Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sharing Energy and Forming Bonds

"Whenever we share energy
with a person, place, thing, or event,
a bond is formed."

- Joseph Panek

Isn't it interesting that once we share energy (an experience or an
encounter) with another person, another place, or another thing,
a permanent Bond is formed?

And because we exist within the realm of Duality these Bonds
can be either good or bad...positive or negative...happy or sad.

Most of us refer to these Bonds as Memories and Remembrances.
But however we Choose to refer to them, the Truth is, they are
permanent and unbreakable Bonds.

And though it may have been years since we have last seen, or
had an encounter with, a particular person, place or thing, the
moment we have a re-encounter we find that the Bond which was
finalized during our last encounter still exists. And we also find that
the same emotions, which existed when the original Bond was
formed, rear themselves anew with the same potency between us
and the object of our Bond as had existed when the original Bond
was formed.

Bonds formed by Sharing Energy are permanent "links" which can
never be broken. Negative Bonds can be renounced, hated, or even
banished to the deepest recesses of our consciousness. Positive
Bonds can be loved, cherished, or remain foremost in our minds.
However, because Bonds are permanent "links" they can never
be forgotten or broken!

Whenever we Share Energy with a person, place, or thing which
has a lower vibration than ourselves, we reduce our vibration level
and create a negative Bond.

Whenever we share energy with a person, place, or thing which
has a higher vibration than ourselves, we raise our vibration level
and create a positive Bond.

Anything we allow into our lives which torments us (lowers our
vibration level), whether its politics, Events, or relationships,
creates a permanent negative Bond between us and that other
entity. The only True escape from these negative energies is
complete release.

Anything we allow into our lives which comforts us (raises our
vibration level), and is in Harmony with our Divine Nature, creates
a permanent positive Bond between us and that other entity.
These energies should be embraced for they are the energies
which bestow bliss, peace, contentment, and freedom upon us.

As energy follows Thought, Bonds can also be formed between
ourselves and our Thoughts.

Whenever we focus our attention on negative (lower vibratory)
persons, ideas, things, Events, or situations, our thinking attracts
negative energy into our beings. In addition, when we focus our
attention on anything which disturbs us and is unalterable, we
also lower our vibration level, attract destructive energy, and create
a negative Bond.

Whenever we focus our attention on positive (higher vibratory)
persons, ideas, things, Events, or situations, our thinking attracts
positive energy into our beings and a positive Bond is formed.
In addition, when we focus our attention on those things which
we have the ability to Change in a positive way, we are energizing
the latent powers and higher Spiritual Energies within us to
help us accomplish our tasks and elevate our consciousness.

When we reflect upon how we Share Energy we realize that we
must be extremely cautious of the energy we share with other
persons, places, things, and Thoughts. For once we share energy
a permanent Bond is formed...whether we like it or not.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Virgin Birth
(Symbolism, Mythology, and Mystery)

The doctrine of Virgin Birth is an extremely ancient and common
motif (theme) found in the numerous mythologies, legends, and
religions throughout our planet.

However, before we begin to explore the doctrine of Virgin Birth, it
is important that we understand the Alchemical, Hermetic, Gnostic,
and Esoteric meaning of the Word Virgin; a designation which
comes down to us from the earliest dawn of antiquity.

Virgin, or Virginity is the pure; the untainted; the unadulterated.
And the only True essence which fits this description of Virginity
is Spirit. Specifically, the Virgin is that Esoteric Spiritual essence
which is untainted or unadulterated by union with matter.

Therefore, Virgin Birth is Creation which occurs in the Spiritual
Realm. It is pre-manifested Thought of the highest degree.

One of  the oldest accounts of Virgin Birth comes to us by way of
the ancient Egyptian Mystery concerning Osiris and his wife-sister

After Seth murdered Osiris, and cut his body into fourteen parts
which he scattered throughout creation, Isis scoured the entire
world collecting Osiris' parts in order to reconstruct the body of
her husband.  She was able to locate every part of Osiris' body
except one - his penis.

After she located all of Osiris' severed parts - save one - and
reconstructed his body, she then hovered over the reconstructed
body of her dead husband, became impregnated, and gave birth
to Horus.

This Ancient Egyptian Mystery illustrates to us that this was not
a physical birth. It was a Spiritual Birth; it was an Immaculate

This Egyptian Mystery is the same Lesson which comes to us
by way of the Symbolic Trinity (Father, Son, and [Holy]Spirit).
It is also the same Lesson which comes to us by way of
The Three Gunas (Sattwa, Tamas, and Rajas). And, it is the
same Lesson which comes to us from Hermetic texts (Nous,
Chaos, and Logos).

In the Egyptian Mystery Osiris is the Father (the creator), Sattwa,
and Nous. Horus is the Son (the created), Tamas, and Chaos. Isis
is the Spirit (of creation), Rajas, and Logos.

A great deal of Symbolic Wisdom is contained within the Egyptian
Mystery of Isis and Osiris.

The slaying of Osiris is Symbolic of the end of one life, or Cycle,
so that another life, Cycle, or Incarnation can begin. As Osiris is
the Egyptian Neter who personifies re-Incarnation, He represents
the continuing Cycles of re-incarnation we must progress through
until all of our Inner Demons are slain and Spiritual perfection
is accomplished.

The number 14 represents the fourteen segments of the waning
moon, it is therefore Symbolic of the waning portion of a Cycle.

The fact that the penis of Osiris was never recovered by Isis
teaches us that the "birth" created between Isis and Osiris is
a spiritual and abstract creation which comes about by way of
Osiris "dying" in the physical and becoming transformed into a
higher essence so that His Seed can reproduce itself, with the
Spiritual assistance of Isis, on the next higher realm. This is
a continuing Cycle which forever repeats itself until Spiritual
completion is attained.

This continuing Cyclical principle of death, transformation, and
re-birth into a higher realm is the theme which is Remembered,
and honored, through the performance of Initiation Rituals and
Rites of Passage. It is this Spiritual and Esoteric process which
is represented by the Egyptian Symbol of the Ankh.

Isis, the Virgin, is the unseen creative essence which stimulates
creation, and re-creation, in the Spiritual, mental, and abstract
realms. Without the Spiritual stimulation of creative energy
which Isis provides, the ability to create could not exist between
the creator and the created. Therefore Isis Symbolizes the
Spiritual creative principle which is invoked in Initiation Rituals
and magical Ceremonies.

Horus Symbolizes the abstract, Esoteric, and Spiritual Creation
which is the result of Virgin Birth. And because Horus is the
highest essence which is created between Spirit (Isis) and the
higher and higher re-incarnations of Osiris, Horus is the Symbol
and essence of direct ascension. Horus Symbolizes the Path
which is available to, and can be Traveled by, the select few
who Choose to resolve all of their Incarnations in one lifetime.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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