessed, and hypnotized mankind throughout the ages of Time?
And, what is the True meaning of the Golden Quests which
entranced so many Seekers and Adventurers of myth and legend?
For our answers, let us turn our attention to the Symbolism
connected with this precious metal we call Gold.
Gold represents the masculine, yang Principle. In Alchemy and
Astrology Gold is a Symbol for the Sun. In mythology, Gold was
thought to be the rays of the Sun which were captured by
Mother Earth and buried in Her underground Womb.
Gold is maleable. It can be hammered paper thin and it will not
shatter This means that it can be easily molded to fit upon, or
create, almost any Statue or work of art. In this sense, Gold is a
Symbol for indestructible, eternal, and adaptable.
Gold has a constant luster. It shines just like the Sun. Therefore,
in both Astrology and Alchemy, Gold is the physical Symbol for the
Divine Radiance of the heavenly Sun.
We can experience this Symbolism for ourselves by simply gazing
at a Gold coin or a Gold nugget. Regardless of what angle a Gold
coin, or Gold nugget, is viewed from, its shine neither diminishes,
"glitters", nor changes. For this reason, Gold is a Symbol for
constancy, certainty, honesty, permanence, stability, and the
unchangeable. In this aspect, Gold is the Symbol for Truth.
Gold is the one metal which will not tarnish, corrode, oxidize, or
have its color fade due to either Time, or the elements of Nature.
A Gold coin, or a Golden object, which has been in the ground for
thousands of years, will come out of the ground in the same
untainted condition today as when it was first buried either
centuries, or millennia, ago.
And because Gold will not tarnish, corrode, or fade in color, it is
not only a Symbol for Immortality, but also a Symbol for any
uncorruptible or untarnishable Quest, Ambition, or Purpose.
In this sense, Gold is also a Symbol for ultimate Wisdom and
ultimate Truth. For just as Wisdom and Truth can be hidden,
Obscured, ridiculed, and buried without losing their luster, shine,
and permanence, the same holds True for Gold.
Although the Symbolism of Gold appears throughout mythology,
legend, and folklore, we find excellent examples of Gold's Symbolism
the Tarot deck. The card of "The Fool", along with several other
cards, contains a Golden Sky. This tells us that the Quest, or the
Purpose, Symbolized by these particular cards is taking place under
the Shining Wisdom of the Eternal Heavens, and that spiritual
perfection and superiority are the Lesson contained within that card.
Gold, in both its physical form and spiritual essence, has beckoned
mankind from the earliest of Times. Those who find physical Gold
will certainly find a Treasure. Those who find spiritual Gold will find
ultimate perfection. And those who find both, will experience the
Union of Duality, which is the ultimate aim of our Current
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
gold as a symbol,
golden sky,
legend and mythology,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Appearances And Perceptions
"Trust not too much to appearances."
- Virgil
"The fish sees only the bait, not the hook."
- Chinese proverb
Why is it that we are so ready to unconditionally judge the inner,
and unseen, contents of a box or package based solely upon its
outer gift wrapping?
Why is it that we so readily accept the words of some "expert"
or "authority" simply because these Words are presented to
us by someone who is stylishly groomed, impeccably dressed,
and is in possession of some "recognized credentials"?
Why is it that we trust in, and unquestionably Believe, the many
arguments, dogmas, and Indoctrinations which are served to us
by way of attractive "packaging" which is designed by, and
delivered to us by way of, self-serving individuals, groups, and
Over time, society has created a materialistic measuring scale
for us to use when making Decisions. This measuring scale has
conditioned us to perceive that the more attractive a person, a
cause, or thing appears, the more we should unquestionably rely
upon it as being trustworthy, desirable, and True.
In other words, we have been Indoctrinated into believing that
illusion should be accepted as Truth, and that Truth, which is
seldom, if ever, presented to us by way of sparkle and glitter,
should be ridiculed, discredited, and ignored.
This is why it is so easy to manipulate, and Deceive, the masses.
Manipulation and Deception simply require an attractively
camouflaged appearance, a well-baited hook, for them to be accepted
as valid by most members of society.
And after we have willingly allowed ourselves to be tricked by
some cutely packaged scheme or promotion, we say to ourselves:
"I should have known better".
But how does this happen to us? Why do we allow ourselves
to be tricked, manipulated, and deceived by attractive Words,
well-groomed "experts", and tantalizing promotions? Why is it that
we do not 'know better' right from the start?
The answer is quite simple. Slowly, over time, and without even
being aware of it, we have been taught to become complacent,
lazy, and impatient. We have been "nudged" into relinquishing
our Sovereign responsibility to fully research and investigate
the Choices, Decisions, and dilemmas that constantly confront
us as we Journey through our Current Incarnation. We have been
"baited" into relying upon others to make important Decisions
for us regarding our personal well-being. We have agreed to
accept Indoctrination as a replacement for Self-Instruction. We
have been led to Believe that Appearance and Perception are the
only "tools" we need we need to consider when making our
And although we may be cunningly convinced by methods of
Appearance and Perception when making our Choices and
Decisions, deep down within ourselves most of us know that
Appearance and Perception, by themselves, very seldom lead
us to Truth, Wisdom, Happiness and Harmony.
This is why, in Myth and Legend, Oracles, Omens, Wise Sages,
and Master Teachers, who are plainly dressed and soft-spoken,
speak their Truths only once. And when these Truths are spoken
they are left to fall upon the ears of those few who are ready to
receive them. That which is True, Wise, Honest, and Harmonious
does not rely upon any Appearance and Perception created by way
of sparkle and glitter.
Ancient Teachings continually remind us that Truth, Wisdom,
Honesty, Harmony, and Compatibility are always standing right
before us in all of their undeceptive and common Simplicity, and
few of us ever take the Time to give these longed-for Treasures a
second look.
(See also: "Beauty - Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty" and
"Masquerade - The Masks We Wear")
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Maat - Egyptian Goddess
(Symbol And Myth)
The Egyptian goddess Maat is one of the earliest Neters (Divine
Principles) to be recognized, depicted, and worshipped in Ancient
Egypt. Maat is also the original primal essence upon which nearly
all of the other Neters (gods and goddesses) relied upon for their
stability and sustenance.
Maat is a feminine Neter portrayed wearing an ostrich Feather atop
her head. As a feminine Neter, Maat depicts a feminine aspect of
Maat is the Symbolic representation of Stability, Balance, Justice,
Order and Truth upon which the cosmos, and everything contained
within the cosmos, including the material realm, relies.
Maat, therefore, Symbolizes cosmic, universal, and celestial
Harmony. She is the True, Stable essence of Creation which governs
the Rules of Eternity.
As Maat is the one Stable essence of all cosmic order, She was also
referred to as the "bread" of the gods. A concept later referred to in
Christianity as the "bread of the angels".
Although Maat is depicted as wearing an ostrich Feather atop her
head, this was not always the Symbolism used to portray Maat.
A very ancient Symbol for Maat was a short, wide Pedestal upon
which the other Neters would stand when exercising their Duty.
The straight, flat surface of a Pedestal is Symbolic of two Divine
Principles: Straightness and Elevation.
Elevation Symbolizes authority and superiority. Straightness, or
flatness, Symbolizes unwavering and constant.
When a Neter stood upon the Pedestal of Maat this not only elevated
that particular Neter to a position of authority and superiority, it also
provided the straightness and flatness that was necessary to insure
that this particular Neter would not wobble, waver, or risk being
unsteady when performing their Divine Duty.
When Maat is depicted wearing an ostrich Feather atop Her head,
She represents a different, and more visual way, to view Her
feminine Divine Nature.
The Feather is a Symbol for the lightest, most minuscule, Weight.
However, the Feather is also a part of a wing, and a wing is part
of a bird. Both birds and wings were ancient Egyptian Symbols
for Spirit. Therefore, in addition to Symbolizing a minuscule Weight
in the physical realm, the Feather also Symbolizes a Spiritual
Weight and essence in the higher, Unseen Realms.
The fact that the Feather of Maat comes from an ostrich is
perhaps based upon the even length, and symmetry, of the ostrich
Feather. This would be an allusion to Order and Constancy.
In addition, it is also perhaps based upon the fact that the ostrich
appears to bury its head in the sand. This could be another
allusion that the ostrich does not concern itself with the illusion
of what it appears to "see" with its physical eyes, but to what it
intuitively "sees" and understands with its spiritual Inner-Eye.
For Truth, Balance, and Harmony cannot be seen, they must
be intuitively understood; they simply are.
The Feather of Maat also played an important role in the ancient
Egyptian Ceremony called the Weighing Of The Heart. A
Ceremony in which the Heart of the Pharaoh, who is Symbolic
of all of us, is placed upon the Scales of Justice and Weighed
against the Feather of Maat. The Pharaoh's heart represented the
earthly deeds performed by the Pharaoh during his, or her, recently
completed Incarnation.
When the ancient Egyptians indicated that someone had Maat,
they meant that that person was in Balance with, and perfectly
attuned to, cosmic Harmony.
This cosmic Harmony has always been, and will always be,
available to each one of us. However, we must first make the
effort to understand cosmic Harmony. Once we are able to
intuitively understand this Divine Principle, we too will find
ourselves standing upon the stable platform of Maat and our
unwavering, and un-wobbling, Thoughts and Actions will
insure that when our Heart is finally placed upon the Scales
of Justice, at the end of our earthly Voyage, it will Weigh less
than the Feather of Maat.
See also:
"The Feather As A Symbol"
"Egyptian Weighing of the Heart"
"Justice - And Its Symbolism"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Traveling (Symbol, Metaphor, I Ching)
"All journeys have secret destinations
of which the traveler is unaware."
- Martin Buber, philosopher and theologian
Although many of us may be unaware of it, we spend a great deal
of our time Traveling. Traveling does not merely consist of the
occasional vacation we may take to some distant land; this is
merely recreational traveling. Metaphorical and metaphysical
Traveling, however, occurs within us. It is an integral part of our
Current Incarnation. We engage in this type of Traveling when a
segment of our life comes to a close, or when we enthusiastically
make plans to embark upon new Adventures and "tackle" new
Whenever we make plans to Change our lives, however large or
small these plans may be, we are mentally and metaphysically
embracing Traveling. We realize that a magic moment has been
sparked within us. Our mind and intuition tell us that the time has
arrived for us to "move on".
There are basically three types of Traveling: Traveling away from
something; Traveling towards something; or, Traveling due to
Curiosity. Let's take a quick look at all three of these types of
Traveling away from something: We do this kind of Traveling
for one of two reasons: either to avoid danger, or to run away from
a problem of our own creation.
When we Travel in order to escape a real danger, we are doing so
for self-protection and peace of mind. This is a legitimate form of
Travel and is a highly recommended precaution we should take in
order to protect our physical and mental well being.
However, if we are Traveling in order to run away from a problem
of our own creation, Traveling will do us no good. For until we can
finally stand up to, conquer, and exorcise the Inner Demons which
are responsible for the problems of our own creation, the calamities
we have created for ourselves at our past destinations will be the
same calamities which will be awaiting us at all of our future
destinations. We cannot run away from who we currently are. We
can only Change who we currently are so that the problems of our
Past do not accompany us into our future.
Traveling toward something: In its most esoteric sense, this
type of Traveling is represented by hexagram number 56 of the
"I Ching". Hexagram 56 Symbolizes "Traveling" and it follows
hexagram number 55 which Symbolizes "Prosperity". Hexagram
56 teaches us that after a period of Prosperity, or Abundance, has
completed its Cycle in our life, a Time for Traveling and "moving on"
is upon us.
This reminds us that once a certain achievement, purpose, or
plateau of our life has come to a successful conclusion, the time
has come for us to set our sights upon our next higher purpose.
It is now time to embrace Sacrifice and pursue the journey which
will ultimately lead us to the next elevated plateau of our
Current Incarnation. This transition period is generally a time of
temporary stagnation which must be endured by us so that we
can learn new skills and Wisely prepare ourselves for the next
upward step in our life.
Traveling due to Curiosity: Of all the reasons for someone to
Travel, this is perhaps the purest and noblest reason of all. For
the realm of Curiosity is the Adventure-land of the Seeker, the
Lone Wolf, and Wizards and Wanderers.
Those who Choose to Travel in the realm of Curiosity do so for
the rewards that this kind of Traveling can bestow upon them.
These Travelers seek knowledge in order to turn it into Wisdom.
They acquire new friendships and acquaintances for the
experiences and Lessons that can be gained from these individuals.
They are continually mastering the necessary new skills that enable
them to journey into the most distant Horizons of their current
earthly Adventure.
These Travelers are humble Wayfarers anxious to explore the
invisible Paths that lead to the Secret and Mysterious. They follow
the same irresistible calling of all Master Teachers and Trailblazers
who have come before them; a calling to blaze a trail which opens
up new Horizons for not only the Traveler, but for all those who will
eventually follow these Traveler's Path.
Their ultimate destination is not their immediate concern. For they
realize that their final destination can never be attained in the
material realm. Their journey is a never-ending Adventure which
beckons these unique Travelers to continually ascend to higher and
higher realms until they eventually reach the highest realm of all:
the Realm of Unity, Peace, and Enlightenment.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
hexagram 56,
I Ching,
inner demons,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Phoenix - Symbol And Myth
Just like the Unicorn, the Phoenix is a mystical and magical
creature. The Symbolism of the Phoenix can be found in the myths,
fables, legends and religions of nearly all civilizations and indigenous
cultures throughout the world. In Ancient Egypt it is called the Benu
bird; in India Garuda; in Chnia Feng Huang; and in Japan Ho-oo.
In addition, the Phoenix is also an integral, and archetypal, Symbol
used in Alchemy.
The Phoenix is a fabulous bird which enjoys an extremely long life
span. When its current life Cycle is complete, the Phoenix Sacrifices
its current self through Fire and renews itself three days later. Only
one Phoenix can exist at any given time.
Since the mythology of the Phoenix is found in so many different
cultures, scattered throughout the most remote reaches of the world,
we find ourselves asking the question: What is the hidden meaning,
and sacred Lesson, contained with this wondrous and Symbolic
To answer this question, we must delve into the esoteric Symbolism,
and not simply the fairy-tale-like "story", associated with the
In a way, the Symbolism of the Phoenix is similar to that of the
Serpent. The Serpent sheds its worn-out old skin in order for it to
renew itself with the new skin of youth in the physical realm.
However, the Phoenix is a bird. And as birds can fly and travel
through the element of Air, they have been, since ancient times,
Symbolic representations of mind and Spirit. Therefore, when the
Phoenix "gives up" its old and completed self, it does so because
it is ready to be transformed and reborn unto a much higher realm.
The Phoenix Symbolizes the ultimate Act of Creative Destruction,
Sacrifice, and rebirth within the sublime realm of mind and Spirit.
In Ancient Egypt The Phoenix was also a Symbol and Metaphor for
the setting and rising Sun. The Sun disappears beneath the Western
Horizon in a ball of flames when Its daily Journey is complete so that
it may be re-born anew in the East the following morning by way of a
new ball of Fire.
Symbolically, Fire represents light, enlightenment, and illumination.
The Fire in which the Phoenix Sacrifices and renews itself is not
the fire of physical destruction which is portrayed in paintings. It is
the Spiritual, Alchemical Fire indicative of Purification, Wisdom,
Transformation, and Rebirth; it is the "Fire which does not burn".
The three-day process of Death, Transformation, and Renewal
referred to in the legend of the Phoenix appears numerous times
in Legend, Myth, and Sacred Texts. It is an allusion to the Rite
of Initiation which an Ancient Initiate was required to submit him,
or her, self to in order to Transcend, by way of Sacred Ritual,
to the next higher plane of Instruction and Initiation.
This Initiation Ceremony was conducted during the three dark,
or silent, nights of the new moon.
Death, Transformation, and Renewal. This Lesson is constantly
emphasized within Ancient Teachings found throughout the entire
world. It is presented to us in the Lesson of Creative Destruction,
the Act of Sacrifice, and the Symbolism of the Phoenix.
It is a constant reminder that our Current Incarnation is a Path of
expansion and growth. It is also a reminder that our Journey is an
infinite Adventure in which we can Decide, at any time, that our old
self has completed its Cycle of usefulness. Once we Choose to leave
our old self behind we simply need to follow the example of the
Phoenix: immerse ourself in the Spiritual Fire of Sacrifice and
Transformation, and use the ashes of our old self to create the
new person we are Destined to Become.
(See Also: "The Unicorn")
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Refusal Of Sacrifice (Symbol And Metaphor)
"Iron rusts from disuse;
water loses its purity from stagnation...
even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind."
- Leonardo da Vinci
(This article is the conclusion of the article on Sacrifice)
As previously alluded to, The Act of Sacrifice is an act of
Creative Destruction. It is the act of giving up, and leaving behind
us, that which we have already become, and using our Past
achievements, Lessons, and experiences, as stepping-stones to
new Adventures.
Sacrifice is a metamorphosis. It is a Doorway, a Threshold, a
Vesica Piscis we must step through in order to experience all of
the personal, mental, and spiritual growth available to us during
our Current Incarnation.
But, what happens to us when we refuse to accept, and submit
ourselves to, the Act of Sacrifice?
From the moment we refuse to Sacrifice who we currently are for
who we can ultimately become, we find ourselves frozen in Time;
our Incarnation stagnates and solidifies; and our future becomes a
crystallized, monotonous repetition in which we basically re-live the
same day over and over for the remaining days of our "life".
Metaphorically, when we refuse to submit ourselves to Sacrifice and
Transformation, we allow ourselves to be "nailed to the cross of
matter" upon which we stagnate, deteriorate, and decay.
To use another metaphor, Refusal of Sacrifice is to voluntarily
confine ourselves within a narrow and high-walled Tower of our
own design wherein we simply horde whatever possessions we have
accumulated while forsaking imagination, enthusiasm, and desire
for any future growth, achievements, or new Adventures.
This restrictive Tower, which we slowly, methodically, and
unconsciously construct around ourselves, not only deteriorates
with time, but is constantly being attacked by external forces. And
the more we attempt to fortify and defend this self-created fortress
of ours, the more we find ourselves fighting a losing and futile battle
with the timeless forces of evolution, progress and growth. And, in
the end, as our protective Tower slowly becomes our self-created
prison, we finally find ourselves crying out for help and pity as our
short-lived material world crumbles all about us.
We see the sad and lonely results of the Refusal of Sacrifice all
around us every day. Those who Refuse the Act of Sacrifice are
those who ferociously cling to their old selves and their old
accomplishments. These time-worn individuals are so intent on
watching their old "pots" and "nests" that they do not notice the
great abundance of pots and nests that are continually passing
them by. Their lives become a stale, moldy repetition simply
because, at some point in their Incarnation, they Refused to step
through the beckoning Threshold of Sacrifice and embrace the
greater achievements, and bolder Quests, which are the rewards
of Change, Transformation, and Sacrifice. They are the faceless
masses we encounter every day who have traded personal, mental,
and spiritual growth for the illusion of security, conformity, and
We live in a realm of Duality and Choices in which we are constantly
encountering Crossroads, or Forks-In-The-Road, where life-altering
Decisions must be made. One such Fork-In-The-Road presents us
with the Choice of traveling upon either the "Road of Sacrifice" or
the "Road of the Refusal of Sacrifice". The Road we ultimately
Choose to travel is entirely up to us. For only we can determine
whether we will travel upon the "Road of Refusal of Sacrifice":
which leads us to stagnation, complacency, and conformity…or the
"Road of Sacrifice": which continually leads us to new Adventures,
broader Horizons, and Enlightenment.
(This article is the conclusion of the article on Sacrifice)
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sacrifice - Symbol And Metaphor
"Change is the Essence of life...
Be willing to surrender what you are
for what you could become."
- Unknown
When we study ancient teachings, we begin to discover that the
Act of "Sacrifice" has an entirely different meaning than that which
our religious and social institutions have imposed upon us.
Through guilt-ridden Indoctrination since our childhood, we have
been encouraged to blindly follow the concept that "sacrifice" is
the giving away of our material possessions, or the giving away
of something of ourselves, to bureaucracies, religious groups,
and numerous other "charitable" organizations who will then "best
determine" how to distribute the fruits of our labors.
And while the voluntary giving of ourselves to a noble cause of
our own Choosing is a spiritually rewarding Act of Charity on our
behalf, and is highly encouraged, it is only one aspect of Sacrifice.
For on a much deeper level, the Symbolism and Metaphor that is
associated with the Act of Sacrifice has an entirely different
esoteric meaning.
The Act of Sacrifice referred to in ancient texts is the Sacrificing of
who and what we are today for the who and what we Choose to
become tomorrow.
Sacrifice, in its most ancient and sacred aspect, is an ongoing
process whereby we are continually "Sacrificing", giving up, and
leaving behind us, that which we have already become, and using
our Past achievements, Lessons, and experiences, as stepping-
stones to new Adventures. The Act of Sacrifice, therefore,
Symbolizes the constant metamorphosis to which we must submit
ourselves in order to gain Self-Improvement, Self-Instruction, and
Self-Evolution. Acts of spiritual and mental Sacrifice continually
elevate us to higher and higher planes of Wisdom, Truth, and
knowledge, which eventually lead us to Enlightenment and
Spiritual Perfection.
Legend, Mythology, and Ancient Texts provide us with numerous
Symbols and Metaphors which represent the Act, and process, of
Some of the most familiar are:
...The Christ on the Cross;
...Odin (Wothan) suspended on the World Tree;
...The Pelican piercing its own breast to nourish its offspring;
...The Legendary and Heroic Quests in Mythology and fables;
...And, in perhaps our most familiar, enchanting and beautiful Act
of Sacrifice, we have the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the
butterfly; whereby the caterpillar voluntarily Changes from that
which it currently is into what it ultimately is Destined to Become.
When we contemplate the Act of Sacrifice in its most esoteric
aspect, we find that it consists of three distinct and different types:
Simple, Powerful, and Sublime. And each of these types of Sacrifice
takes place within a different realm: the physical realm, the mental
realm, and the spiritual realm.
Simple Sacrifice: This type of Sacrifice takes place in our physical
realm. It consists of the everyday, mundane, "normal" Changes we
experience and accept as matter-of-fact happenings. Simple Sacrifice
consists of Changing from one style of life to another. Some examples
are: our first day at school, enrolling in a new school, moving to a new
city, pursuing a degree or certificate in a new field, our first job or
career, a new job or career, marriage, parenthood, starting a new
relationship, ending an existing relationship.
Powerful Sacrifice: this type of Sacrifice takes place in our
mental realm. Powerful Sacrifice is the embracing, and following
through, of Life-Changing Adventures. Powerful Sacrifice consists
of the Dreams we passionately pursue, the Guiding Stars we focus
our sights upon, and the Destinies we are anxious to face. When we
pursue Powerful Sacrifice we enter the realm of the Trailblazer,
the Seeker, the Lone Wolf, and the Wizards and Wanderers.
Sublime Sacrifice: this type of Sacrifice takes place in our
Spiritual realm. Spiritual Sacrifice is the continual pursuit of, and
the metamorphosis we experience through, Self-Initiation, Spiritual
Enlightenment, and Esoteric Wisdom. The achievement of Sublime
Sacrifice is depicted within the Symbolism of The Hermit card in
the Tarot deck.
In order for us to Change, and Become more than we currently are,
we must be prepared, and willing, to leave our old Self behind in
order for our new Self to blossom. This is the Divine Principle, and
Lesson, of esoteric Sacrifice.
The Act of voluntary Sacrifice is the prelude to metamorphosis
(Change). It is the Creative Destruction which enables us to
Transcend to the next higher-plane of our Spiritual Journey.
Sacrifice is the Doorway, the Vesica Piscis, the Threshold, which we
must step through in order to experience the Adventure, Growth,
and Awareness awaiting us during our Current Incarnation.
Sacrifice does not require that we forsake the knowledge, Lessons,
and experiences, we have already obtained. The Act of Sacrifice is
the Act of taking what we have already Become with us as we
Journey into our next Adventure. For they are the traits and
essences we will use as cobblestones as we continue to construct
our own very special Path which leads us to our personal Destiny.
Added on August 22, 2012: In its most sublime meaning Sacrifice
is a metaphor for the cleansing and purification processes required
to ascend to higher and higher levels of Initiation; it is the Esoteric
process of Alchemical purification.
In other words, Sacrifice is the willing act of shedding all of our
impuruties, weaknesses and faults. It is also the process whereby
we rid ourselves of all of the Guilt, Threats and Obligations along
with all of the false Indoctrinations which have been heaped upon
us during our Current Incarnation.
In order to Ascend we must Sacrifice; for Ascension is a process of
self-purification whereby we Sacrifice our previous lower self (and
selves) so that we may attain the highest levels of Enlightenment,
Illumination, Wisdom and Perfection.
(See Also: "Refusal of Sacrifice" and "The Higher Cause")
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Trailblazer - Symbol And Metaphor
"Remember what Bilbo used to say:
Its a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door.
You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet,
there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
- J.R.R. Tolkien, "Lord Of The Rings"
In all great accomplishments and discoveries someone must be the
first to imagine them, pursue them, and ultimately bring them into
existence. This unique someone is the Trailblazer.
The Trailblazer is The Great Achiever; the Changer of History.
The Trailblazer is the Sovereign Lone Wolf who breaks down the
old, established barriers...travels into uncharted territory...and
establishes bold, new Horizons for others to follow.
The Trailblazer is the upsetter of the status quo: the true individual
who takes the first step on hallowed grounds which have never
before experienced a human Footprint. And while the vast majority
of people live in fear of Change, the Trailblazer is that one rare and
Self-Confident Adventurer who has the imagination, perseverance,
and courage to follow their Dream, their Path, their beckoning Star,
to its Journey's end while always embracing their personal Destiny.
He, or she, is the founder of new cities and industries; the un-Veiler
of new ideas and concepts; the creator of new inventions and
innovations; the maker of history; the remembered and celebrated;
the Hero and Heroine of fable, mythology, legend, and history.
Trailblazers are the Einsteins, the Newtons, the da Vincis, and the
Galileos: they are the immortals that are admired and respected
throughout Time.
However, although admired, respected, and honored today, we must
not forget the heavy price each and every Trailblazer willingly and
enthusiastically paid while pursuing their Quest which "upset the
apple cart" of the complacent, embedded establishments of their
When we read the biographies of these great "Champions of Change"
we find that each Trailblazer was constantly ridiculed, discredited,
and scorned by the established mediocrities, and self-proclaimed
"experts" who lorded over the outdated bureaucracies and
institutions of their time. But in the end, these same bureaucracies
and institutions, which at first made every attempt to stone these
Trailblazers to death, ultimately realized that they could not stem
the tide of Change.
Upon realizing that they could no longer reign-in these Lone Wolfs
who were dragging society, kicking and screaming into new and
wondrous times, they finally bowed to the achievements of these
life-changing Individuals. The "red carpet" was then rolled out for
these newly accepted Heroes and Heroines, and these Trailblazers
suddenly found themselves honored with holidays, commendations,
state dinners, and having their portraits placed upon postage stamps
and commemorative coins.
And the same established mediocrities and self proclaimed "experts"
who previously tried to destroy the efforts of these Trailblazers, now
begged for the opportunity of having these Heroes and Heroines
attend their parties, banquets and state dinners so that they could
be seen standing side-by-side, and appear to be a peer, of these
new Trailblazers.
But, the Truth is, the Trailblazer is peerless. And it is the confident,
curious, and imaginative qualities of these Individuals which strike
fear into the heart of all established mediocrities, stagnated
institutions, and moldy organizations. For it is the Trailblazer who is
responsible for ushering in the Creative Destruction which disrupts
the status quo and allows the Path of human evolution to re-continue.
And although accolades, ceremonies, awards, and banquets are
ultimately forced upon the Trailblazer, these are not, nor have they
ever been, the rewards that the Trailblazer was originally seeking.
For the Trailblazer is merely driven by, and rewarded by, the
Simplicity of their childlike imagination, by the lure of their innocent
curiosity, and by the refreshing and pure atmosphere of their own
Thoughts and Dreams. They are the Initiates, the Seekers, and
the Wizards and Wanderers whose curiosity, imagination, and
persistence is responsible for keeping mankind on its on its slow,
methodical and wondrous Path of Evolution.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
changer of history,
creative destruction,
lone wolf,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Egyptian Weighing Of The Heart
(Symbol And Metaphor)
(image via Wikipedia)
In the Egyptian Book Of The Dead we encounter a Ceremony called
the "Weighing Of The Heart" in which the deceased Pharaoh is led
into the underworld by Anubis, the Egyptian Neter who is the
"Guardian of the Way". There the Pharaoh's heart is placed upon
the Scales of Justice and weighed against the Feather of Maat.
If the weight of the Pharaoh's heart was less than, or equal to, the
weight of the Feather, he was then led onward to meet Osiris who
welcomed the recently deceased Pharaoh into the afterlife. However,
if the Pharaoh's heart weighed more than the Feather of Maat, the
Pharaoh was immediately devoured by Ammit, a beast with the
head of a crocodile, the front legs and body of a lion, and the back
legs of a hippopotamus.
This "Day of Judgement", as it is referred to in other religious texts,
may strike us as a hideous trial which is imposed upon the recently
deceased Pharaoh. However, powerful Lessons are often contained
within "stories" which rattle our emotions and strike fear into our
imagination. But, as we shall see, the "Weighing of the Heart"
Ceremony is actually a powerful metaphor, a teaching tool, which
reveals to the Seeker and Initiate an ancient and eternal Truth.
Although the "Weighing Of The Heart" Ceremony contains a great
deal of Symbolism, we need only to focus on the following five
Symbols to understand the Lesson contained within this particular
Ritual: The Pharaoh, the Feather of Maat, the Heart, the beast
Ammit, and the Underworld.
Pharaoh: This is a Symbol, and a Metaphor, which teaches us that
just as the Pharaoh is the ruler of a material kingdom, so too are we
Pharaohs of our own personal kingdom: the kingdom of our mind,
body and Spirit. A kingdom for which we alone bear the sole
responsibility for either its expansion or demise.
Heart: The Heart is the Spiritual Center of our physical body. It is a
Symbol for our Inner Temple in which our Atman (our God-Within)
and our Divine Nature reside.
Feather of Maat: The Feather represents the most minuscule
weight. In the "Weighing Of The Heart" Ceremony, the Feather is
a Symbol for perfect balance, weightlessness, Harmony, and
Ammit: The beast Ammit Symbolizes our Inner Demons which we
must continually grapple with as we Journey through our Current
Incarnation. Either we boldly conquer our Inner Demons, or they
end up devouring us.
Underworld: The Underworld is that dark, silent place within
each one of us. The Underworld Symbolizes a place where a
"rite of passage" occurs. It is a place of Initiation, deep within
ourselves, where we must go to in order to resolve our dilemmas
and to grapple with, and conquer, our Inner Demons. It is a place
of Decision, Contemplation, and Growth. We do not return from
the Underworld as the same person who originally entered into it.
There is a natural order which prevails throughout the Universe.
The Ancient Egyptians called this natural order Maat.
When we are in perfect Balance with Maat, we experience Peace,
Harmony, and light-heartedness in our life. It is during these times
that we find ourselves in control of both sides of Duality and our
Heart weighs less than the Feather of Maat.
When we are out-of-balance with Maat, we experience stress.
Stress is nothing more than an "unbalanced energy" which the
Qabalists call Qliphoth. These are the times when our Hearts are
"heavier than the Feather of Maat" and we find ourselves grappling
with our Inner Demons, our Ammits, until Balance and Harmony is
restored within us.
Our life is one long Journey of Decisions and Choices. And, as
all major decisions must be "weighed" cautiously and deliberately,
these are the times when we find ourselves retreating into our own
Underworld within ourselves (Our Subconscious) to grapple with
the various dilemmas and demons which confront us during our
times of indecision and strife. We begin our Underworld Journey
with confusion, uncertainty, and a degree of fear. Or, to state it
metaphorically, we begin our Journey into our Underworld with
a "heavy heart".
However, slowly we begin to unravel our dilemmas and conquer
our Inner Demons. When we are done with this particular "rite of
passage", our dilemmas become clear and our Inner Demons vanish.
Once our Inner Demons are conquered, and our confusions are
clearly resolved, we can leave our Underworld with the "lightest of
hearts", proceed upon the Path of our Current Incarnation, pursue
our Personal Destiny, fulfill our Dreams, and bask in the Peace,
Contentment, and Simplicity of our personal kingdom.
Throughout the course of Our Current Incarnation it is very easy for
us to acquire a "heavy heart" by way of burdens which are heaped
upon us, not only by ourselves, but by all of the various aspects of
society. These difficult to recognize burdens are covered in depth in
the articles on "Sin", "Karma" and "Guilt, Threats and Obligations".
See also:
"Sin and Judgment Day"
"The Feather As A Symbol"
"Maat - Egyptian Goddess"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Instruction vs. Indoctrination
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost
We live in a realm of Duality, and often we find ourselves standing
at a Crossroad where we are required to Choose between two
diverging Paths: one which is easy, or one which is right.
One of these forks-in-the-road, which each one of us must Choose
to travel sooner or later, is between the Road which leads us to
Instruction or the Road which leads us to Indoctrination. And,
although the names of these two Roads sound quite similar they are,
in fact, two entirely different Paths. And because they are two very
different Paths it is important that we weigh the Consequences of
Choosing one Path over the other.
Indoctrination: This is the easy path; the path of the crowd.
Indoctrination is the one-sided presentation of an idea, theory,
Choice, or Belief. It is something which is imposed upon us by
either subtle means, such as guilt or salesmanship, or by forceful
means, such as fear or threat.
In other words, Indoctrination is a form of "brainwashing". It is the
removal of previous held Beliefs and ideals so that new, regimented
dogmas can be implanted. Indoctrination, in its most fanatical sense,
is aimed at, and accepted by, the most Ignorant, gullible and weakest
of minds.
When we willingly and unquestionably accept Indoctrination, our
Horizons shrink and our growth and Thinking become stagnated
and frozen. We are required to live in a world of policies and
procedures which are not of our own Choosing. Our Imagination
and Dreams are "surgically removed" from our thought process
and our Individual Sovereignty is forfeited to those whose sole
purpose is to dominate and control others.
Indoctrination fractures and divides in its attempt to conquer and
dominate. This fracturing and division is openly visible in the
political and religious organizations which occupy our planet.
However it also exists, just as strongly if not as openly, in scientific,
mathematic and research groups whereby the faction which has
been Indoctrinated into a regimented belief system fights ferociously
to discredit any new ideas, concepts, or theories brought forth by
free-thinkers and visionaries in that particular field.
Instruction: This is the difficult Path; the "Road less traveled".
It is the Path of the Lone Wolf, the visionary, the free-thinker, the
Seeker. It is the Path of wide Horizons, Imagination and Dreams.
The Path of Instruction is the Path which Blends and Creates. It is
the Road on which we discover Wisdom, Truth, Magic and personal
Adventure. Instruction is the inclusion of all possible natural, and
universal, alternatives along with how they apply to, and are
affected by, Universal Principles.
When we embark upon the Path of Instruction we are handed the
Keys which unlock the secrets of the Universe and are Instructed to
go forth and unlock the doors of Eternal Truths which must remain
locked to all but the True Seeker and Initiate.
In ancient times a worthy and well-qualified Initiate would Seek
admission to one of the Mystery Schools where he, or she, would
be Instructed in the Eternal Wisdom of the Universe. Today, we
no longer have these Mystery Schools, nor do we have any of
the Ancient Masters walking among us. Therefore, if we are to
Truly learn that which is understood by only the very few, we
must Choose to travel "the Path less traveled by" ... the Path of
Self-Initiation and Self-Instruction.
And although the Ancient Masters are no longer among us to help
guide us along our way, they have left us the Keys to Ancient
Wisdom by way of their Sacred Writings, Symbols, Mythologies
and Legends. It is now up to us to simply Choose to grab hold of
their Ancient and Mystical Keys, venture forth upon our own
Personal Path, and unlock the doors which hold the Truth,
Wisdom and Enlightenment of all Eternity.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Thread And The Tapestry
"Our Thoughts, Words, and Actions are the
Threads that Weave the Tapestry of our Lives."
- Joseph Panek
Isn't it amazing how one small, and seemingly insignificant, Event
can be the catalyst which creates significant and dramatic Change?
From the unraveling of well-Woven friendships to the fraying of
tightly knit groups, nations, and worlds, these small and seemingly
insignificant Events serve as the Feather which disrupts the fragile
Balance of equilibrium.
For example, a group of employees have been working together
in Harmony for a number of years. Then, one day, one of these
employees decides that it is time to quit the firm they are working
for and move on. This employee does not leave because of job
dissatisfaction. Perhaps this person wanted to move closer to
family, or to move to a more desirable climate, or because their
spouse received a job transfer. No malice is involved with this
initial employee leaving their job and co-workers.
However, the seemingly innocent action of this employee often
serves as a catalyst and, soon afterwards, a number of other
employees also decide to leave for similar innocent reasons and
things are no longer "the way they were" within the organization.
It almost seems as if this group of employees could have gone
on working together forever, but once that first employee moved
on, that person became the loose thread that unraveled the fabric,
the Harmony, of the group of employees.
A similar situation occurs when one member of a close-knit group
of friends moves to a different city. This friend's move is often the
catalyst, the Thread, which ultimately causes the group to slowly,
but eventually fray and break apart.
Examples of "The Thread That Unravels The Tapestry" occur not
only on the social plane, but on the personal, mental and spiritual
planes as well:
We find a flaw in something we have believed to be true for our
entire lives. This flaw becomes the Thread which unravels the
Tapestry of this Belief, and possibly of our Faith.
One unkind Word spoken, or one unjust Action taken, by someone
dear to us can often be the Thread which ultimately unravels the
Tapestry of a lifelong friendship.
One lie made by us, or told to us, will often be the Thread which
unravels the Tapestry of a years-long bond of trust.
Two lessons can be learned from these examples:
Lesson Number One: We, just like everyone else, are responsible
for our Words and Actions. With this in mind, we must "Weigh" our
Thoughts, Words, and Actions very carefully before we release them
upon others. Doing so insures that we will not expose any loose
Threads which may serve as a catalyst to unravel the Tapestry of
our character.
Lesson Number Two: Change is Eternal. And the longer Balance
is maintained, the less it takes to disrupt that Balance. During any
period of equilibrium, Time is patiently waiting for the proper
moment to drop the Feather which ends the balance that has been
in place for such a long time. At the appropriate moment, Time
drops the inevitable Feather which enables Change to once more
take control of matters and ensure that expansion and evolution
can resume their Eternal trek.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
loose thread,
thread and tapestry,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Crossroads - Symbol And Metaphor
"It is our choices that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities."
- Professor Dumbledore in J.K. Rowling's
"Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets"
A Crossroad is any point where two or more Paths Intersect. This
intersection Symbolizes the focal point of Decision and Creation. It
represents a "meeting place", or a period of contemplation, where
Thoughts and Ideas must Marinate before becoming either a
Decision or a Creation. It also represents a midpoint where the
gods bring people, ideas, and Events together in order to satisfy
Symbolically, a Crossroad is represented by either the Symbol X,
or the Symbol Y.
When represented by the Symbol X, the Crossroad portrays
Creation or Decision in the material realm. This is due to the fact
that the X has four distinct "legs", and four is the number which
represents matter. The Midpoint of this Symbol, the point at which
its two lines intersect, represents the Union of Duality. Therefore,
the Symbol X represents the Union of Duality in the material
realm; or material creation.
An example of this concept can be found in the familiar surroundings
of the corner tavern, park, or general store where people congregate
and where fellowship is shared and enjoyed; after which everyone
returns from whence they originally came. It is at Crossroads such
as these that the Seeds of new friendships, and new ideas, take
root, grow, and blossom.
A prime example of such a Crossroad is the ancient city of
Alexandria which was a central meeting place for people of all
cultures. It was at Alexandria that people from all different walks of
life met, shared, and deposited their knowledge and Beliefs. It was
the ideal Midpoint for the Blending of Differences.
When represented by the Symbol Y, the Crossroad signifies
Creation or Decision in the mental or spiritual realm. This is due
to the fact that the Symbol Y has three distinct "legs", and three
is the number which signifies creation in the unseen world; the world
of Mind and Spirit. The Midpoint of this Symbol, the point at which
its three lines intersect, is the focal point of all abstract Creation
and Decision (See: "Trivia" and the "Three Gunas").
The Y Crossroad is the lonely fork-in-the-road where we gaze at
two separate roads which fade into the Horizon and must decide
which Road we will travel. It is the point at which the Lone Traveler,
or the Lone Wolf, must make an important Choice. For although
we can see to the Horizon, we cannot see that which is beyond.
The Adventures we experience beyond the Horizon of the Road we
ultimately Choose to travel will change our life forever, and we will
not return as the same person who initially ventured forth.
The Y Crossroad is the Crossroad which appears in Mythology
and Legend and is a metaphor for the lone, personal, enigmatic,
and life-changing Decisions which constantly confront us as we
journey through our Current Incarnation.
As no great decision should ever be made lightly, the Y Crossroad
also represents a time and place of pause, contemplation, and
Marination of Thought which we all must suffer through, and accept,
prior to moving onward.
As we travel from one Crossroad to another we begin to understand
that every Decision we make brings forth a Creation into our life. We
also begin to understand that every Creation which manifests itself in
our life is but the result of some Decision we made at some previous
Crossroad in our Past.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
blending of differences,
union of duality
Sunday, October 3, 2010
War, Peace And The Common Enemy
"For an average man, the world is weird because
if he's not bored with it, he's at odds with it."
-Carlos Castaneda
War and Peace are perhaps two of the most dramatic extremes of
duality which we can experience in the physical realm. And yet,
regardless of whether we are experiencing Peace or War, we always
seem to require a Common Enemy upon whom we can vent our
personal frustrations.
War, a masculine aggressive energy, is the far most extreme of the
negative side of Passion. It is born from the Seed of a prolonged
Cycle of Peace. And, just like any other intense passion, War only
ends when all parties become physically, mentally and emotionally
exhausted with the barbaric tragedy they have brought upon
themselves and finally say, "Stop! We have had enough! Give
us Peace".
Peace, a feminine passive energy, is the extreme opposite of War.
After War has exhausted us we breathe a sigh of relief and are
thankful for our new found Peace. However, over time, Peace, just
like War, begins to rear the ugly head of its negative extreme; this
is the time when the ego over-rules common sense.
After an extended period of Peace, nations and cultures find
themselves basking in the by-products of their extended Peace.
These by-products are laziness, complacency, apathy, self-denial,
and boredom.
It is at this extreme that nations and cultures are most vulnerable.
This is the time when the entire bureaucracy, and nearly all of the
population, refuses to acknowledge even the slightest possibility
that change is imminent until some "unexpected" event blasts
them out of their complacency. Once this "unexpected" event
occurs, the bureaucratic "experts" proclaim that they "never saw
it coming", and the shocked populace cries out, "We want blood!".
And so it goes, on and on, the continuing Cycle of War...Peace...
The Common Enemy is the "faceless them" on which mankind
takes out its frustrations in both times of Peace and times of War.
In times of War, mankind expresses its inflamed passion against
another nation or culture. In times of Peace nations and cultures
vent the frustrations of their restless boredom against their fellow
Swayed and agitated by political, religious and social factions, which
have nothing else to do, mankind is coerced into believing that its
once common friend is now its common enemy.
However, these imagined foes are nothing more than external
projections of the personal frustrations, inner emptiness, lack of
direction, and the mental boredom that are the side effect of an
extended Peace.
History has shown us that mankind can neither tolerate the Passion
of War nor the Boredom of Peace.Therefore the endless Cycle of
War and Peace continues to repeat itself.
However, this does not mean that we, as individuals, are required
to partake in the folly of the masses. Those of us who are Seekers,
Initiates, Wanderers, or Lone Wolfs have the ability, and
responsibility, to Choose what is best for us during our Current
During all Cycles of War, Peace, and times in-between, there are
always rare individuals who achieve and excel regardless of any
external conditions.
They excel because they concentrate on only the positive aspects
of Passion and Inactivity. Positive Passions are the burning
desires and the childlike curiosities which accompanied us into
our Current Incarnation. Positive Inactivities are the dreams and
imaginings we long to incorporate into our lives.
When we are able to combine Positive Passion with Positive
Inactivity we no longer need to seek outside ourselves that which
already exists, in its entirety, within us.
And while the masses may be torturing themselves with their own
self-created mayhems and frustrations, we, as Lone Seekers,
have the ever-present option of walking an entirely different Path;
a Path which leads us to Contentment, Harmony, and many
unique Adventures.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Baal - Myth And Symbol
"The beginning of wisdom is to
call things by their right names."
- Chinese proverb
It has been a common practice, throughout the history of mankind,
that when one civilization conquers another, the structures of the
vanquished are replaced, renamed and discredited by the victors.
This holds true for not only political and social structures but for
religious structures as well.
This process of replacing, renaming and discrediting has caused us
to lose the true meaning of many ancient words along with the true
meaning, and understanding, of the names of numerous ancient
deities which we now call gods and goddesses.
One prime example of this process of renaming and discrediting
comes to us in the name of the Ancient Deity, Baal.
Baal today is considered to be, and is presented to us as being,
the name of an evil entity we now call the devil. However, upon
taking a closer look at the name of Baal we get an entirely different
meaning; we see that it represents a very ancient Divine Principle.
The name Baal consists of two ancient words: Ba and Al.
Ba is the Spark of Divinity which enters into, and resides within,
matter. Therefore, Ba is incarnated spirit (See: Ba and Ka).
Spirit, in its unencumbered state, is eternal, infinite and free.
This is metaphorically expressed by us when we refer to someone
as being a "free spirit". Once spirit enters matter, it becomes
imprisoned within the object it occupies for some period of time.
During this period of time, spirit longs to once again be free.
Al (also pronounced and written as El) is the ancient name of
Divinity, or God. Al, or El, refers to The One...The Eternal Unity...
The Eternal Constant...The Source.
When Al, or El, is combined with another word it represents
aspects, or manifestations, of Divinity. We see this in the word
Elohim which means "council of angels" or "council of Gods and
Goddesses". The Elohim are the many different manifestations
of Divinity; they are the Egyptian Neters and the Sumerian
When Al, or El, is meant to refer to a specific aspect of Divinity
it appears in the name of a specific spiritual entity. For example,
El appears in the names of many of the angels such as Michael,
Gabriel, Nathaniel, and Raphael . Angels, just like Neters, are
Divine Principles and represent a specific aspect, or manifestation,
of Divinity.
Once we have an understanding of these two words, We now see
that the name Baal is no longer is the evil spirit, or the "devil", we
have been led to believe it is. Baal is a Divine Principle, a Neter,
which represents, and Symbolizes, the descent of Spirit into
matter...the binding of Spirit with matter...physical creation...birth!
This descent of Spirit into matter is what is referred to in some
religious texts as "the fall" and "original sin".
However, "the fall", or "original sin" is not the self-imposed guilt
that many of us have been erroneously led to believe we must incur.
It is the moment when Spirit creates matter out of a Divine Thought,
so that each one of us may be born into this material realm and
experience a physical existence in union with the Spiritual Essence,
the Spark of Divinity, the Atman, which resides within all of us.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"Be careful not to paint yourself into a corner."
-Familiar Expression
The universe is an enormous and unlimited Source of creative
energy. It contains all of the ideas, concepts, and Truths which are
both imaginable and, in our present state of evolution, unimaginable.
It provides each one of us with more doorways, opportunities, and
experiences than we can possibly sample and savor in one single
And although we cannot savor everything that the universe has to
offer us in one finite lifetime, we nonetheless have the opportunity
of plucking and tasting as many of its fruits as we are able to grab
from the branches of its ever abundant Tree, and its overflowing
Yet, with all of this abundance literally lying all around us, we are
"taught", at a very early age, that we must "select" a career, a
religion, and numerous other mindsets, and that we must limit our
concentration and energy to only these choices for the remainder
of our life. Keep in mind these initial Choices which we are
"required" to make are imposed upon us while we are still a child!
Then, after we have made our initial Decisions, we are further
required to "refine" and "specialize" our skills, careers, beliefs,
and social groups.
Slowly and methodically, at a very early age, the abundance of
the universe is taken away from us, piece by piece, and replaced
with everyday monotony. Childlike excitements, enthusiasms,
and dreams are replaced with the best conformity, sophistication
and maturity that society has to offer. Without even being aware
of what is happening to us we are, again at a very early age,
being painted into a corner.
Once we are placed into our Corner, something else happens to
us. We start to actually Believe that our way of thinking, our point
of view, and our way of doing things, is the only "right way" and
we begin to discredit any idea or Opinion that is contrary to the
structured dogmas that have been ingrained into us. Our Corner
is now getting narrower and narrower.
And finally, once we have comfortably "settled" into our very own
personal little Corner, our Ego commits all of our time and energy
into defending this minuscule Corner of ours to the point that we
slowly become Ignorant of all of the other opportunities, Choices,
ideas, and experiences that abound all around us. We place too
much egotistical emphasis on our minute, personal corner and
very little, if any, emphasis on our material, mental and spiritual
Then, one day, something happens. We may go on a camping
trip or rent a cabin in the woods. We feel refreshed, renewed and
exhilarated to be free from our Corner and part of the wide open
freedom of Nature. The longer we remain in this setting the less
important our little Corner seems to us. We begin to long for the
boundless Freedom that is Truly available for us to experience.
However, our Ego will not allow us to think in these terms. It
reminds us that although our little "vacation" is refreshing and
rewarding, it is not "real". Our Ego tells us that we must hurry
back and defend our little Corner.
However, contrary to anything our Ego may try to convince us of,
this experience we have just enjoyed with Nature and its boundless
Freedom is as real as it gets!
This Real Freedom, along with the Peace and Contentment it
provides, is actually far more Real than the "real" imprisonment
we have created for ourselves in some unfulfilling Corner which
we call job, duty, responsibility, security, and society.
The more we paint ourselves into a Corner, the more we pinpoint
ourselves to, and place ourselves at the mercy of, the factions,
activities and events which occur in the locality where our Corner
is located.
We occupy a remote location, in a remote country, on a remote
planet, in a remote solar system, in an Unlimited Universe. Out
in the universe all is open, unrestricted, and Free. There are no
Corners out there in the universe. We are the only ones who
can create and bind ourselves to the localities, restrictions, and
Corners which ultimately restrict and torment us.
The farther we can remove ourselves from any one locality, Corner,
or way of thinking, the more we become unlimited, and Free, to
embrace and enjoy not only all of the various ideas, enjoyments and
experiences which are available to us here on earth, but also all of
the boundless and unlimited Blessings that the universe, Itself, is so
ready and anxious to bestow upon each one of us.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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