Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Knot - As A Symbol
The Knot is a very ancient Symbol which appears in the writings,
legends, mythology and lore of nearly all cultures. As a Symbol, the
Knot signifies complexity, confusion, completion, bindings, vows,
and hidden secrets. And although the Knot is an ancient Symbol, we
acknowledge it often through a number of our cultural Metaphors.
We use the term "a knotty problem" when referring to a complex,
baffling, or intricate, obstacle or dilemma. "Tying the knot" refers
to the marriage of a man and woman who bind themselves to each
other in the Hope of achieving Oneness with each other through
their voluntary Union. To "tie up loose ends" infers the completion
of a project or agreement in which we finalize the small details of a
task, solution or alliance.
In addition to the Knot being a Symbol and a Metaphor of myth and
legend, it is also very evident in our everyday language, behavior,
and customs.
As a Symbol for binding, the Knot represents the Promises and vows
we make. It is also an allusion to the Honorable Person whose "word
is as good as their bond". the Knot also "ties" us to the Karma we
create for ourselves, both good and ill, based upon the Threads we
use to Weave the tapestry of our lives.
We tie the umbilical cord of a newborn infant into a Knot to
celebrate, and Symbolize, the successful completion of birth. Islamic
men tie Knots in their beards in order to baffle evil demons (perhaps
a Symbol similar to that of the Labyrinth). And legend provides us
with the Gordian Knot: a Turkish Knot with both ends of the rope
concealed within the Knot itself; Symbolizing not only a difficult
problem but also the fact that the solution is hidden within, and is
thereby part of, the problem.
As a Symbol of binding and complexity the Knot has both a positive
and negative aspect:
On the negative side it represents the complications, Compromises,
dilemmas, and problems we Weave into our personal Incarnation
which tie us to the fruitless commitments, misguided ways of
thinking, and structured behaviors that ultimately stagnate us and
imperil our Spiritual Growth.
On the positive side, however, the Knot represents the threads of
good habits, noble aspirations, and Esoteric pursuits which, over
time, Weave strong spiritual bonds within us that repel and baffle
the mundane Demons which are forever attacking the Thoughts,
Beliefs, and Decision processes of our Divine Nature.
On a much deeper level, the level of hidden secrets, the Symbolism
contained within the the Knot is just as complex and intricate as the
Knot itself.
On the one hand, by way of its tightly wrapped cords of mystery,
fable, Riddle, and legend, the Knot protects the Truth and Wisdom
which lie at its center from both prying eyes and the mindless
curiosity of the common horde.
On the other hand, what better way to hide, protect, and pass down
to future generations, sacred Truth and secret Wisdom than to
conceal these priceless gems within those same tightly wrapped
cords of mystery, fable, Riddle, and legend until some future Time
when an enlightened mind can unravel the cords of the Knot and
discover the Infinite Mystery that lies within.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
the knot as a symbol
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Carpenter - As A Symbol
Metaphorically, and Symbolically, The Carpenter is a reference to
The Grand Architect...the Designer of all that is...Divinity. And just
as Divinity is the Grand Architect of all that is, it is also the Designer
of all that is encompassed within all that is. This includes The
Temple, our Temple, within which we do the Inner Work which
elevates us to the highest planes of Truth and Wisdom, and
ultimately prepares us for Ascension to a much higher spiritual
And although the Grand Plan, or blueprint, for our Temple has been
designed for us in the spiritual plane by the Grand Architect Himself,
it still requires a special craftsman to help us with its construction
here on the physical plane. This special craftsman is the Carpenter.
When we study ancient lore we find at least two references to this
special craftsman called a Carpenter. The first, and most familiar
one, is that of the Gnostic, and Biblical, Christ. The second reference
to a Carpenter comes to us from Ancient Egypt and is much less
During antiquity, a tomb was erected to an individual who carried
the title of Carpenter. As a carpenter was a menial tradesman in
ancient times, there is confusion as to why a royal tomb would be
constructed to honor a person with the designation of "carpenter";
as tombs were only erected to honor, and memorialize, those who
occupied the highest level of society.
This reference, in particular, begs us to question the true meaning of
the word, or Symbol, which scholars have translated as "carpenter"
from ancient texts.
It is very probable that the Symbol, or Word, which scholars refer
to as "carpenter" is either mis-translated, mis-interpreted, or mis-
understood as to its original meaning and intent. If this is so, then
the Symbol which has been translated as "carpenter" must have a
much higher, and noble, meaning.
Spiritual texts refer to our bodies as Temples. More specifically, our
bodies are the Temple where the Holy Spirit, the Spark of Divinity,
All Temple work, such as referred to in the Temple of Solomon, is
Inner Work. And as this Inner Work is of the highest and most
noble purpose, the construction of the Temple in which this Inner
Work occurs must be carried out with the utmost care, patience
and intent. This requires the skill, attention, and Insight of a Master
Craftsman...a Master Carpenter.
The Master Carpenter, therefore, is a Spiritual Mentor who helps us
meticulously build, reconstruct and alter the Thoughts, Lessons and
philosophies which are the building materials of our Inner Temple.
These additions and alterations which are constantly "under
construction" within our Inner Temple must all be done in Harmony
with the Master Blueprint provided by the Grand Architect.
Should a metaphorical block, stone, window, altar, portico, or
piece of woodwork not conform with the Grand Design, the
Master Carpenter has the ability, and authority, to either change
or replace them.
Throughout Time, the Master Carpenter has been called by many
different names: Master Mason, Master Builder, High Priest or
Priestess, Master Teacher and Shaman. But regardless of their titles,
these Master Craftsmen have always made their knowledge and
Wisdom available to their apprentice Carpenters; to those of us who
have the sole responsibility for constructing our own Inner Temple in
accordance with our Divine Nature and Cosmic Harmony.
When we look at the design and construction of our Inner Temple in
this light we come to realize that we are the ultimate creators of our
personal Inner Temple. We alone choose our building blocks and
materials - the Thoughts, Words, and Actions - which go into it.
Through patience and Self-Initiation we methodically construct our
Inner Temple. And as we are the sole builders of our Inner Temple,
this makes us not only the Carpenter, but also eventually, the
Master Carpenter of our Current Incarnation.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Devolution - From Gods To Vassals
"Why settle for mere mortality when you can be gods?"
- Hermetic Wisdom
"Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the
outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing
on within themselves."
- Nikola Tesla
Ancient teachings from nearly all cultures tell us of a distant Time
when gods and Giants lived among, interacted with, and mated
with mankind. As it would be extremely difficult for Giants to mate
with humans, we may conclude that the word Giant must somehow
be either a Mis-translation, or have an altogether different meaning.
Perhaps the word, or Symbol, for "Giant" has been mis-interpreted
and should actually translate as: "god", "Advanced Specie", or
"Enlightened Being".
In any event, ancient mythologies, legends, and teachings are very
much united in that at one Time, in our very remote past, gods
mingled with humanity. Ancient scriptures refer to this era as
mankind's Golden Age. It was during this most distant and remote
Time that human beings communicated with each other, inter-
mingled, and self-governed themselves, by way of their highest
faculty: their Spiritual Mind.
During this Golden Age, all was good and peaceful. There was no
turmoil, stress, or greed. All persons respected each other and
whatever someone needed, or wished to communicate, was accomp-
lished by using one’s Spiritual Mind.
This Golden Age was the era of Prima Materia and Prisca Sapientia,
which are referred to in Hermetic and Alchemical teachings. Prima
Materia is the first, or prime, matter; the pure original matter from
which all other matter evolves. Prisca Sapientia is the Pristine
Knowledge, the First Knowledge, the Pure Wisdom, which was
available to all, and used by all. Prima Materia and Prisca Sapientia
are Divine Principles which appear only at beginnings. In other
words, these two Principles were responsible for ushering in
mankind and its Golden Age; its Zep Tepi; its First Time.
Then something happened. The gods departed, taking all of their
splendor and Wisdom with them. Mankind was left to take care of
itself and evolve on its own. But instead of humanity continuing to
act and govern itself in its purest and godlike fashion, it began to
Slowly and unnoticeable at first, without the gods to provide for
them and encourage them, our distant ancestors started to become
lazy and apathetic. Instead of using the highest faculty of their
Spiritual Minds they started to Devolve by relying more and more
upon their more basic and mundane faculties.
It was during this era that mankind abandoned mental communicat-
ion for the convenience of words. However, because their mental
powers were still very strong, our ancestors were able to memorize
and repeat enormous verses, tales, Rituals, and epics simply by
hearing them only once. This was the era of retention and Instruction
by Memory.
The era of Memory was followed by the era of writing. It was during
this era that our ancestors slipped from memorizing and retaining
large verses, tales, rituals and epics and began to write them down;
first through Symbols, then through written words. During this era,
our ancestors no longer needed to rely on their higher faculties of
memory and retention, they simply had to remember where they
left their scrolls and books.
Now, after many centuries of "modernization" mankind has Devolved
to the point where our language has become corrupted and confused,
Words have lost their true original meanings, and our spelling is no
longer a concern for us. Today, everything we need to know and rely
upon is "conveniently" stored on some sort of computer device; and
woe to us should our batteries fail or our device "crashes". Should
our devices fail, for any reason, those of us who rely solely on our
devices, and not upon our wits and skills, will become hopelessly
From being "one" with the gods during our Golden Age, mankind
has slowly Devolved into vassals, slaves if you will, of our most basic
material whims and our most recent state-of-the-art conveniences.
From using the highest faculties of our Spiritual Minds to obtain
whatever we require, we have Devolved into creatures who rely
solely upon the latest technology while also depending on others
to both think for us and, hopefully, "take care" of us.
Mankind has now created for itself an era in which the majority of
the masses lie shattered upon the jagged rocks of false Hope, endless
disappointment, and fractured Relationships in nearly every segment
of society. From the apex of Spiritual Purity which prevailed long ago
during mankind's Golden Age, humanity now finds itself staring into
the dark abyss of extreme polarization and frustration which it has
wrought upon itself through laziness and apathy.
It appears as though the pendulum has swung to its extreme and
that the end of an Age, a Cycle, is before us. However, the Death of
one Cycle is the creative Seed from which the next new Cycle is
born. One can only wonder at how many of these Cycles mankind
has experienced throughout the endless eons of Eternity.
For those individuals who recognize this Eternal Cyclical Law of the
Universe, there is the understanding, and anticipation, that a new
Golden Age is getting ready to dawn; a new First Time in which
Prima Materia and Prisca Sapentia will once again un-Veil
themselves to mankind as they usher in a new Golden Age.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
first time,
golden age,
prima materia,
prisca sapientia,
zep tepi
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Trivia - Three Paths
"Learning is the very essence of humility,
learning from everything and from everybody.
There is no hierarchy in learning.
Authority denies learning and a follower will never learn."
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names."
-Chinese Proverb
The word Trivia has come to be associated with any information or
knowledge which is either insignificant, purposeless or has only
minuscule value.
However, upon taking a closer look, we find that the word Trivia is
actually composed of two roots: tri and via. Tri means "three" and
via means "road" or "path". By combining these two roots we
discover that the word Trivia actually means "Three Paths".
Suddenly, a word which we have always thought to mean one thing,
in fact, actually means something entirely different.
When we look up its etymology (the ancient roots of modern words)
we learn that Trivia is the plural of the Latin word trivium which
means "a place where three roads meet". *** Therefore, the word
Trivia, being plural, actually means "places where three roads meet".
Three is the number of Creation which is Symbolized by the
Christian, Gnostic, and Esoteric Trinity. Three is also the number of
sacred Gunas which are revealed to us in Vedic teachings.
A "place where three roads meet" is Symbolized by the letter Y,
which is also the Symbol for "crossroads".
As we can see, the midpoint of this Symbol unites Three individual
branches, legs or roads. This mid-point is the Esoteric focal-point
where Three essences, energies, Thoughts or Pathways meet in
order to manifest in a synergistic manner; whereby the final
Creation is greater than the sum of the original Three parts. This
synergistic manifestation can take place on any of the Three planes:
physical, mental or spiritual.
In fact, the esoteric focal point of the Three roads can also Symbolize
Creation which simultaneously combines a physical path, a mental
path, and a spiritual path; thereby representing manifestation on
the grandest of all scales - Enlightenment!
When Alexander the Great founded Alexandria he wanted it to be
the "crossroads", the "meeting point", the "focal point" for all
Wisdom, knowledge and theologies of the known world. He realized
that when we combine our diverse physical, mental, and spiritual
faculties we not only share and create, but we also grow synergistic-
ally as individuals, cultures, and nations.
In this he succeeded, and the numerous cultural diversities which
were blended together in his Alexandria found their way to the
most distant parts of the then-known world. Alexandria's Trivia
became the world's Fortune.
So, as we can see, Trivia is not so "trivial" after all. It is amazing
how, after time, the true meaning of this word has been turned
completely around and is no longer used and understood in its
proper context. This is an excellent example, a metaphor if you will,
of how Wisdom and Truth lie openly hidden all around us and we
simply fail to "see" them.
Words are powerful. Their specific meanings not only Name, but also
describe and limit those things to which they are referring. It is by
delving into, and tracing back, the ancient roots of our modern
Words and phrases that we can begin to understand the essences
and Wisdom which our most distant ancestors have passed down
to us.
*** Reference: The Barnhart Dictionary Of Etymology
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
three paths,
word roots
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Creative Destruction
"Please get out of the new world if you can't lend a hand,
for the times they are a-changin' "
- Bob Dylan, poet and songwriter
"When a Cycle has run its course, change is imminent."
- Joseph Panek
Every Divine Principle within the realm of Nature has a specific
purpose. One of the most basic Principles, and perhaps the one
that is most universally ignored, is that of Creative Destruction.
Simply put, Creative Destruction is the razing, or tearing down, of
the old in order to create the new. Individuals, organizations and
civilizations who Choose to ignore this eternally repeating process
of Nature are Destined to suffer the tragedies which accompany the
Destructive end of a Cycle. Those who recognize, and understand,
this Divine Principle are the ones who prosper from the Creative
changes to which a new Cycle gives birth.
The ancient teachings of civilizations and cultures throughout the
world speak of the Principle of Creative Destruction in both their
Mythology and Symbolism. From the Vedic and Hindu we have the
deities of Shiva and Kali. From ancient Egypt we have the eternal
battles between Seth and Horus. Numerous cultures speak of the
Phoenix which destroys its old self so that it can renew itself from
its own ashes. The Tarot teaches us the Principle of Creative
Destruction in the card of The Tower. And the Cycle of Creative
Destruction is also represented by the Symbolism of the Serpent
which sheds, and leaves behind, its old skin (old age) in order for it
to rejuvenate itself with the new skin of Youthfulness.
Beginning and end...death and rebirth...destruction followed by
creation. When one Cycle ends a new Cycle begins. This is the way
of the universe. It is Divinity in Action. The old must be torn down
in order for the new to grow and blossom. The death of the old is the
foundation for the new. New civilizations are built upon the ruins of
old ones. This is the never-ending Cycle of Eternity. When Time is
up, change is imminent. We ignore this Eternal Truth at our own
It is interesting to note that the word "ignore" is the basis of the
word "ignorance". The fact that we may be Ignorant of a Divine
Truth does not absolve us from any Karmic burden or Unexpected
Consequence which may result from our Ignorance.
The concept, or Principle, behind the Law of Creative Destruction
teaches us that new ideas cannot be generated from old thoughts;
a problem, or dilemma, cannot be solved by the same mind which
created it; society cannot evolve by relying on outdated laws, habits,
policies and bureaucracies; civilization cannot move forward while
looking backward. These facts are true regardless of whether we are
referring to individuals, organizations or civilizations.
Most of us are familiar with such sayings as, "what goes up must
come down" and "all good things must come to an end". Yet the
vast majority of us tend to think that these Eternal Principles apply
to everyone except ourselves.
Wisdom requires that we recognize the end of one Cycle and the
beginning of another. For it is when we become complacent, lazy and
careless - when we Choose to live in Denial of the Law of Change -
that the Cycle of Creative Destruction has most likely run its course
and is about to rain havoc, misery and suffering down upon those of
us who have been caught unawares of the changes that are about to
Change is the mantle of Nature and of Deity. And for every person,
organization and civilization that destroys itself through Ignorance,
laziness and complacency there stand other persons, organizations
and civilizations ready, willing and eager to build upon the rubble of
the old in order to create something new. These are the visionaries
and Trailblazers who recognize and understand that once a Cycle
has run its course a new Cycle, along with exciting Change, is at
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
creative destruction,
divine principle,
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