Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Mirror - Symbol Of Reflection

The Mirror is a Symbol of physical and spiritual reflection.

The Symbolism associated with The Mirror has its roots in the very
distant past. Some of the oldest drawings found on temple walls
and papyrus scrolls depict images of Egyptian Neters gazing into
hand-held Mirrors.

In ancient times, Mirrors were made of polished bronze. Today,
Mirrors are made of glass. However, a Mirror can be any reflective
surface such as highly polished black stone or still Water.

In the material world of our Current Incarnation Mirrors are both a
necessity and convenience. We use Mirrors every day to reflect
physical images. We make use of rear-view Mirrors in our vehicles
to alert us of potential dangers and cautions behind us. We station
Mirrors at corners of buildings and hallways to "see" what is around
the corner. And, of course, we spend a fair amount of time every day
standing before our personal Mirrors while we preen ourselves prior
to going out into the world.

However, when we consider the esoteric, or mystic, Symbolism
associated with The Mirror we find that it alludes to a much higher
and sublime purpose...Spiritual Reflection!

Just as a physical Mirror is a reflection of how we currently appear,
and how the world around us currently appears, so too does our
Spiritual Mirror Truthfully reflect the Consequences of our actions
along with the Karmic rewards, or punishments, which the
consequences of our actions have brought upon us.

Our Spiritual Mirror reflects back to us our external surroundings. In
other words, our Spiritual Mirror shows us the people, places and
Events which are currently a part of the life we have created for
ourselves. By gazing at our external surroundings we are looking
directly into our Spiritual Mirror.

The Egyptian Neters, the Divine Principles of Nature referred to
earlier, gaze into their hand-held Mirrors in order to reflect upon
how they truly appear within the realm in which they are currently
expressing themselves. They are also gazing into their Mirrors in
order to "see" what consequences have been created as a result of
the Events which they have set in motion. In other words, they are
continually reflecting upon the results of their Thoughts and Actions
in an eternal process of self-evaluation.

Just as the Egyptian Neters gaze into their Divine Mirrors in order
to reflect upon themselves and ponder their thoughts and actions,
we too can use our very own personal Spiritual Mirrors to do the
very same.

In order for a Mirror to cast a reflection, it requires Light.
Symbolically, Light represents Illumination, Enlightenment,
Awareness and Wisdom. Therefore, in order for us to Honestly
evaluate ourselves and the world we have created around ourselves
when using our personal Spiritual Mirror, we must view our current
reflection with an Enlightened mind.

Keeping in mind that The Mirror can only reflect what is Truly
before it, whatever we view in our personal Spiritual Mirror is
currently the Truth of not only our Personality And Reputation
(who we are) but also the Truth of the world which we have created
around ourselves.

It is important to remind ourselves, however, that The Mirror
simply reflects that which is currently True. As Enlightened Beings
we have both the ability and responsibility to change our personal,
mental, and Spiritual reflection whenever we "see" something in our
Mirror that is not Harmonious with who we truly aspire to be. In
this way we are identical to the Egyptian Neters who gaze into their
hand-held Mirrors in an Eternal process of self-evaluation, self-
improvement, self-change and self-Enlightenment.

See also: "Personality and Reputation"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, June 20, 2010


"Fairy tales can come true
It can happen to you
If you're young at heart."
- "Young At Heart" lyrics

Being either young or old is a state of mind. Actually, it is a choice!
It is an interesting concept that we actually determine, by ourselves,
whether we are young or old. In addition, the number of "earth
years" we have experienced has nothing to do with youth or old age.
We have all seen people who have seventy or eighty "earth years"
behind them whose eyes are still alert, alive, and in some cases
even mischievous; people whose spirit is alive and vibrant. On the
other hand we have also seen individuals who have experienced
very few "earth years" yet lack enthusiasm, self-reliance, ambition
and spunk.
When we consider Youthfulness in this manner we find that we have
two choices. We can either choose to keep our mind young and free
while we anticipate all the new opportunities and Adventures which
await us upon our earthly journey, OR, we can choose to shun all
things which are new, creative and bold.
Those of us who choose the latter path soon find that our minds
become stagnated, drudgery replaces enthusiasm, Compromise
extinguishes imagination and monotony takes the place of
Adventure. Furthermore, by choosing this particular path, we
actually define the exact date on which we decide to become "old".
From that date forward we begin making choices that are limiting
and restricting; we stop living our own life in order to conform to
the expectations and "rules" of peer groups and society; we
embrace laziness and stagnation; we begin to criticize, gossip
and complain; we create Self-Imposed Limitations.
On the other hand, those of us who choose to remain Eternally
Young, in both mind and heart, constantly keep our senses
young, free, and open to new Insights and Adventures. Those
of us who embrace Youthfulness are continually dreaming,
fantasizing, imagining, growing and planning. We look forward
to each new morning. We understand that each new day can
present us with sparklingly new opportunities, events, Adventures,
Choices and Horizons which can lead us to exciting new discoveries,
ideas and friendships.
Nature is an excellent example of Eternal Youth. For although
Nature is both ancient and timeless She is continually renewing and
re-creating Herself through eternal re-birth and new beginnings.
She is the perfect example of Eternal Youth and Youthfulness.
We are all placed on earth to fully experience our Incarnation. We
have the opportunity to Choose which Paths we will follow and
which trails we will blaze. We are all responsible for our decisions
and Actions. We alone Decide whether we shall remain Eternally
Young or become instantly "old". And since all of these choices
are entirely up to us, it is our Sovereign responsibility to
Choose Wisely!

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Solomon - Symbol Of Wisdom

Who is the wise man?
He who sees what's going to be born."
- King Solomon

Who was King Solomon? We hear of the Wisdom of Solomon and
we hear of the Temple of Solomon. When we hear the name
Solomon we automatically associate the name with profound
Wisdom. But was Solomon a real person, or was he, like Homer,
a possible combination of many Ancient Teachers?

Is it also possible that the name Solomon is a title conveyed upon a
Master Teacher of an Ancient Mystery School? Schools in which
Wisdom and knowledge were passed down by "word of mouth",
from generation to generation, to Worthy Initiates, until they were
finally reduced to writing for the benefit of all future generations.

Certainly the Lessons which are credited to King Solomon are
sound, spiritual Truths. But, again we have the question of whether
King Solomon was a real person or one of a number of Master
Teachers who carried this ancient title.

When we look at the name Solomon it consists of two parts:
Sol + omon.

Sol is a word which means "sun". The sun is the Symbol for light,
enlightenment, and illumination. Even today we have the metaphor
"the light went on" to indicate that we finally grasped an idea.

Omon, or Amon, or Amun is an ancient Egyptian Word which
means "hidden", "secret", "esoteric", "unknowable" or "Veiled". It is
a Word which indicates special knowledge, and Wisdom, available to
only a select few individuals. We see this Word incorporated into
Egyptian titles such as Amon Re, Amenhotep, and Tutankhamun.

When we consider the name Solomon in this manner we see that the
name takes on a whole different and unique meaning. Solomon now
becomes "hidden light", "secret enlightenment", or "veiled
illumination"; terms which have esoteric meaning and are
representative of a title given to an individual who is one of a long
line of Master Teachers in an Ancient Mystery School.

In addition, when we are Instructed about the building of King
Solomon's Temple we are told that during the long years of its
construction no sound could be heard from the tools and
implements used by the workmen who toiled in erecting the

As we all know, constructing a building of any sorts is not
accomplished without the noise and sounds of toiling workmen.
This leads us to Believe that the Temple referred to as Solomon's
Temple is actually our own Inner Temple which consists of our
Body, Mind, and Spirit. And because the work was done without any
sound or noise, this labor is an inner labor which goes on noiselessly
within ourselves.

Therefore when we speak of the construction of King Solomon's
Temple we are referring to a metaphor for the inner work we must
perform upon ourselves in order to insure that our Personal Temple
is strong, correct, and unwavering. For only if our Personal Inner
Temple meets these esoteric requirements are we able to attain the
"hidden light" and "secret enlightenment" which the name Solomon

However, regardless of whether Solomon was a real person or
whether the name Solomon represents a title bestowed upon a
Master Teacher, the Wisdom and Truths passed down to us by
way of Sol-Omon are sound and Eternal. And, in the end, it is by
following the sacred guidance and Instruction passed down to us
by all Master Teachers of the Past that we are able to obtain the
torch of "Veiled Wisdom" which is available to all who take up the
Quest for Self-Instruction and Self-Illumination.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gnosis - An Inner Knowing

"Seek, and ye shall find."
Luke 11:9

"All cosmic secrets must be pursued and earned."
- Joseph Panek

Gnosis is loosely translated as wisdom or knowledge. However, the
word Gnosis carries a much deeper meaning. Esoterically, Gnosis
means Inner Knowing. It is profound, or mystical, Knowledge
attained through personal insight and revelation.

Gnosis is an Epiphany (an "aha" moment if you will) through which
we become elevated to a higher spiritual plane in which we are able
to understand, access, and channel through us, the highest levels of
Divine Truth, Awareness, and Wisdom.

Gnosis, or Inner Knowing, is the primary Quest of all Initiates and
Seekers. It is the insightful ability to know that although there are
many Debates, arguments, and Opinions surrounding and distorting
every issue, there is only One Truth underlying that particular issue.

And although the term Gnosis can pertain to any level of Truth,
Awareness, and Wisdom, the true Seeker of Gnosis is solely
concerned with attaining Wisdom and Insight on the highest
spiritual and cosmic plane. Therefore the dedicated Gnostic,
Seeker, and Initiate makes every effort to avoid all mundane
confrontations, confusions and pitfalls which can distract him,
or her, away from their Spiritual Quest.

When we study Gnosticism, the Vedas, and other ancient texts, we
are instructed not to blindly follow any teachings simply because we
want to believe them, wish to believe them, or are expected to
believe them, due to force or guilt. However, if the Spiritual Truth
we are pursuing unveils itself to us by way of an inner knowing,
a spiritual understanding, or a Harmonious feeling, then we can
feel quite certain that whatever it is that we have discovered is most
likely the Truth we have been seeking.

Divine Truths and Sacred Wisdom are shrouded in mystery. They
await discovery by a Seeker or Initiate who is on a Quest for Truth
and Wisdom. When the Veil which shrouds an Infinite Mystery is
lifted before us we are able to view, experience, and understand that
Divine Truth which was once kept hidden from us...This is Gnosis!

These Gnostic, or Epiphany, moments are usually accompanied by
self-exclamations such as, "Gee, that makes a lot of sense", or
"I actually knew that but I never looked at it that way".

Self-Unfoldment, or Gnosis, is the at the center of all ancient
teachings. This is why the Ancient Mystery Schools and the most
noble "secret societies" did not, and still do not, recruit members.
For Truth neither recruits nor forces itself upon anyone. The Truth
is simply The Truth. It is the Holy Grail that must be sought out and
earned by the worthy and well-qualified Seeker!

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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