Sunday, May 29, 2011
The Drum (Symbol and Metaphor)
"Time is the great devourer.
Beyond time, there is nothing to devour."
- Joseph Panek
The Drumbeat marks Time in the realm of matter. Time cannot exist
without matter, for all matter has a limited Time-span. On the other
hand, matter cannot exist without Time; for without Time matter
cannot experience the Cycle of manifestation, expansion, and
In our physical realm we use the beat of the Drum to dictate the
tempo of music. It is also used to set the cadence for marching
bands, oarsmen, and armies. It also represents the beating of
the heart and pulse in all living creatures.
In its most sublime essence, the Drumbeat Symbolizes the
heartbeat of the universe. In its most gross essence it represents
war and doom in which it is the rhythmic reminder that "the Time
has come..."
The Drumbeat is of such a low frequency that it vibrates not only
the air but also the ground and can be felt by mankind and
animals alike. Even those who cannot hear can still feel the beat
of the drum and use it to communicate.
The beating of the Drum brings the primordial rhythm of life to a
Ceremony. The dances, chants, and rituals of all indigenous
cultures employ the beating of the Drum to mark the beginning,
rhythm, and end of their traditional rites. Shamans use the beat
of the Drum to induce a state of ecstasy and to invoke spirits.
The terms "march to the beat of a different drummer" and "march
to the beat of our own Drum" are metaphors for taking
responsibility for, and marching to the rhythm of, our own Destiny.
These metaphors are the slogans of the Sovereign individual, the
Lone Wolf, and the Non-Conformist.
Shiva, the Indian deity, holds the Drum in his extended right hand.
The right hand is the hand used to bestow (see: "Hand and Cloud").
This Symbolism reminds us that Creation (manifestation) begins
with the first beat of the Drum and ends with the last beat; and
that Creative Destruction is a natural, ongoing process of the
material realm.
The Esoteric and Sacred Lesson conferred upon us by Shiva's
Drum is thus: All material things march to the beat of Time; they
have a beginning, a finite Time-span, and an end. When we
concentrate on Time (duality and matter) we shut out eternity
(unity). However, when we focus our concentration on eternity,
Time and matter become insignificant.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Debates and Debating
"Debates are the extreme polarization of a
central issue, and the eternal nemesis of Truth."
-Joseph Panek
As we work our way through our school years we are introduced
to a concept which is "theoretically" designed to assist us with our
Decisions and Actions. And because this concept is a part of
our formal education, we accept it to be sound, reasonable, and
efficient. However, this concept is, in reality, an exercise in futility
which hampers, stagnates, and Confuses us. This concept is the
"art" of Debating.
A debate is a structured visible and verbal competition in which
two individuals, or factions, present two polarizing sides of a
central issue.
Furthermore, debates are "scored" based upon how these
opposing sides "present" their argument and NOT on whether
they arrived at the Truth of the issue.
And because it is a visual and verbal competition, the judges and
audience are all-too-often deceptively swayed by the poise,
appearance, and "charisma" of the debaters. These deceptions
encourage the viewers of the debate to willingly and gladly toss
aside the central Truth of the issue being debated and Believe the
debater who appears to be the most attractive and seductive.
When we consider these issues we find that the purpose of a
debate competition is NOT to get to the heart (the Truth) of the
issue being debated. The sole purpose of a staged debate is to
win the debate by whatever means necessary.
So, the question is: what is the primary purpose for staging a
debate in today's society?
As staged debates, in today's society, are either won or lost
based upon the perceived appearance of the debaters, it is safe
to conclude that debates are structured so as to discredit, cloud,
and Confuse the central issue (the Truth) of the topic being
And as the debaters are not concerned with getting to the Truth
of the issue being debated, their debate competition is naturally
divisive. It inflames and polarizes the spectators of the debate.
Many high schools and colleges have debating clubs. Students
in these clubs are taught to argue two sides of a simple issue.
Each side introduces various aspects to the original issue until
the issue is completely buried under a mass of confounding
arguments which simply serve to encourage divisiveness and
hide the Truth.
We see this drama played out unendingly in our court system,
politics, "news" media, group discussions, and in the conflicting
opinions of "experts" who are paraded before us on a daily
We are taught that debating is a skill. Unfortunately, in today's
society, it is a skill that is designed to cloud, or Veil, an issue.
Debating incorporates confusion into the main issue. It keeps
throwing conflicting issues onto the Truth and buries the Truth
beneath layers of clutter. This takes us in the exact opposite
direction which we should be Traveling: the direction of Truth,
clarity, and Wisdom.
By assigning one party to debate the opposite side of a simple
issue (the Truth), we are teaching our students and children to
attack the Truth, to take the opposite side of the Truth, to cloud
the Truth, and to become a "devil's advocate" for the sole purpose
of "winning" an argument. When, if fact, we should be encouraging
our children, our students, and ourselves to focus on, and Seek
out, the Truth.
Truth is the only issue which should concern us...not gossip,
"mud-slinging", hearsay, unfounded Opinions, unproven theories,
factless accusations, or discrediting someone else solely for the
purpose of getting enough "points" to "win" a debate.
Nor should we allow our children, our students, and ourselves to
be deceived by which debater has the best hair style, most
fashionable clothing outfit, and the smoothest voice.
For perceptions are very often deceiving. And Truth is rarely, if
ever, delivered to us by a "silver-tongued devil".
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
(Self-Created vs. Externally-Imposed)
There is a classic psychology study, regarding Stress, involving
two monkeys, a bell, and an electric shock. It goes something
like this:
Monkey "A" was given an electric shock every other time the
bell rang. This monkey was able to adapt to the specific Cycle
of shock vs. no-shock and suffered minimal, if any Stress. No
harm came to this monkey.
Monkey "B", on the other hand, was randomly shocked when
the bell rang. Therefore, this monkey could never anticipate which
ring of the bell would provide the electric shock and was unable
to adapt. Monkey "B" suffered extreme Stress and died of a heart
This experiment is an excellent example of the difference between
anticipated Stress, which we can control, and un-anticipated
Stress, which we cannot control.
By taking this line of thought one step further we can classify
Stress into two different categories: Self-Created Stress (which we
can anticipate and manage), and Externally-Imposed Stress (which
we can neither anticipate nor control).
Externally-Imposed Stress: This is the negative Stress that bears
down upon, and wears out, the majority of people. It is the
unexpected and fearful type of Stress that ages us before our Time
and destroys us both physically and mentally. It is a primary source
of heart problems, stomach problems, and psychological trauma.
Nearly everyone who has worked at a job has, at some time,
experienced Externally-Imposed Stress. No employee is immune
to Externally-Imposed Stress. It affects everyone from upper
management all the way down to the most common laborer.
It results from external Events, Decisions, and Actions which are
entirely unexpected and beyond our control.
Some examples of Externally-Imposed Stress are:
...the expectancy to meet deadlines which are continually being
changed, sped-up, or even cancelled
...unreasonable quotas
...merit reviews which our "superiors" continually bludgeon us with
that keep some menial promotion, or raise, just beyond our grasp
...political infighting.
The list of "rat race" Stress that affects the majority of adults is
How many adults sacrifice their Sovereignty for a thankless "job"
devoid of personal growth and integrity only to be rewarded with
How many adults dully, and semi-consciously, look forward to only
one thing in their life: the "finish-line of retirement"? Only to be then
kept alive by heart and stomach medication.
And, what is perhaps even worse, having almost never exercised
their minds, these same people often end up having little or nothing
to offer society, either mentally or spiritually, when they eventually
Furthermore, how many of these people die shortly after reaching
that "finish-line of retirement" having wasted the gift of Incarnation?
The people who fall into this category are the Monkey "B" alluded
to at the beginning of this article.
Self-Created Stress: This is the expected and anticipated kind
of Stress that is part of the everyday life of the Lone Wolf, the
Trailblazer, Wizards and Wanderers, and all those who pursue
new Horizons.
These persons are the independent businesspersons, private
investors, inventors, explorers, and makers of history. These are
the individuals who face life on their own terms and accept all of
the failures, setbacks, and successes that are a part of their
personal and unique Incarnation.
These individuals understand and embrace the Stress which is
part of their special Journey. They understand that their Road
will sometimes be rocky before it becomes smooth; that some
unexpected crises must be experienced if they are to eventually
experience success in whatever Quest they pursue.
They live their lives, and make their Decisions, by relying on
their talents, skills, imagination, creativity, and experiences.
In other words they face the obstacles of life armed mainly with
their Wits.
And because they are constantly faced with options, Choices,
and anticipated crises, their mental faculties and Decision-
making muscles are sharply honed to handle Stress. Therefore,
for these people, Stress has a minimal affect on their mental
and physical well-being.
These are the individuals who can run their businesses, pursue
their experiments, and plan their next pursuit long after the
average person has succumbed to the boredom of "retirement".
And they do it with a gleam in their eyes and an enthusiasm in
their demeanor that is only found in a naive, excited, and curious
These are the individuals who never think about the "finish line of
retirement" for they are much too busy looking forward to new
projects, ideas, and plans. For these people each new day is a
new dawn in which they expect and anticipate new Adventures.
These individuals are the Monkey "A" alluded to at the beginning
of this article who boldly says: "bring on that electric shock, I can
handle the Stress".
Conclusion: All aspects of our Divine Nature are like muscles.
They must be constantly exercised, used, and pushed to their
limit if we are to make them strong and resourceful. When we
stop using our skills, our mind, our imagination, and all of the
rest of our mental and spiritual muscles, they atrophy.
They wither, become weakened, and either tear or break at the
first sign of Stress. When this happens they are no longer a
viable and valuable component of our being.
Therefore, if we are to face life head-on, master Stress, and
truly enjoy our Journey through our Incarnation, it is our sole
responsibility to continually hone our mental and spiritual
muscles just as we would our physical ones. For only then
are we able to nimbly overcome the surprises and Stress
that are a normal part of all physical Incarnations.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The Giant - As A Symbol
(Mythology, Metaphor, and Archetype)
"If I have seen further than others,
it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants."
- Isaac Newton
As was mentioned in the article on Devolution, nearly all ancient
texts tell of a Time, in the distant long-ago, when Giants walked
upon the earth and lived among mankind.
The question these texts arouse in us is: Who were these Giants?
To answer this question, it is important for us to understand
what the term "Giant" means in Symbolism, Mythology, and
Even today we have metaphors which refer to Giants, such as:
"He was a giant of a man", "He was a giant among men", and
"He is a giant in his field".
As we can see from these metaphors, the term Giant does not
refer to supernatural physical size, but to greater than normal
talents and abilities. In other Words, the term Giant, when
used in these contexts, refers to an exceptional person.
Therefore, metaphorically speaking, a Giant is any man or woman
who possesses powers, talents, abilities, creativity, or insights
beyond that of the average and ordinary person.
And as we live in a realm of Duality, the term Giant can be applied
to any person possessing an above-normal trait or aspect which is
either positive or negative. This means that a Giant can be either
a gracious benefactor or an evil monster.
In its negative aspect, the Giant Symbolizes any person who is
feared and loathed by mankind.
In this category of Giants we find the bullies, thugs, hoodlums,
mass murderers and tyrants. We also find forcefully dominating
individuals and factions along with brutal parents who appear as
Giants to a small child.
And as evil will always make itself more visible than good, Giants
have been historically portrayed and associated with evil and
dominating brutes and ogres.
In this category, the Giant is depicted as the oppressive tyrant
who is eventually overthrown by the citizenry...the little folk.
It is also associated with the neighborhood, or schoolyard, bully
who finally meets his, or her, come-uppance by mis-judging the
strength and valor of their adversary.
Ancient texts give us a very graphic description of these kinds
of Giants in the tale of David versus Goliath whereby the brutal
barbarianism of Goliath is slain by the nimble Wisdom of David;
reminding us that humble Wisdom is the slayer of brutish
Giants can also Symbolize the savage elements of nature which
areeventually conquered (albeit temporarily) by mankind, and
civilization, in the never ending battle of humanity (mortals) versus
the elements (immortals).
In its positive aspect, the Giant Symbolizes any person who is
revered and honored by mankind. Some examples are:
The enlightened minds and subtle Genius found in visionaries,
Trailblazers, and those who pursue new Horizons and unimagined
Dreams. These individuals possess the reasoning, understanding,
fortitude, Awareness, and foresight not found in the average person.
These are the Einsteins, Newtons, Pythagorases, Platos, Socrates,
and Columbuses whose accomplishments are forever emblazoned
upon the eternal pages of history.
The great benefactors such as are Symbolized by the Giant stature
of Saint Christopher carrying the Christ child upon his shoulder.
The Heroes of mythology, legend, folklore, and history who perform
noble deeds, pursue untarnishable Quests, and almost single-
handedly slay the negative essences and evil forces which are
forever attempting to dominate freedom-loving peoples in all parts
of the world, and at all Times of history.
The advanced beings and superior races who occasionally present
themselves to worthy and well qualified individuals in order to nudge
these persons along in their Quest; which also allows society to move
forward. Into this class of enlightened beings fall extra-terrestrials,
Angels, Divine Messengers and Spiritual Guides.
Giants, both positive and negative, have always been, and will
always be, with us. For, as long as we have the schoolyard bullies,
neighborhood thugs, and societal tyrants, we will also have the
far-seeing, creative, imaginative, heroic, and beneficent Giants of
progress, evolution, heroism, and enlightenment to slay the Goliaths
which brutally, but temporarily, stand in the path of Truth, Wisdom,
and Enlightenment.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
David versus Goliath,
The Giant,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
- Confucius
When it is deemed to be the appropriate Time for us to leave the
joyful world of childhood and enter the mundane world of adulthood,
we are tutored and Indoctrinated by a wide variety of adults. Adults
who live in complex and Confusing worlds. Yet, because they are
adults we, as children, look up to them with a degree of awe and
respect; for, after all, they are "adults", aren't they?
And even though we are still naive little kids, we see that they
anguish over the complexities and trials of adult life. We see that,
in many ways, they are Confused, frustrated, and are suffering for
answers to all of the issues which confound them in the world of
grown-ups. We see that, although they are adults, they do not have
all of the answers we imagine that they do have.
But again, because they are adults, we respect them and look up to
them for guidance and answers. The same guidance and answers
which they too are struggling to find. These are our teachers. And,
regardless of how pure their intentions are, the Truth is that no one
can teach another something which they themselves do not know.
No one can teach us clarity of Thought if they themselves are
confounded, Confused, and perplexed.
Yet these are the mentors who "guide" us into adulthood.
So the question is: if we are surrounded by a sea of Confusion,
where do we go to find Clarity, Truth, and Understanding?
Each one of us enters our Current Incarnation with special qualities
and interests. And it is probably safe to say that, regardless of how
someone (or someones) try to steer us, we ultimately proceed upon
a Path that is in general Harmony with our Divine Nature.
We tend to pursue a career and hone our skills in those areas which
give us delight, maintain our interest, and are consistent with our
Over Time, we become very good at our specialties and personal
interests. We truly Become, at least to some degree, an expert in
our Chosen field or hobby. We can Speak and Act with surety so
long as we stay within the areas of our expertise.
But, what happens when we are confronted with a Decision, or
dilemma, which is outside of the area of what we know?
We become Confused!
Confusion does not mean that we are stupid or incapable of
understanding new things. It simply means that we are beyond our
field of expertise; we are a "fish out of water"; we are attempting to
make Decisions on things we know little, or nothing about.
We all become Confused when we step outside our area of expertise.
These are the Times when we experience Simple Ignorance. Simple
Ignorance is the lack of solid, or bona fide, information, knowledge,
and options. And there is only one way to cure Simple Ignorance:
learn that which we are Ignorant of!
However, learning something entirely new may seem like a daunting
and impractical task for us. So, what do we do then?
If we are like most people, we compensate for our Simple Ignorance
by either accumulating enormous amounts of information and
Opinions on whatever it is that is Confusing us, or we seek out
someone else to "manage" our Confusion for us.
When we are rapidly accumulating vast amounts of information and
Opinions, we become perplexed, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Our
mind becomes cluttered, our perception becomes distorted, and our
judgement becomes clouded. This is the worst possible Time for us
to make a Decision on whatever it is that is Confusing us.
On the other hand, when we turn our personal Decisions over to
another person to "manage", we may, in fact, be relying upon
someone else to make Decisions for us who may not be much more
knowledgeable than us. Someone who also may have objectives,
such as fees and commissions, which are in direct conflict with our
best interest.
And finally, in Times of great Confusion, we may find ourselves
entering into uneasy Compromises which we may deeply regret
at some future Time.
So, with these Thoughts in mind, what is the best way for us to
handle Confusion?
It is important to keep one distinct possibility in mind. And that
possibility is that most presumed crises are really unimportant
Events which do not require any Action on our part. These imagined
crises will dissolve and fade away of their own accord.
We must therefore Truly ask of ourselves whether our crisis, or
Confusion, is real or imaginary. If we determine it is imaginary,
then it is probably in our best interest to simply "let it go".
However, when a major Event or Decision does confront us, this
is the Time for us to take a few deep breaths and dedicate our
ourselves to understanding, in depth, that which we need to know
in order to make a rational and safe Decision...regardless of how
much Time, energy, and effort it may require of us.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be either
advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions and no more.
Everyone is encouraged to seek competent advice from a licensed,
registered, or certified professional should such advice or service be
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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