Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Circle - As A Symbol

"The beginning and the end are one."
- Heraclitus

The Circle is an unbroken line which has no beginning, no end and
no direction. Because of these attributes, The Circle represents a
completeness which encompasses all space and Time.

Symbolically, The Circle depicts the unending, the unknowable, the
un-measurable, the un-graspable and the indefinable aspects of
Eternity which surpass and baffle our rational minds. In other words,
The Circle is the Symbol of Divinity. And because The Circle is a
Symbol of Divinity it is also a Symbol of perfection, completeness
and Unity.

But why The Circle? What makes The Circle the most appropriate
Symbol to depict Divinity?

Just as Divinity is un-measurable, un-knowable, un-speakable and
indefinable, so too is The Circle. The only way we can attempt to
measure the area or circumference of a Circle is by way of the
arithmetical (rational) function of pi. Pi ( π ), or 22/7, is an irrational
(unending) number. An irrational number is any number whose final
decimal place can never be resolved. Regardless of how many
decimal places we carry pi out to, we can never resolve, or finalize,
its final decimal place. And although we can come closer and closer
to resolving pi, the Truth is, pi can never be resolved.

In the same way in which our rational measurements can bring us
closer and closer to resolving the final function of pi, and therefore
The Circle, so too can our rational minds bring us closer and closer
to understanding Divinity. In the end, however, regardless of how
close we come to getting an exact measurement of a Circle, or
to understanding Divinity, our rational minds can never fully resolve,
or understand either one of them; the Circle, and Divinity, are both
un-measurable, un-knowable, un-speakable and indefinable in
finite terms. This is why The Circle is the perfect Symbol for Divinity
and all of Its Eternal Aspects.

The Circle, in addition to being a Symbol of Divinity, is also a
reminder that we cannot resolve or understand infinite (spiritual)
Truths with our finite (rational) minds. We can only understand
Divinity through the spiritual aspects of Our Divine Nature. This
is accomplished through meditation and Prayer.

Meditation and Prayer are the Gnosis (insight, intuition, imagination
and Wisdom) through which we know and feel that we are part of
something more magical and Divine than our simple material "selfs";
that Divinity resides in us by way of our Atman; that we are
expansive spiritual beings; and that we can improve and perfect
ourselves, to any degree we desire, by way of the Spiritual,
un-measurable and infinite Powers which reside within us.

(See also: "The Dot Within A Circle")

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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1 comment:

The Symbologist said...

The circle is one of the oldest symbols humans made. Tens of thousands of years ago we looked up at the sky and noticed the sun and its cycles, and symbolized them with a circle. The circumpunct, or circle with a dot in the middle, is a subject of much discussion; now a symbol for gold or the sun, its oldest meaning is the mark one makes with a compass when drawing a circle. This they did ca 10,000 BC with a stick and a cord - the same way you could now in your backyard. These circles were essential for the building of megalithic observatories. This information and more is available at Once Upon a Time: world of symbols blog.