Sunday, August 28, 2011
Flying(Dreams, Mythology, and Symbolism)
"I fly because it releases my mind
from the tyranny of petty things."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"Angels can fly because they carry no burdens."
- Eileen Elias Freeman,
"The Angels' Little Instruction Book"
Most of us have had dreams of flying; of soaring to breathtaking
heights. In addition, the mythologies and legends of numerous
cultures throughout our world speak of winged-serpents, flying
horses, winged-angels, and flying carpets.
Flying is an inbred part of both our consciousness and our
Subconscious...our dreams. And because it is such a deeply
embedded part of our dreams, it means that flying is more than
just a mere curiosity. For, to be a part of our dreams, Flying must
also be an archetypal part of our DNA. This means that Flying
must be an original pattern, concept, myth, or Divine Principle
which has been a part of our collective unconscious since the
earliest ages of our most remote ancestry.
With these Thoughts in mind, let us look into the Symbolism and
mythology of Flying.
Symbolically, and in dreams, Flying represents: freedom, joy,
confidence, and independence.
Esoterically, it represents: the soaring mind, higher consciousness,
elevated perception, total Awareness, Spirituality, and the
All-Seeing Eye. Therefore Flying is a Spiritual reminder of the
Divine Essence, and unlimited potential, which exists within us
and forever accompanies us as our higher-self...our God Within...
our Atman.
As a Symbol for Ascension, Flying is similar to the Ladder.
However, where the Ladder represents indirect Ascension
achieved one-rung-at-a-time by way of many re-incarnations,
Flying represents the rapid, and direct, Ascension which can
be achieved in one Incarnation.
Flying, as rapid and direct ascent, represents the freedom and
ability to soar at will above the mundane and superficial. It means
that all chains and obligations to the material realm have been
tossed away. All Lessons have been properly Learned and their
Wisdom thoroughly absorbed. We are now free to Fly-Away to
anywhere, and any-when, we Choose; for all bonds to the material
have been completely discarded.
As a note: further Symbolism for direct Ascension versus indirect
Ascension comes to us by way of two Neters from Ancient Egypt.
Osiris (the Ibis) represents the process of indirect Ascension
through many re-incarnations. Horus (the hawk) represents the
process of soaring to direct Ascension, which some are able to
achieve, in only one Incarnation.
An interesting quote regarding direct Ascension comes to us from
the Episode "Meridian" in the Stargate SG-1 series: "When the
mind is enlightened, the spirit is free and the body matters not."
The Winged Horse Symbolizes "the heightening power of natural
forces" ***.
The horse is an ancient Symbol for Travel and journeying. Adding
wings to the horse, therefore, enables it to not only Travel faster
but to also Travel into higher realms. The Winged Horse, therefore,
is a magical and mystical creature which has the spiritual ability
to carry a worthy and well-qualified Initiate away from the world
of gross matter and into the higher, more sublime, and rarefied
realms which are the domain of Spirit and Divinity.
The Winged Horse and the Unicorn are both mystical and
magical horse-like creatures that have the ability to Travel
between realms. But, unlike the Winged Horse, the Unicorn
does not carry anyone.
Winged Angels are Symbolic representations of enlightened
beings who have the ability to Travel between all realms and
act as Spiritual Guides, or Messengers
In addition, Angels are a much later representation of the
Egyptian Neter.
The Winged Serpent Symbolizes the Union of matter with
Spirit which is the inherent make-up of all persons, plants,
animals, and minerals which occupy the realm of duality and
matter. It is a Symbolic reminder that even the lowliest creature
contains the spark of Spirit within it.
The Flying Carpet: How many of us have been enchanted by
the "Tales of the Arabian Nights" wherein the hero, or heroine,
steps onto a Magic Carpet and is instantly transported anywhere
they desire?
Symbolically, a Carpet is a safe, restricted, special, and sacred
space which cushions us from, and separates us from, the earth
or floor beneath us; it also provides comfort and support.
Therefore the Flying Carpet is the Spiritual Support which
insulates us from the mundane and allows us to soar above
the troubles and obstacles which permeate the realm of matter.
In other Words, the Flying Carpet Symbolizes escape from the
mundane, gross, and superficial. It is the Symbolic vehicle that
can be used to Ascend to the higher and more sublime realms of
our most fascinating and spellbinding dreams. It carries us into
the realm of higher Awareness and allows us to perceive great
distances from a higher, and much purer, point-of-view.
In addition, because the Carpet is a flat surface, its Symbolism
is similar to the Truncated Pyramid.
*** From: "A Dictionary of Symbols" by J.E. Cirlot, page 251
in reference to Pegasus.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Pelican (As A Symbol)
There is an ancient legend regarding the Pelican that, in Times of
drastic need, it will pierce its breast to feed its young with its own
blood. Therefore, this ultimate "out-pouring" of the Pelican for its
loved ones makes it a Symbol for Self-Sacrifice and resurrection.
And because of this, the Pelican often appears in crucifixion
The piercing of the breast is a common theme in mythology and
world religions.
Most of us are familiar with the story of Jesus hanging on the
cross wherein someone in the crowd hurls their spear and pierces
Jesus' breast; whereby His blood feeds His faithful followers.
This theme also appears in the legend of Odin (Wodin / Wothan)
who cut open his breast while hanging suspended upon the
World Tree, Yggdrasil.
In Alchemy, the Pelican functions as a Symbol of the selfless
striving for purification.
But what is the meaning of the piercing of the breast? Where does
it come from? And, why the Pelican?
The Pelican collects fish and stores these fish in its large bill. When
its bill is full, the Pelican returns home to feed its young with these
In order for the Pelican to empty its bill, it must press its bill
against its breast in order to force out the contents. This makes it
Appear as if the Pelican is stabbing itself in its breast.
And because the Pelican appears to be "stabbing itself in its breast "
when it empties its bill to feed its young it has become a Symbol
of Self-Sacrifice.
When it comes to the term "Sacrifice", it is important to keep in
mind that there are two very different and distinct definitions for
this term. There is common sacrifice, and there is Esoteric Sacrifice.
Common sacrifice is the corrupted and debased definition which is
is "fed" to us by the various factions of society whereby we are told
that we must give willingly, freely, and often to every person and
every organization which makes demands of us. This type of
guilt-ridden Sacrifice is covered in great detail in the article on:
"Guilt, Threats, and Obligations".
Esoteric Sacrifice, on the other hand, is a completely different
Lesson and Instruction. Esoteric Self-Sacrifice is the free and
willing giving of ourselves from within to those who are Truly worthy
and well-qualified. This is the Lesson alluded to in the Symbolism
of the Pelican. For the Pelican's Self-Sacrifice is the Sacrifice
which comes comes from within itself and is "poured out" to those
who have proven themselves to be worthy and well-qualified.
This mystical Truth regarding common sacrifice versus Esoteric
Sacrifice is made very clear to us in the Words of Jesus in His
sermon on the mount, when He said:
"Nor cast your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet,
and turn and tear you in pieces." (Matt. 7:6)
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
"One who knows does not speak.
One who speaks does not know"
- Tao Teh Ching, Lesson 56
"Bear in mind that those who are finer and nobler
are always alone - and necessarily so - and that
because of this they can enjoy the purity
of their own atmosphere."
- Albert Einstein
As we Travel through our Current Incarnation we come to recognize,
time and again, that there are two sides to every idea, issue, and
Furthermore, we also find that a trait which can present itself in a
positive light in one person can present itself in a negative light in
another person.
A trait is a tool. And, just like any other tool, a trait can be used to
either create or destroy. For example: a hammer, by itself is simply
a tool. However, a hammer can be used to either build (positive) or
destroy (negative). Neither of these outcomes make the hammer a
good tool or a bad tool. What makes a hammer Appear to be either
positive or negative is the way it is used.
This same Truth applies to how we Choose to use the traits which
we incorporate into our personality.
With this introduction in mind, let us now take a look at the trait of
Arrogance and how it expresses itself through different people.
All things which exist within the realm of Duality have a dual nature,
or purpose. The same holds true for the trait of Arrogance; it has a
positive aspect and it has a negative aspect.
Arrogance can be described as aloofness, indifference, and the
Appearance of acting superior to others. Neither of these aspects,
by themselves, are either positive or negative.
What does make Arrogance either positive or negative is Intent.
Negative Arrogance forces and imposes itself upon others, while
Positive Arrogance simply distances itself from others.
Negative Arrogance:
Negative Arrogance is the kind of personality, or behavior, that we
have come to associate with the term Arrogance. It is by far the
most common, and it is the type of Arrogance which most of us
are familiar with.
Negative arrogance is nothing more than one huge and pompous
"ego trip" in which a person behaves in a way that attempts to show
to the world that he, or she, is "better" than everyone else. These
are the petty tyrants and aristocratically minded persons who are
forever attempting to dominate and impose their ways upon others
through force, cunning, and deceit.
Those who possess Negative Arrogance generally make such a
pest of themselves that others eventually let them "have their way"
in the hope that they will go away satisfied. However, these types
of people are never satisfied and are always coming back for more
attention, accolades, and acceptance.
And though these persons eventually do attract an "entourage",
they are the kind of people who, for the most part, are disliked,
distrusted, and avoided by the purer and nobler minds.
Positive Arrogance:
Positive Arrogance is an extremely rare trait. And though the
individuals who possess Positive Arrogance may Appear to be
aloof and indifferent, it is for an entirely different reason.
These individuals possess Insights into, and Awareness of, ideas
and concepts which are a total mystery to others. These are the
rare few who, because they maintain a completely open mind, are
the beneficiaries of insights, imaginings, visions, and creativity
which are ignored by the average person, the mainstream "expert",
and their egotistically arrogant "know-it-all" counterparts.
And because the Visions, Horizons, and Dreams of these individuals
are so wide and far-reaching, they simply have no Time to waste, or
interest to give, to all of the pettiness and fanfare which dominates
society and attracts the masses.
The individuals who possess Positive Arrogance are the Lone Wolfs,
Trailblazers, and the Wizards and Wanderers of their particular
Time in history.
These individuals are often frustrated that they can so easily "see"
and understand the great abstract concepts which are far beyond the
grasp of society and it mainstream "experts". Their Incarnations are
often materialistically unrewarding but always spiritually rewarding.
These Lone Wolfs Choose to distance themselves from humanity
and only mingle with society when it is absolutely necessary. And
it is for this reason that these individuals, who truly are superior,
appear to the world to be aloof, indifferent, and "arrogant".
Closing Thoughts:
Whenever we hear something spoken by a person who appears
to be presenting themself, and their ideas, in an aloof, indifferent,
superior, and "arrogant" manner, we should ask ourselves the
following questions.
Is it an Arrogance that comes from an "ego trip" of someone who
is attempting to dominate us and impose their will upon us? Or...
Is it an Arrogance that comes from Wisdom, earned knowledge,
and unwavering sureness; which are products of independent
examination, experimentation, analysis, and discovery?
If what we are hearing comes from the former, it is Negative
Arrogance and should be looked upon with extreme caution. If,
however, what we are hearing comes from the latter, it is Positive
Arrogance deserves our full consideration.
To know, and to be Aware, are gifts which are bestowed upon
those persons who can handle the singular, solitary existence.
These are the True Individuals who are in pursuit of noble Quests
and who follow the lure of distant Horizons.
The Wiser and more knowledgeable we Become, the less we have
in common with the rest of the world. This brings about frustration
and impatience not only with the common masses, but with our
perceived "peers" as well. These frustrations are what cause the
Truly Superior person to appear aloof, alone, and indifferent.
These frustrations also cause these individuals to distance
themselves from society and incorporate into themselves the
trait of Positive Arrogance.
These Independent Thinkers and Lone Wolfs continue their Seeker's
journey for Truth andWisdom in the purer atmosphere of their own
company. They Become the Hermits, the Wizards and Wanderers,
and the Trailblazers of history, myth, and legend.
These legendary and historical Heroes pursue their lofty Quests
and distant Horizons alone. And eventually they ascend, again
alone, to their well-deserved higher planes of purer existence.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 2(Symbolism and Metaphor)
"Where the telescope ends the microscope begins,
and who can say which has the wider vision."
-Victor Hugo
In "The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 1" we examined the Symbolism
and metaphor associated with the Triangular-shape of the Pyramid.
In this article, we will explore additional Esoteric aspects of that
wondrous and mystical structure we call the Pyramid.
In this article we will examine the following:
1. The numerology of the Pyramid;
2. The unfinished (truncated) top;
3. The invisible capstone;
4. The "All-Seeing Eye" (which appears on the U.S. Dollar bill);
5. The invisible descending Pyramid.
The structure of the Pyramid contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
The number 1 is represented by the top, or peak, of the Pyramid.
1 is the number of Unity, the Source, and Genesis; it is the
number of the unmanifested aspects of Divinity.
The number 2 is represented by the two points of the axis that
exist at the peak of the Pyramid and its base. In addition to
representing duality the number 2, in this instance, represents
the World Axis, or World Tree. It is by way of this axis, or Tree,
that energy is exchanged between the Spiritual Realm above and
the world of matter below .
The number 3, represented by the Triangular shape of the Pyramid,
is the number of Creation which is explained in Vedic texts by way
of The Three Gunas.
The number 4, which is represented by the four sides of the
Pyramid, is the number which represents both matter and the
The Four Elements of matter: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
The number 5, which by looking downward at the Pyramid from
above and seeing the four sides and the mid-point of its peak,
represents the quintessential (fifth-essential) Fifth Element.
When viewed in this manner, the Symbol of the Dot-Within-The-
Square is similar to that of The Dot Within The Circle.
Additionally, the number 5, which was the sacred number of
Pythagoras and his followers, and was Symbolized by them by
way of the pentagram, represents the Fifth Element referred to
as ki, qi, chi, prana, Aether, akasha, the Hebrew yod, and the
akh of Ancient Egypt.
This Fifth Element is the unmanifested and ever-flowing energy of
Divinity which rains down upon, and provides all aspects of Divine
Energy to, all things which exist in the seen, and unseen, realms
of the cosmos.
The Unfinished Top:
The top of the Great Pyramid is flat, unfinished, truncated. We
see this Symbolism represented of the back of the U.S. one-dollar
bill. This unfinished top represents unfinished work.
This Symbolism is a Lesson that teaches us that our inner-work,
while we still occupy the realm of matter and duality, is never
complete until we reach the state of being which enables us to
ascend to the sublime realms of the eternal heavens above.
The Invisible Capstone:
Pyramids are used as Capstones. Capstones represent a finished
work of great importance. We find Capstones mounted at the top
of obelisks. An obelisk is a vertical rectangular structure with a
Pyramid at its top.
Obelisks are erected at the geographical center, mid-point, or heart
of a city, nation, or civilization. The place where an obelisk is
located is the most important and central point, or heart, of a
culture; a central point which must must be defended at all costs.
The Washington Monument is the obelisk which represents the
heart of the United States.
Obelisks contain the numbers 3 and 4. The number 4 being the
four sides of the rectangle forming the obelisk (numerologically,
the square and rectangle are similar) while the number 3 being
the Triangle of the Capstone (Pyramid) at its top.
The obelisk bonds together the spiritual number 3 with the number
4 of matter; forming a union of our spiritual and material selfs both
as individuals and as a civilization.
The Invisible Capstone appears above the unfinished Great Pyramid
on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill. In this depiction, the
Invisible Capstone Symbolizes the highest point of ascension and
Awareness we can achieve while still occupying the realm of duality
and matter. The next higher point above this invisible Capstone is the
realm of Ascension where re-incarnation is no longer required of our
spiritual self.
The All-Seeing Eye:
The All-Seeing Eye, also called the "Eye of Horus", represents the
Path of Direct Ascension (whereas Osiris represents the Path of
ultimate Ascension through numerous re-Incarnations).
The All-Seeing Eye appears on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill.
It is located within a Triangle atop of, but not touching, the
unfinished Pyramid.
As the All-Seeing-Eye appears in a Triangle, or Pyramid, this tells
us that it is a Spiritual essence. Also, because the Pyramid which
houses it is above, and not touching, the unfinished Pyramid below,
it reminds us that the All-Seeing Eye, while still being associated
with the world of duality and matter, is no longer a part of that realm.
This location of the All-Seeing-Eye represents the point where the
world of matter comes into contact with the realm of the abstract
and unknown.
The All-Seeing Eye, being atop the highest point of the Pyramid,
Symbolizes the Vision which "sees" clearly in not only all directions
but below and above as well.
However, "seeing" does not merely mean "looking at". This kind of
seeing means total and full Awareness: the ability to both observe
and understand what is occurring in all directions, on all levels, and
in all realms.
At this point, the mortal intellect Becomes prepared to ascend into
the realm of Spiritual Awareness...alone! The mind and Spirit
transcend. Knowledge gives way to Wisdom. Seeing Becomes
total Spiritual Awareness.
At this level we are no longer entrapped within the physical realm
and are about to ascend into the upper, inverted, and invisible
Triangle above, which is the domain of Divinity and higher spiritual
The Invisible Descending Pyramid:
Picture this: an hour-glass with its bottom-half visible and its top-
half invisible. The middle of the hour-glass, where its two points
meet, is where all the action takes place. This mid-point where the
sand from the invisible upper realm descends into the visible lower
realm; this Symbolizes the point of manifestation, Incarnation, and
When all of the sand finally flows into the lower realm, and the job
of the hour-glass (Time) is complete, we then turn the hour-glass
over and return the sand back into the invisible realm from whence
it originally came; this Symbolizes Ascension and Transcendence.
This is the Symbolism associated with the invisible and descending
upper Pyramid mounted atop the visible and ascending lower
Creation occurs in two directions: downward and upward. The top,
invisible, and downward pointing Triangle (Pyramid) represents the
realm of Divinity and Unity as It creates, and manifests, downward
into the realm of matter. The bottom, visible, and upward pointing
Triangle (Pyramid) represents the realm of matter where we work
on freeing ourselves of our material and physical burdens and
perform the inner-work necessary to Ascend ourselves back into
the Spiritual Realm from whence we originally came.
These two Pyramids also represent the visible World Tree and its
invisible, Spiritual counterpart. The invisible Spiritual Tree has its
roots in the heavens and its branches in the realm of matter.
The visible World Tree has its roots in the realm of matter and
its branches in the heavens above. This Symbolizes the ability
of all energies, essences, and beings to both ascend into the
upper realms and descend into the lower realms in a continuous
on-going process of creation and Ascension.
One final note: if we take the upper Triangle and superimpose it
within the lower Triangle we have the Symbol for the "Star of David"
which represents the bonding of spirit within matter, the masculine
with the feminine, the yin and yang, and the Union of Duality.
(See Also: "The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 1")
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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