Sunday, December 25, 2011
Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and The Three Wise Men, or Magi (Symbolism)
Then, opening their treasure chests,
they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.
- Matthew 2:1-12
Three is the number which Symbolizes creation, the creative
principles, and the creative process (See: "The Three Gunas").
Here we find the number Three represented by the Three Wise
Men, or Magi, along with their Three Gifts of Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh.
But, who were these Wise Men, or Magi? And why did they
specifically offer the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
In order to un-Veil the answers these questions we must first
examine the mysticism and and Esoteric meanings hidden
within these ancient and mysterious Wise Men and their Gifts.
The Three Magi (Wise Men): Magi is the plural of Magician;
a word which has become corrupted, abused, and discredited
by modern society.
However, in ancient times, a Magician was someone who
understood herbs, potions, elixirs, healing, divination, the
Cycles of Eternity, and the movement of the heavens. They were
the Initiates who received secret and sacred Instruction regarding
the divine spiritual essences, or "magic", which lies behind all
cosmic and worldly things and Events.
Therefore, in ancient times a magician, and its plural magi, was
a term used to describe Wise Men, Holy Men, Shamans and
Gold: The characteristics and Symbolism of Gold have been
discussed in detail in a previous article titled: Gold - As A Symbol.
Gold is Symbolic of the uncorruptible, the untarnishable, and the
eternal. Therefore Gold is the color used to represent the "Son",
or Atman; the divine spiritual essence which burns within each
one of us.
Frankincense is an aromatic resin which is obtained from an
extremely hardy tree called Bosaellia Sacra which has the ability
to grow in the most hostile, rugged and unforgiving environments.
It has the ability to grow where there is no soil; it can even grow
out of solid rock. Therefore this tree is a Symbol for resilience,
strength, endurance and Sovereignty.
Frankincense is obtained by cutting or slashing the tree so that
its sap can bleed out. The sap bleeds out in the form of "tears";
and this may be the same "tears" referred to in religious lore as
the "tears of the Madonna".
Its pleasant aroma, which was associated with the masculine
energy of the heavens and of life, was mixed with other oils to
anoint newborn babies. Frankincense was also used during
Initiation Ceremonies to anoint worthy Initiates who were entering
into the newer, higher, and more sublime phases of their spiritual
life. Frankincense may have been the same fragrance, mixed with
oils, which was used to anoint the feet of The Christ.
Myrrh is a resin obtained from a thorny tree which grows in dry
and arid desert regions. When the bark of this tree is cut open,
its resin seeps out as a gum.
Myrrh was valued for its medicinal values and was used to disinfect
and cleanse wounds. It also has the ability to mask odors and was
therefore used in embalming Rituals.
Myrrh Symbolizes a feminine and nurturing essence, or energy,
which is linked with the earth.
Conclusion: In ancient times, Frankincense and Myrrh were often
considered to be more valuable than Gold; with Myrrh being the
most valuable of the three.
As Gold represents the untarnishable, the uncorruptible, and the
eternal, it Symbolizes the eternal Source, the eternal Unity, from
which everything in the material realm originates.
As Frankincense Symbolizes the masculine essence and Myrrh
the feminine essence, these two fragrant essences represent the
duality, and extremes of duality, which permeate the created, or
physical, realm.
Frankincense is the fragrance used in the Symbolic anointing oil
which was used to welcome the newborn Christ, and thereby all
newborn infants, into the physical world.
The thorns of the Myrrh tree represent the "Crown of Thorns"
placed upon the head of Jesus at the end of his life. Furthermore,
because Myrrh was used in embalming Rituals, and is linked
to the Earth, it Symbolizes the end of our physical life; the time
when our spiritually vacated bodies are Ceremoniously prepared
for entrance into their final resting place within the nurturing Womb
of Mother Earth. This is the time when our physical bodies are no
longer required as our spirit has already left it to return back to
the Golden Unity from which it originally came.
Therefore, as Gold Symbolizes the One eternal Source of all
creation, Frankincense and Myrrh, on the other hand, represent
the dual result of all creation: life and death; beginning and end.
They are Symbolic the two extremes of duality in the Life-Death
Cycle of the created, or manifested, realm.
And finally, the Three Wise Men (The Three Magi, or Magicians)
represent The Three Gunas. They are Symbolic of the creative
processes, and energies, which permeate all realms of creation.
See also: "The Winter Solstice"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
crown of thorns,
Three Gunas,
Three Magi,
Three Wise Men
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Winter Solstice
"Life, death and rebirth are inevitable."
- Rig Veda
We learn from mythology, legend, and ancient texts that there
are four days of the year which are spiritually and religiously
sacred to all ancient peoples and indigenous cultures. These
four days are the spring and autumn equinoxes and the
summer and winter solstices.
The ancients aligned the windows of their temples, and key
stones of their sacred monuments, so that the rising sun
would shine through these windows or upon the points of
these key stones on these four sacred days. For each one of
these days signified a celebratory moment, and commemorative
Change, in the birth-death Cycle of the Sun during its annual
journey through the sky.
The Winter Solstice, occurring on about December 21st, has
come to be known today simply as the "shortest day of the year".
It is also the time of the year when the festival of Christmas, which
commemorates the Virgin Birth of "The Son", is celebrated
throughout the Christian and Catholic world.
However, to the ancient societies who celebrated and worshiped
the Winter Solstice for its Esoteric significance, the rising sun of
this special day represented much more than simply "the shortest
day of the year" and the birth of "the son"; it heralded in the birth
of "The Sun".
A familiar Christmas Carole reminds us of the significance of this
special and glorious day with the words: "Hark! The herald angels
sing: Glory to the newborn king". For in mythology and Symbolism
king, Gold, and Sun all refer to the same sublime entity and essence.
But what is so important that makes this one moment of the year
so spiritually and sacredly significant? Why do people throughout
the world, at this one specific moment of the entire year, stop all
that they are doing and honor this Son, this Sun, this King, this
Simply put, this is the exact moment of "birth", or "re-birth". It is
the defining moment when The Sun is "re-born" and begins its
semi-annual conquest of coldness and darkness. For it is at this
special moment that the coldness, darkness, and barrenness of
winter finally exhausts its power and is replaced by its victorious
and eternally opposing force: the warmth, brightness, fertility and
abundance of the emerging spring and summer months.
Religious texts speak of a moment when "the sun stood still in
the heavens". This moment occurs twice during every annual
solar Cycle: the summer and winter solstices. For nothing can
reverse its course unless it first comes to a complete standstill.
When the Sun "stands still" in the heavens at the winter solstice
this is the moment when it prepares to reverse its course and
begin its return journey to the lands of the north. A journey which
will eventually "stop" and end at the summer solstice.
The word "solstice" has its root in the Latin words sol which means
"sun", and sistere which means "to come to a stop; to stand still".
Therefore solstice means "the point, or time, at which the sun seems
to stand still".
This annual solar Cycle is also referred to in mythology and legend
as the sun-god Apollo's annual journey through the heavens.
In addition, we read in myths and legends of how the sun is
restricted by means of a rope, fence, or wall: a boundary which it
is forbidden to pass beyond. This mythological rope, fence, or
wall is the Tropic of Capricorn, which is its southernmost boundary
at the winter solstice and the Tropic of Cancer, which is its
northernmost boundary at the summer solstice.
Therefore, when we celebrate Christmas, along with all of the
"gifts" which we are presented with at this festive Time, let us keep
in mind that the True gifts we are receiving are the warmth,
brightness, fertility, and abundance of the upcoming spring and
summer months which are the result of the "rebirth" of The Sun at
the Winter Solstice.
See also: "The Sea Goat [Goat Fish] and Capricorn", and
"Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and the Three Wise Men"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Hyperborea: Beyond the Northern Winds(Mysticism and Mythology)
Now, their mother had told them,
"It's dangerous around here, boys,
and you can go to the east,
to the south, to the west,
but don't go north."
So they go north.
"Transformations of Myth Through Time",
page 37, by Joseph Campbell
The earliest myths tell of a legendary place, and race, which
ushered in the age of mankind on this planet. This legendary
place is called Hyperborea, and its dwellers the Hyperboreans.
The Hyperboreans were the gods and goddesses of myth and
legend who brought the Wisdom and secrets of the universe to the
earliest inhabitants of this planet. They were responsible for the
Golden Age of mankind referred to in ancient texts. A Golden Age
which has since Devolved from sublime spirituality to gross
But who were the Hyperboreans, and where is this Hyperborea
which is spoken of in the most ancient of legends?
Before we can understand what and where Hyperborea is, we
must first study the etymology, or root meaning, of this Word.
Hyper means above, beyond, or over. Boreas means "the north"
or "the north winds". Therefore Hyperborea translates as a
place that is "above and beyond the Northern winds". It is the
polar origin, or polar center, which connects the realm of matter
below with the domain of spirit above.
And as this northern polar center is also called the arctic, let
us now look into the etymology of the word "arctic". Arctic comes
from the Greek arktos meaning "bear; Ursa Major; the region of
the north", the Bear being a northerly constellation (from: Online
Etymology Dictionary).
Therefore "arctic" refers to the Arctic Bear or Polar Bear which,
along with all the other stars in the heavens, rotates around
the cosmic or heavenly center as viewed from our planet. This
cosmic center is currently occupied by the north star we call
It is the rotation of the stars around this cosmic center which
creates the "branches" of the World (or Cosmic) Tree. And, it is
this fixed cosmic center, which is invisibly attached to the
northern-most point of our planet, that creates the axis, or "trunk",
of the World (Cosmic) Tree.
This northern celestial mid-point around which the heavens appear
to rotate is that sacred center which is also represented,
Symbolically, by the Dot Within The Circle.
The far northern lands of our planet are barren and inhospitable
to humans. And because of this these far northern lands, along
with high mountain peaks, have always been considered to be
the domains of gods, spirits, and the Wise Holy Men who occupy
the Borders Between Realms.
Even in the folklore of today we commemorate these far
northern and inhospitable lands every December as we await the
arrival of Santa Claus, and his gift-bearing sled, in his annual
journey from his home in the North Pole.
And how many children relish the gift of a stuffed polar bear under
their Christmas tree?
Yet, as mystical, magical, and intriguing as the legends, myths,
and folklore of these far-northern lands are to us, Hyperborea
refers to a spiritual and metaphysical (beyond the physical) realm
which exists well above and beyond these cold and frigid northern
realms of our planet. For Hyperborea is "above and beyond the
Northern winds".
However, for the Hyperboreans to have contact with us, there
must be a point of entry for them in our realm. This entry point is
the northern pole of our planet. This northern pole, or northern axis
point of our planet, is where the base, or "trunk", of the World
(Cosmic) Tree attaches itself to our world and takes "root".
This northern-most focal point of our planet is where the spiritual
realm of the heavens meets, and interacts with, the physical realm
of earth.
As this northern-most point is where the four major compass
points meet, these four compass points Symbolize the four
rivers which feed the four major roots of the World Tree.
This northern-most point is also the focal point where all of the
lines of longitude merge together and are united as one. Therefore
it is also the point from which all of the sub-roots of the World Tree
begin their branching-out.
And because all of the longitudinal lines and compass points
meet at this one focal point this is also the Omphalos, or navel,
of our planet. In other words, it is the central point where the
umbilical cord of our planet is connected to the heavens,
metaphorically, by way of the "trunk" of the Cosmic (World)
It is by way of this umbilical cord, or "trunk" of the World Tree
which connects heaven and earth, that the heavenly spirits
(Hyperboreans) are able to descend upon humanity and bestow
their blessed gifts upon us.
It is also by way of this umbilical cord, or "trunk", that those of us
who have achieved enlightenment are able to ascend back to that
heavenly realm from whence we departed a long, long time ago
and become as one again with our spiritual brothers and sisters in
that mystical land of Hyperborea which exists "above and beyond
the northern winds".
See also: "The World Tree" and "Egyptian Pyramid: Part 2"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Karmic Paths and Roads
"A path without a heart is never enjoyable.
On the other hand, a path with a heart is easy---
it does not make a warrior work at liking it;
it makes for a joyful journey;
as long as a man follows it, he is one with it."
- Carlos Castaneda
For the purpose of this article, Karma is defined as the unexpected,
unintended, and unforeseen consequences and results of our
choices and actions.
In "Thoughts, Actions, and Karma" we explored how our
Thoughts and Actions, both positive and negative, affect us
internally. In this article we will explore how our Thoughts and
Actions affect us externally; how they determine the Roads we
Travel and the Destinies and Consequences we bring upon
Whether we realize it or not, each one of us is journeying down
a Karmic Path which is determined for us based upon the
Choices and Decisions we make.
There are many Paths we can Choose to Travel: well-worn Paths,
seldom Traveled Paths, Paths that very few have Traveled, and
Paths which have never before seen a human Footprint.
A Path which has never before seen a human Footprint is a
Path which is Traveled by the Mystic, or Avatar, who appears
only rarely in the evolution of a race. This Path has no Karma
and it can only be walked upon by someone who has already
transcended Karma. This is the most sublime Path a person
can journey upon while still occupying the realm of duality and
We can create, for ourselves, a Path which has never before
seen a human Footprint. This is done by Choosing a lifestyle and
behaving in a manner which is completely unique to any other
type of life-Path existing in the physical realm. Those who
Travel this Path are the Hermits and Holy Persons who dwell
high in the sacred mountains and other Borders Between Realms
which occupy our world.
A Path that very few have Traveled is the Path which is walked
upon by Master Teachers and their Initiates. These individuals
have very little Karma attached to themselves and are in the
process of ridding themselves of whatever little still remains.
These are also the Paths upon which the heroes of mythology
and legend left their Footprints long, long ages ago.
Seldom Traveled Paths are those Traveled by the mysterious
figures of history, myth, and legend. These are the quiet,
uncharted, and unpopulated Roads which are the Adventurous
wonderlands of the Lone Wolf, the Trailblazer, and those mystical
and magical figures of fable known as Wizards and Wanderers.
Those who Travel upon seldom-traveled Paths are Aware of,
and respectful of, the Laws of Karma and have learned how to
use these Laws to their advantage.
However, the vast majority of us spend our lives traveling upon
well-worn Paths and Roads. And, in most instances, there is
nothing wrong with Traveling along these Paths; for these Paths
help us to express, and experience, Our Divine Nature during our
Current Incarnation.
Well-Worn Paths are those Roads which are already in existence.
They are the Roads which have been established many generations
ago and are busy, active, and teeming with vast multitudes of
businesses, activities, and individuals that make up the integral
parts of these Roads. These Roads already have a specific flow
and personality already in place when we step onto them for our
very first time.
An excellent metaphor for Well-Worn Roads is the cantina into
which Luke Skywalker entered the first time, with Obi-Wan Kenobi,
in the pirate city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. Although
it is a bustling and familiar cantina to those who frequent it,
complete with its own set of rules, secrets, and camaraderies, it
is a completely new first-time experience for Luke.
This cantina is Symbolic of the Well-Worn Roads we step upon
for our very first Time. Let us look at a couple of other examples.
We decide to be a musician. The moment we enter into our
musical career we step onto the well-worn, and bustling, Karmic
road which all others who are pursuing, and have pursued, musical
careers have walked upon for ages. This well-worn road already
has its own particular and unique flow to it. It is familiar to all those
who are already traveling upon it; however, it is all a brand new
experience to us.
This well-worn road is complete with the businesses, characters,
composers, musicians, and other folk which are already an active
and integral part of this road and its flow. In addition, this road
contains the many important personal contacts we are yet to
become acquainted with who will eventually help us establish and
promote our musical career. We rely on the existing experience
of everything, and everyone, on this road to help us become
successful in our chosen profession as a musician.
Someone decides to be a criminal. The moment that person
enters the life of crime they step onto the well-worn Karmic road
which all other criminals are traveling upon, and have traveled upon,
for ages. Again, this well-worn road already has its own particular
and unique flow to it. It is familiar to all those who are already
traveling upon it; however, it is all a brand new experience to those
who are first entering its flow.
This well-worn road is complete with the business, hiding places,
half-way houses, criminals, informants, con-men, malcontents,
and law-enforcement people who are the integral part of this road.
And while those who Choose to live a life of crime are new to this
road, this road is an old experience to those who are already
traveling upon it.
As Karma is the end result, or Consequence, which is associated
with the Choices we make, we must be constantly on guard in
regards to the Choices, Decisions, and Actions we involve
ourselves with. For by being Aware of all of the Karmic Roads and
Paths which are available to us we are better able to understand the
Consequences and benefits which each Karmic Road and Path
offers us, and we are better able to Choose that particular Road or
Path which is most Harmonious to our Divine Nature.
See also: "Theater of Life"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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