Sunday, July 17, 2011

Human Behavior Patterns
(The Laws of Probability)

"To understand is to perceive patterns."
-Isaiah Berlin

There is a Time to analyze and there is a Time to recognize. And
though these two processes may sound the same, they are
entirely different.

To recognize something is to accept that something for what it, in
fact, is. This is the mastery of Truth.

To analyze something is to microscopically question that something
to extremes. This simply amuses our ego and gives us "something
to talk about".

When it comes to Human Patterns, or Human Behavior, our
addiction for analysis often results in an abandonment of common
sense. Analyzing Human Behavior, instead of accepting it for what
it is, often blurs our senses to the obvious and unquestionable
facts which are staring us in the face.

Isn't it interesting how we, as human beings, Choose to Perceive
Patterns? On one hand, we Choose to recognize some Patterns for
what they Truly are. While on the other hand we Choose to analyze
other Patterns until we become confused and dizzy.

For example: we know that the sun rises in the east; we know that
if we let something slip from our hands it will fall to the ground; and
we know that if we plant a petunia Seed it will grow into a petunia
flower and not an oak Tree. We understand, and accept these
natural Patterns as Truths and facts and we hardly, if ever, ask

However, when it comes to Human Patterns (Human Behavior) we
take an entirely different stance or attitude; we automatically look
for, and attempt to dissect, the "Why?" of the situation and casually
Ignore the fact of the situation.

Why is this so? Why do we accept nature's Patterns for what they
are yet refuse to accept Human Behavior Patterns for what they are
...a Pattern?

Since our earliest childhood society, and all of its factions, groups,
and organizations, has Instructed us to recognize things for what
they are.

Yet this same society has, on the other hand, Indoctrinated us to
give people the "benefit of doubt", at the expense of Truth, when
it comes to their Behavior Patterns.

We have been trained, mostly through Guilt, to Forgive and forget
when we should be taught to be Aware and understand. For
Awareness and understanding are our most reliable allies.

A person's past is a testimonial to their future. If a person is a liar
or a thief, this is what they are. There is no "sugar coating" of these
facts. Yet, how many of us blindly give these individuals the "benefit
of a doubt" only to rue our Decision and cry out "Why?".

We then get together with our like-minded groups and exhaust
ourselves attempting to analyze why this person lied to us, or
why this person has stolen from us. Yet no matter how deeply
we analyze an individual's Behavior Pattern we can never come
to the real answer of "Why" that person did what they did. For
each person's subjective motives are as different and varied as
there are people on this planet.

Therefore, those of us who analyze behavior instead of recognizing
Patterns, and those of us who give the "benefit of doubt" instead of
accepting obvious Truths, suffer repeatedly for our blind Ignorance.

And for those of us who continually embrace illusion at the expense
of Truth we regretfully, and constantly, find ourselves wailing out
"poor me".

Before we allow some person or entity access into our lives, or
into the lives of our family, it is critical that we see these persons
or entities for what they Truly are, and not for what we "think they
should be".

Behavior Patterns of people, whether as individuals or as groups,
remains very constant. It is our Sovereign responsibility to be
Aware of an individual's obvious Behavior Pattern, which represents
a high probability of how that person will behave, and not simply
give someone a capricious "benefit of a doubt", which is a low
probability of how that person will behave.

To do otherwise is to toss aside the Laws of Probability which
govern the behavior of all Patterns, Cycles, persons, and things
which occupy the physical realm.

To Ignore Human Behavior Patterns, along with the Laws of
Probability associated with these Patterns, is to subject ourselves
to a lifetime of continual victimization. And if we Honestly look at
the personal tragedies of our Past, we are likely to discover that
they are the result of the people we allow into our lives and the
obvious Behavior Patterns we Choose to Ignore.

For, in the end, whether we Choose to accept this fact or not,
a Pattern is a Pattern is a Pattern.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thank you. What I read was beautifully written my only though is how those who can change patters with ease. However in saying it I realism that it is only in the realisation that a patter exists are we able to change it. In life or in the world abroad. I hope you endeavour to share your views as I have seen here today. One day the right person at the right time may read it and understand their own pattern enough to stop or change the pattern. Anyways I do digress. Thank you. One more thing. As the fates would have it as you may already know, you are not alone. Though we may feel alone it is only the strongest lights that are capable of fending alone, the darkness that exists in the world today.