Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Call To Adventure (Part 2)
(This article is the explanation, and conclusion, of
The Call To Adventure)
What is this Call To Adventure? It is a personal Calling we receive
that challenges us to experience our True Path. It is an irresistible
beckoning that tests the very limits of our mind and spirit. It is the
unsilenceable Voice of Destiny that creates legends and heroes.
It is a Fantasy. It is an Obsession that has attracted, and enchanted,
numerous Seekers and Adventurers since the earliest beginnings of
Once we accept the Call to Travel our Path of Destiny there is no
turning back. Nothing can discourage us. Difficulties cannot stop us.
Fear will not deter us. Our pursuit is unrelentless and we cannot
interrupt, or stop, our Quest until we solve the Mystery of who we
are, what we can become, and what we can achieve.
Our Call To Adventure begins with a Stranger "knocking on our
door". This Stranger will sometimes be a real person who awakens
within us our desire to fulfill our Destiny and pursue our Dreams.
However, it is usually a nagging "feeling" within us that unsettles us,
rousts us from our laziness and comforts, and stirs us to Action.
Legend, Literature, and Myth tell of many Strangers who appeared
in someone's life and presented them with The Call To Adventure.
Here are just a few:
Glinda, The Good Witch Of The North, who directed Dorothy
to Oz and, eventually, back "home" to Kansas.
Albus Dumbledore, whose guidance enabled Harry Potter to
defeat the Dark Lord, Voldemort.
Gandalf, who knocked on Bilbo Baggins' door and Changed his
life forever.
Princess Leia, who beckoned Luke Skywalker to a galaxy far, far
away to face his Destiny in a battle with Darth Vader, his father.
At some point we either embrace Our Call or we discard it forever.
Those who accept "The Call" experience the Adventure of Traveling
their own Path and creating their own Destiny. Those who ignore
"The Call" will never experience the adventures of the Pilgrim, the
Wanderer, and the Seeker. To these people the Stranger may never
appear to them again.
But, who is this Stranger? It is a Voice, a Burning Desire, a Wizard
or Temptress Within, that entices, inspires, and bewitches us to
pursue our own Destiny and Travel our own Path. For the True
Seeker The Call of the Stranger neither disappears nor diminishes.
For this individual there is only one option: accept "The Call" and
experience the Adventure.
The Great Task is our Personal Destiny. We all enter this life with
our One Great Task: the fulfillment of our very own Personal
Destiny. Either we Choose to pursue it or we Choose to ignore it.
The Path is our own Special Path that leads to our Personal
Destiny. It is a Path that no one has Traveled before us and a
Path that no one will ever Travel after us. There has never been
another's Footprint on this Path. If WE do not Travel Our Path it
will go untraveled for all eternity and the Destiny that lies at its
end will never be realized.
Our Enemies are our own personal fears, doubts and insecurities.
They are our Demons Within that only we can conquer. It is by
vanquishing and banishing these Demons from our Personal
Kingdom that we gain Inner Strength and experience our Full
The Guides are the many different Teachers we meet along Our
Way. They provide us with knowledge and teach us all the skills we
require to defeat our Demons and complete our Great Task.
However, these Guides can only prepare us. We must always face
our Demons, and our Final Test, alone. This is the only way it can
be. And, who knows, perhaps someday we ourselves may be a
Guide assisting another Traveler along their very own Personal
Darkness. In this instance, Darkness represents Ignorance.
However, Darkness is banished by Light (Enlightenment).
Enlightenment is the acquiring of the Skills and Knowledge that
enable us to conquer Ignorance. Enlightenment is Wisdom!
When the Stranger tells us that "We are more capable than
we know", he is telling us that we have Latent Talents sleeping
within us that, once awakened, can accomplish the most
Fascinating Deeds.
The Great Darkness represents Great Failure. It is when we
"allow" our fears, doubts, and insecurities (our Demons Within)
to conquer us. It is the relinquishing of our Individual Sovereignty.
It is "accepting" to be at the mercy and Decisions of others; to live
someone else's life; to experience someone else's Destiny. When we
CHOOSE The Great Darkness we forfeit both our Dreams and our
Personal Destiny. We can no longer experience who we truly are
and all that we can become.
It is by accepting our Call To Adventure, Traveling Our Path to
its End, vanquishing our Demons Within, and fulfilling our Personal
Destiny that we experience The Adventure Of A Lifetime!
(See also: The Call To Adventure)
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Call To Adventure
"Still round the corner there may wait,
a new road or a secret gate."
- "The Hobbit", J.R.R. Tolkien
Tap...Tap...Tap...There's a knock on my door. I look out my
window and see a Stranger wearing the robes of a traveller.
He is standing on my doorstep and leaning on his walking stick.
He has all the features of an experienced traveller. Although
curious as to who this person is I decide to ignore the Stranger's
Tap...Tap...Tap...His knock is now louder. Who is this persistent
Vagabond that is so determined to disturb my peace and comfort?
I decide to answer the knock and send this Intruder on his way.
I open the door and face the Stranger. His face is a story of many
experiences and adventures. His piercing blue eyes project power,
determination and sincerity.
Before I can speak the Stranger takes command.
STRANGER: I have come a long way to find you.
SEEKER: I'm in the phone book. All you had to do is pick up
a telephone. (The Stranger's gaze does not waver and my attempt
at humor is met by his intense, steady gaze.)
STRANGER: There is a Great Task that must be accomplished
and it can only be entrusted to you.
SEEKER: Aren't you being a little dramatic? I'm sure that if
you knock on enough doors you will find someone else willing
to take on this "task". Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back
to my hot chocolate and my book.
STRANGER: ( His eye's unwavering and his voice stronger)
This is a task that can only be entrusted to YOU!
SEEKER: (Still wondering how to dislodge this Stranger from my
doorstep) What IS this "task" of which you speak? (Now I'm
beginning to sound a little like the Stranger.)
STRANGER: A Great Darkness approaches. Soon it will cover
your entire world. Should this happen, life as you know it will
no longer exist. You cannot allow this to happen. Only YOU can
defeat The Great Darkness!
SEEKER: Really! And just how do you expect me to accomplish
this task?
STRANGER: (Gently) You are more capable than you know.
You will find a way.
SEEKER: Will you accompany me throughout this task?
STRANGER: Only part way. I will show you the Path you
must follow. This Path is long and difficult. This Path leads to
your Great Task. Only by accomplishing your Great Task,
ALONE, can you save your world.
SEEKER: I don't know anything about saving worlds. Do you
have an instruction manual? What kind of help will I receive?
STRANGER: You will meet Guides along the way. They will
teach you everything you need to learn.
SEEKER: And they will accompany me to the end of my task?
STRANGER: No. They will instruct you. You must complete
your Great Task alone.
SEEKER: Can you guarantee that I Will succeed at this Great
STRANGER: No. You MAY fail.
SEEKER: What kinds of comforts will I have along this Path?
STRANGER: You will earn great new friendships and acquire
Sacred Wisdom.
SEEKER: Can you guarantee my safety?
STRANGER: No. You will experience much danger and meet
many enemies.
SEEKER: Will these enemies try to harm me?
STRANGER: Many will try to KILL you.
SEEKER: Let me see if I have this all straight. You are asking
me to go on this Great Task alone. I'm also expected to endure
great hardships. You can neither guarantee my success nor my
safety. This does not sound like a very good deal. What,
IF ANYTHING, can you guarantee me?
STRANGER: (With a flicker in his eyes and a soft smile)
I guarantee you The Adventure Of A Lifetime!
SEEKER: (After a lengthy, thoughtful pause)...I accept!
...NEXT: "The Call To Adventure Explained, Part 2"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Our Divine Nature
SEEKER: Who am I...this complex jumble of thoughts, emotions,
dreams, desires, talents, skills, likes and dislikes that I barely
CREATOR: You are a unique, one-of-a-kind, creation.
The ingredients I used in creating you have been blended and
simmered together from one Original Recipe. There has never
been another creation exactly like you and there will never be
another creation exactly like you in all eternity. My Original Recipe
is your Divine Nature. It is my Gift to you!
SEEKER: But what do I do with my Divine Nature?
CREATOR: Anything you choose. But let me give you a bit of
advice before you go on your Journey. Yes, you can accomplish
anything you choose. But you will experience the most Peace
and Enjoyment by choosing only those Paths and Adventures
that are in harmony with your Divine Nature. Whatever you
choose to do that is not in harmony with your Divine Nature will
be met with resistance and frustration. Now go and use your
Divine Nature to attract and enjoy all the wonderful experiences
that await you.
Our Divine Nature is a complex mixture of all the ingredients that
form our unique personality. By understanding this Truth we realize
that although the world offers us an unlimited variety of Choices
only a few of those Choices are in Harmony with our Divine Nature.
The frustration and disappointment we feel when a career or
Relationship fails, or an experience does not turn out as expected,
is simply the final result of pursuing something not compatible with
who we are. When we Honestly evaluate who we really are we can
Eliminate everything that is not in Harmony with our true self.
Although our menu may shrink dramatically, the Choices remaining
are more than we can experience in a lifetime. Furthermore, the
options and experiences that remain will bring us Peace and
Enjoyment because they are all in Harmony with Our Divine Nature.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
divine nature,
self honesty,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"One cannot be the master of their own Destiny
while being a slave to another's."
-Joseph Panek
To paraphrase Shakespeare: "Our Destiny lies not in the stars
but within ourselves".
There are two ways to experience Destiny: we either experience
the Destiny that befalls others or we Choose to create our own
If we "go along" with the demands and expectations of others
we will experience the Destiny that befalls that particular person
or group. We can only create our own Destiny when we follow our
own Path.
It is important that we stay focused on our Path. We do this by
making Sound Decisions. Awareness and Insight are the tools
we can use to make these Sound Decisions. They are the Guides
that protect us from the Tricksters we may meet along the Way.
Awareness is the observation of Events. Insight is understanding
what the Consequences of those Events will be. When we understand
the future results of current Events we are, in effect, "seeing" the
future. This enables us to make decisions that are in Harmony with
our best interests and our Personal Destiny.
The stars may govern the Destiny of civilizations, history and crowds
but each one of us has the choice, the Free Will, to govern our own
Individual Destiny.
When we are in control of our own Destiny we are no longer at the
mercy of external Events and the Destinies of others. We become
unattached observers of world events as we travel down the Path
of our very own Personal Adventure...Our Destiny!
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Arrow - Symbol For Thoughts
Symbolically, the Arrow represents Thought. Symbols associated
with Sacred Teachings are very ancient. Therefore, we must first
understand the nature of those distant Times before we can un-Veil
the meanings of the symbols that were used during those Times.
In ancient Times, nothing Traveled faster than an Arrow.
An Arrow could bring down the swiftest bird or the most powerful
beast. An Arrow could also Travel great distances very quickly.
An Arrow gets to the "heart of the matter" by first piercing the
outer layer of protection of the target it is aimed at. When an Archer
had spent his old Arrow he would reach into his quiver and selects a
new one.
Thoughts, like Arrows, are powerful and swift. Thoughts are
created instantly! Nothing Travels faster than Thought. With
Thought we can instantly Travel great distances of Time, space,
and dimension. Our Thoughts can revisit old Relationships, walk on
the moon, or travel to the farthest reaches of outer space.
Our Thoughts can also "see" things before they are created.
Novels, houses, music, ideas and inventions are Thoughts before
they can become reality.
When solving a problem, our Thoughts first pierce the outer shell
of mystery that hides the solution from us. Once this outer shell
is pierced our Thoughts proceed to the "heart of the matter" and
the problem is solved.
If we are unsatisfied with our current Thought all we have to do
is reach into our Mental Quiver and pull out a new Thought; a new
Mental Arrow. We can do this in an instant!
We are the Archer. We have an unlimited number of Thoughts in
our Mental Quiver. All we have to do is select our most fascinating
Thought and let it fly in any direction we Choose.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Alchemy and Self-Improvement
Ask the average person to give a definition of Alchemy and they
will tell you that "Alchemy is the turning of lead into Gold". In
addition, they will probably also add laughter and ridicule to their
There is a great amount of Ancient Wisdom hidden in the many
cliches and metaphors that have been handed down through the
generations, and "turning lead into Gold" is one such metaphor.
To turn lead into Gold. Many have tried and nearly that same many
have failed, save perhaps one. If any one person did succeed at
turning lead into Gold it would have been Nicholas Flamel. Nicholas
Flamel was a real person and is the same Nicholas Flamel referred
to in "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone".
But what is this Alchemy? This turning of lead into Gold?
Alchemy simply states that when you remove all that is impure,
what remains is pure. It is the turning of lead into gold on a
Spiritual level; the greatest Self-Help Secret of The Ages.
Many very good books have been written on how to "improve"
ourselves; how to become a "better" person. However, these books
leave us feeling that we must "improve" something in order to
Become "better".
This concept sends us on endless, often futile, pursuits of "perfection".
We may try many artificial methods to "improve" ourselves only
to find that none of these methods work for us. We can end up
frustrated and wonder what it was that we are doing "wrong".
Alchemy Teaches a much Simpler method. We must first realize,
and accept, that we are all born perfect and pure. However, along
the Path of life we accumulate many impurities such as vulgar
Language, negative Thoughts, poor self-esteem, wrong friends and
associates, and the need to live up to the expectations of others,
just to name a few.
Alchemy Teaches us that to return to our True perfection we
need not "improve" anything. We simply need to eliminate our
accumulated impurities.
And the really wonderful thing about this Alchemical process
is that we do not need to remove all of our impurities at once.
By removing one impurity at a time we become more and more
pure. When all of our impurities are eliminated we will once again
experience our True Perfection. At that Time we will actually be
able to turn lead into Gold on the material plane. However, that
will no longer be important to us.
See also: "The Alchemical Marriage and the Total Solar Eclipse"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Egyptian Sphinx
(Symbol, Myth, Mystery and Riddle)
Symbolically, The Sphinx is the "Spiritual Guardian of Entrances
and Thresholds".
Legends state that when someone came upon a Sphinx that person
would be asked to answer a Riddle. If the person solved the Riddle
they were allowed to pass. If they could not solve the Riddle they
would be devoured by the Sphinx.
In Symbolism, when attempting to understand a Symbol we must
take into consideration all the possible meanings, and concepts, that
the Symbol represents.
Entrances exist in all realms and dimensions. Here are some
examples of Entrances: material (doorways); mental (new ideas);
spiritual (higher planes of Wisdom); esoteric (Obscure Wisdom).
Entrances also exist at the beginnings of new Cycles, ages, and eras.
We are currently standing at the Entrance of the Age of Aquarius.
We are leaving the Age of Pisces. What Riddle is the Age of
Aquarius about to present to each one of us?
Whenever we begin to develop an new idea, open a new book,
acquire a new skill, attend a new school, move to a new city, or
Learn a new language, we are Symbolically standing in front of the
Sphinx who is guarding the Entrance to the knowledge we Seek and
the Adventure we are about to experience. An uneasy sense of
anticipation usually possesses us at these times. The knowledge
we Seek, and the Adventure we are about to pursue, is new and
foreign to us; it is a Riddle! Upon mastering our new skill (Riddle)
we are then allowed Entrance into the new knowledge, the new life,
and the new Adventure which we have been pursuing.
In taking this Symbolism a step further, the Sphinx is also the
"Spiritual Guardian of the Mysteries of Nature". Once we solve a
mystery it is no longer a mystery. It then becomes new knowledge;
new Wisdom. Whenever we solve a mystery (Riddle) we conquer
and tame the Sphinx. This is when a new realm, a new dimension,
a new Adventure opens itself up to us.
In the Tarot deck the Sphinx sits on top of the Wheel of Fortune,
which represents the Cycles of Eternity, and guards the Entrance
of a new Cycle. This card is also the 10th card of the Major Arcana.
The number 10 represents completion . As one Cycle ends a new
Cycle, of a higher degree, begins. The Sphinx, with its Riddle sits at
the Entrance of this new Cycle. These Cycles, and the Riddles that
accompany them, are eternal.
Here is another concept regarding the Sphinx. Ancient historians
state that the Egyptian Sphinx originally had the head and face of
a woman and that some unknown pharaoh had the original woman's
face modified to represent his own likeness. There is enough
evidence to make this a very convincing argument.
If this is True, then the Egyptian Sphinx could represent the cusp
(Entrance) of the Age of Leo. The Age of Leo is Entered after the Age
of Virgo is complete. The woman's face would, therefore, represent
the Age of Virgo, the Virgin, while the lions body would represent
the Age of Leo, the Lion. This would make the Sphinx incredibly,
incredibly Ancient!
The most recent Age of Leo began approximately 11,000 B.C. Prior
to that, the Age of Leo began approximately 37,000 B.C. Prior to
that, 63,000 B.C., etc....Just keep adding 26,000 years (the
approximate Time it takes to complete the Great Year) to the last
figure to continue the sequence.
We do not know exactly which Age of Leo the Sphinx could be
representing. The Sphinx can be breathtakingly ancient.
What was it that some long-forgotten culture was documenting
when they chiseled the Egyptian Sphinx out of bedrock in the very
distant Past on the cusp of an Age of Virgo and an Age of Leo?
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Feather As A Symbol
The Feather Symbolizes the most minute and accurate weight.
A Feather's weight can often save the day, preserve a relationship,
or destroy a kingdom. A Feather's weight is what can tip the Scales
of Balance and Order.
A Feather's weight can be likened to: perfect balance, Harmony,
an Unburdened Heart and the Union of Duality.
Therefore, the Feather represents all of the subtleties which are
present not only in our personal lives but in the cosmos as well;
subtleties which seem insignificant but are so powerfully
We have cliches that attest to this Truth, such as: "Little things
mean a lot" and "It's the little things that count".
Many times Relationships, competitions, and kingdoms are lost
due to the slightest error of judgment - a Feather.
Likewise, it is by paying attention to the "little things" -
a Feather - that Relationships and kingdoms are saved; and
competitions won.
In ancient Egypt this concept was Symbolized by the Neter Maat
(a Neter is a Divine Principle). Maat wears an ostrich feather
on her head and she represents Divine Order, Cosmic Harmony,
justice, Truth, balance and peace.
When the Pharaoh died he was escorted into the underworld by
Anubis where his heart was placed on the Scales of Justice and
Weighed against the Feather of Maat in a Ceremony called
"The Weighing Of The Heart". If the Pharaoh's heart was lighter
than, or equal to, the weight of the Feather of Maat he was allowed
entrance to the afterlife. However, if his heart was heavier than the
Feather of Maat he would be immediately devoured by Ammit, a
beast with the head of a crocodile, the front legs and body of a lion
and the back legs of a hippopotamus.
We are all Pharaohs of our own realms; rulers of our own kingdoms.
Our kingdom consists of our physical, mental, and spiritual domain.
If our Thoughts and Actions are in Harmony with Divine Order we
are ruling our kingdom with a "light heart". If our Thoughts and
Actions are not in Harmony with Divine Order we are then being
ruled by external Events and we experience life with a "heavy heart".
We have all experienced times when Events are going our way
and we are living our life with a "light heart". These are the times
when we are in Harmony with life.
We have also experienced times when life is difficult. These are
the Times when we are not in Harmony with life. These are the
Times that we suffer with a "heavy heart".
Throughout the course of Our Current Incarnation it is very easy for
us to acquire a "heavy heart" by way of burdens which are heaped
upon us, not only by ourselves, but by all of the various aspects of
society. These difficult to recognize burdens are covered in depth in
the articles on "Sin", "Karma" and "Guilt, Threats and Obligations".
Only by recognizing that we are not in Harmony with Divine Order
can we make the necessary Changes to our Thoughts and Actions
that return us to "light-heartedness" and control of our personal
See also:
"Maat - Egyptian Goddess"
"Egyptian Weighing of the Heart"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Karma (Actions, Consequences and Free Will)
Many years ago I watched a movie: "The Picture of Dorian Gray".
It is about a handsome young man (Dorian Gray) who makes
a pact with an artist. He allows the artist to paint his picture
under one condition. The condition is that, instead of him aging
while the painting remains young, he must remain eternally
youthful while the painting ages. The artist agrees and the
painting is completed.
Assured of his eternal youth and handsome features Dorian
Gray pursues a life of evil.
Then something unexpected happens. With each evil act that
Dorian Gray commits, his portrait not only ages but also acquires
an ugly scar or feature. Eventually, the portrait becomes so
grotesque that he must finally hide it away in a closet.
The Lesson contained in this movie is an excellent metaphor for
Karma. Perhaps the simplest definition of Karma is that every
Action has a reaction; a Consequence. Therefore Karma is the
experiencing of the life, or Consequences, we have created for
ourselves by way of our Actions.
Each Act we commit, whether good or evil, imprints itself on
our soul. If it is an evil act, it adds an ugly scar to our soul.
If it is a good act, it beautifies our soul. Our soul then expresses
itself to the world by way of our Personality and Reputation.
As a person continues to add ugly scars to their soul their
Personality and Reputation (their Character) spirals downward.
This person begins to attract the grosser elements of life to
themselves by way of the people they associate with, the places
where they live, the destructive Beliefs they live by, the language
they use, and the jobs and professions they pursue.
This is a gradual, yet continual, descent. This person hardly realizes
what is happening to them until it is too late. Then that person lives
out a life of endless misery.
On the other hand, the person that is continually adding good Acts
and Thoughts to their soul finds themselves spiraling upward. This
person attracts the finer elements of life to themselves by way of
the people they associate with, the places where they live,
the creative Thoughts they enjoy, and the jobs and careers they
This is a gradual and continual ascent into an always higher quality
of living. This person does not even consider that their life can be
There are many people who are relatively young yet they have
given up on life. Their every Word and Action is negative.
These people have become "old and scarred before their time".
On the other hand, there are people who have lived many
earth-years yet they retain a youthful demeanor and radiate
Beauty and Grace.
Regardless of what is happening in the external world we have one
special gift that we can use to guide us. That special gift is our Free
Will. We can either use our Free Will to succumb to the negative
elements that continually surround us, or, we can use our Free Will
to ignore these negative elements, search for the opportunities that
are always available to us, and walk our own Chosen Path.
How we Choose to use our Free Will is entirely up to each one of us.
Our Thoughts create our Actions. Our Actions create our Karma.
Our Karma creates our life.
By Changing our Thoughts we Change our Actions. By Changing our
Actions we Change our Karma. By Changing our Karma we Change
our life.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
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Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Your Choices Define Your Destiny
"Your Choices Define Your Destiny.
Choose Wisely!"
- Darth Vader, "Star Wars"
I saw these words on a poster of Darth Vader quite a while ago
and I felt a great power in these Words.
Many times I have imagined Vader standing before me and
making this statement to me in his powerful, deep-breathing
voice. The voice that carries the carefully chosen, and
unquestionable certain, Words of a Master Teacher spoken with
precision and perfect diction. I can especially imagine his final
emphasis on "Choose Wisely!"
Words which are carefully chosen tend to convey both a timeless
Lesson and a lasting impression. So, let us take a closer look at
some of Master Vader's carefully chosen Words.
"Choices/Choose": Before we take any Action on a situation
we must first analyze the situation. Next, we make a Decision
whether or not to take any action. This Decision to act, or not to
act, is in itself a Choice! If we decide to act, there may be several
actions available to us. We choose one of these actions and act.
At this point, the choice of action creates an imprint on our
psyche, our Personality. Every action we take defines our
character. If our action is positive, it adds a positive aspect to
our character. If our action is negative, it adds a negative aspect
to our character. Once an Action is done, it cannot be undone.
"Define": A word that is very specific and unquestionable.
It is razor-sharp. It gives an exact meaning to whatever it is
"Destiny": This word says it all, doesn't it? It is a word that is
wondrous, mysterious and final. To meet one's Destiny, face-to-face,
is an awesome concept.
Upon paraphrasing this statement, this is what I hear Master
Vader saying:
"Our choices determine our actions...Our actions define
our character...Our character determines our destiny...
Choose Wisely!"
See also: "Choosing Our Thoughts"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
choose wisely,
new age,
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Times change"..."The only thing constant is Change".
These are often heard statements. Yet, they are also powerful
I am witnessing a dramatically changing Time in history. I have a
Choice to either focus on the current chaos, or on the Adventures
and Transformations which lie ahead.
There are only two choices and I can only Choose one.
For a new era to begin, the old era must come to an end. Birth of the
new comes from the death of the old. This is Transformation; this is
Creative Destruction.
In order to enter a new room, one must abandon the old room. To
enter a new life, one must abandon the old life. To Transform myself
into a higher being, I must abandon the lower being that tries to hold
me back.
I cannot climb a mountain if I insist on keeping one foot on the
ground below.
Ancient teachings present this Truth in the forms of Shiva and Seth,
the destructive forces of the universe. The Tarot presents this truth
by way of The Tower.
All things created by man come to an end. All material things come
to an end. Destruction of the old is necessary for the Creation of the
new. This is the Way of the Universe.
The beauty of the butterfly can only manifest with the Transformation
of the caterpillar. We all can take a Lesson from the caterpillar.
The caterpillar never doubts its process of manifestation. It willingly
allows its Transformation to happen, never doubting the outcome.
If I Choose to fight the current Changes I will only expend a lot of
negative energy. This is unhealthy for my body, mind and spirit.
Complaining will not stop Change. Debating will not stop Change.
Mobilizing forces will not stop Change. Worrying will not stop
These Changes will occur regardless of what anyone attempts to do.
Once Change begins, it cannot be stopped until it has run its full Cycle.
By accepting the Change that is now beginning, I instantly gain peace.
This allows me to be the Witness of Transformation and to take
advantage of the new opportunities and Adventures that will be
presenting themselves to me.
I accept change. I choose peace.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
creative destruction,
new age,
unattached observer
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