Sunday, July 26, 2009


"First say to yourself what you would be;
and then do what you have to do."

"A man is what he thinks about all day long."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We all have dreams, feelings and desires. And it is how we have
Chosen to use, or misuse, these Gifts that determines the person
we are and the Path we are Traveling.

If we are dissatisfied with the Path we are Traveling today, all we
need to do is Change it. By doing so, we can be Traveling along a
completely new, and unique, Path tomorrow.

Every one of us is bestowed with the Inalienable Gift of Free Will.
An Inalienable Gift is a permanent, personal Gift which can neither
be transferred to another nor taken away from us. This Gift of Free
Will allows us to Choose, and be responsible for, the kind of life we

And, just as we can use our Free Will to Choose the kind of life we
desire to live, and the type person we want to Become, we can also
use our Free Will to avoid making these same Choices. When we
refuse to make our own Choices we have, in fact, made a Choice;
we have Chosen not to act.

While Choosing to act on our own behalf gives us control of, and
responsibility for, our Actions, Choosing not to act on our own
behalf relinquishes control of our Actions and places us at the
mercy of external Events. And, just as we are responsible for our
Actions, we are also responsible for our non-Actions!

With these Principles in mind, how can we use our Free Will to
Become whatever it is that we dream of Becoming?

It all starts with a firm realization that our current lifestyle is not
Harmonious with who we truly are, coupled with an unwavering
commitment to Seek out only that which is in complete Harmony
with our Divine Nature.

Once we have made, and are comfortable with, our Decision and
commitment we are ready to embark upon our process of Change.

It is important to keep in mind that Change is a process. Change
does not happen to us "overnight"; it occurs one step at a Time.

The rules of Change are relatively simple. We form a mental image
of the person we have an unwavering desire to Become, then we
acquire the skills, knowledge, behavior, and qualities that this
person would possess.

We Think as this person would Think; we Speak as this person would
Speak; we Learn what this person would Learn; we read what this
person would read; we associate with only those types of individuals
whom this person would associate with; and, we feel and act as this
person would feel and act.

When we merely dream of bettering ourselves, yet we do nothing to
bring this Change about, we are acting contrary to the "Laws of
Becoming". When we know we can be much better, yet we agree
to Compromise for much less, our mind Becomes split in two
different directions and we end up sending conflicting messages to
the Universe, which is the "Great Provider". Consequently our
dreams, visions and desires cannot be fulfilled. It is only when our
dreams, Thoughts, and Actions are in Harmony with each other
that we are able to create that which we desire to Become.

We can always complain, or use the excuse, that times are tough;
that we don't possess the skills; or that we were born into the
"wrong" family. Yet, at this very moment, there is someone sitting
in a garage, or attic, or basement somewhere, who is working on a
new idea or invention. This person is not concerned about the
economy, or which political party is in office, or what skills they do
not yet possess. This person is Simply focusing on their task at
hand and step-by-step he, or she, is bringing their dream into
reality...into Becoming!

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thoughts, Actions and Karma

"I have always thought the actions of men
the best interpreters of their thoughts."
-John Locke

A legion of Thoughts enter our mind each and every day. Most are
but fleeting visitors, many may linger for awhile, but some become
our permanent residents. It is these last Thoughts, our permanent
residents, which are responsible for shaping our character and
creating our Destiny.

Thought is the precursor of Action. Our fleeting Thoughts are like a
quick soft breeze: they briefly catch our attention then continue on
with their journey without stirring us to any Action. However, as we
shall see, the other types of Thought can, and do, stir us into Action.
And it is these Thoughts which are the catalyst for creating either a
Karmic Event, a personality characteristic, or a combination of both.
With this in mind, let us take a look at the four different combinations
of Thought and Action.

The four combinations are:
1. Negative Thought followed by no Action
2. Positive Thought followed by no Action
3. Negative Thought followed by Action
4. Positive Thought followed by Action

Negative Thought followed by no Action: A negative Thought
which we recognize as such and quickly dismiss from our mind
creates no negative Karmic Event.

As an example, let us suppose we are having a Thought of "getting
even" with someone because of some misdeed they have done to us.
However, upon becoming Aware that this negative Thought has
entered our mind, and realizing that nothing good can come from
this Thought, we immediately dismiss it.

In this instance, because we quickly dismissed the Thought, we have
created no negative Karmic Event. In addition, because we have not
allowed this Thought to fester within us, we have also prevented it
from becoming a negative part of our personality and character.

If, however, we allow our mind to continually dwell on many
negative Thoughts something different happens. Although it is true
that we have taken no Action on these Thoughts, and have incurred
no negative Karmic Event, the very fact that we are allowing our
mind to entertain so many negative Thoughts, over long periods of
Time, means that our Thought process will eventually create
character flaws which can impair our Decisions and Actions. We
cannot create a positive lifestyle, and Destiny, if we continually
entertain negative Thoughts.

Positive Thought followed by no Action: When we have
Positive Thoughts, and Ideas, but take no Action on them, no
positive Karmic Event is created. We are merely fooling ourselves
if we Believe that "positive thinking" alone is enough to improve our
character and create a better life for us. Individuals who fall into
this category are simply glassy-eyed day dreamers whose "wishful
thinking" never comes true. Thought without Action, just like talk
without Action, cannot manifest itself in the physical world.

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that Choosing not to
act is, if fact, an Action! When we have positive Thoughts, but do not
act on them, we are sending a conflicting signal to the Universe.

We are telling the Universe "Yes", we do want to experience positive
Events but, "No", we are not willing to do what is necessary to bring
our Thoughts into fruition. We thereby create a Stalemate between
Thought and Action whereby our non-action cancels out our positive

Negative Thought followed by Action: Negative Thought
followed by Action is self-destructive. This combination produces
not only a negative Karmic Event, it also creates a negative person-
ality trait within us.

To get a better "feel" for this Principle, let us take a close look at an
example which portrays the effects of a negative Action:

Prior to engaging in a negative Action we must first dwell upon the
Thought which creates this Action. Next, we must agree to proceed
with, and act upon, this Thought.

At this point we have voluntarily created a negative agreement
with ourselves which attaches itself to, and becomes a permanent
part of, our character. This mental agreement must occur prior to
us taking Action on our Thought.

And finally, we follow through with our Action.

Once we have "done the deed", two things occur as the result of
our Action.

First, the negative character trait, which we have incorporated
into our personality, makes it much easier for us to carry out
other negative actions in the future.

Second, we have created an Action, an Event, for which there will be
both a negative Karmic Event and a Consequence.

Whenever we entertain a negative Action we must always ask
ourselves, "Are we willing to pay the price that accompanies our

As a final note: Gossip, criticism, ridicule, constant complaining, and
the demeaning of others are also the resulting Actions of negative
Thoughts. We incur the same Consequences, Karmic Debts, and
character flaws for these verbal Actions as we would have incurred
if we had taken physical Action.

Positive Thought followed by Action: Positive Thought
followed by Action produces a positive Karmic Event. It also instills
a positive personality trait within within our character.

Positive Thought followed by Action is the method by which we
create. It is the process by which our dreams, ideas, and ambitions
- which begin as latent thoughts within Our Subconscious - Become
manifest in the physical world.

Everything that is Beautiful and Inspiring is the result of a Positive
Thought followed by Action. Whether it is a magnificent work of
art, an enchanting piece of music, or a majestic Universe, these are
all the result of a Positive Thought followed by Action.

Divinity creates. And Divinity resides within us. Therefore, we
possess the Divine Ability to create the world of our dreams. All it
takes is a Positive Thought followed by Action.

See also: "Karmic Paths and Roads"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rivers - As A Symbol (Part 1)

"You can never step into the same river;
for new waters are always flowing on to you."
-Heraclitus of Ephesus

"Follow the river and you will find the sea."
-French Proverb

Symbolically, a River represents the flow of Time. It Symbolizes
the natural flow of Nature along with all of Her Cycles, transitions,
transformations and passageways.

When we stand in the middle of a bridge above a River, and look
down, we experience a powerful, awe-inspiring, hypnotic sensation
as we watch the River flow beneath our feet. Although it is the same
River, it is the continual flow of new Water within that River which
mesmerizes and enchants us. The metaphor, "A lot of water under
the bridge" paints a mental picture of the hypnotic effect of the
passage of Time.

To get an even deeper "feel" for this passage of Time, let us first
consider the birth, journey and final transformation of a River.

A River begins as a spring of Water high up in the mountains.
Mountains Symbolize the higher realms of consciousness. They are
the home of gods and Wise Men and represent the Border between
the realms of Heaven and Earth. (See: The Fool and The Hermit).

This high mountain spring of Water is Water which has been filtered
and cleansed by way of a multi-year (and perhaps, multi-century)
journey through the womb of Mother Earth. When this water finally
emerges from Mother Earth it is Sacred, Pure and Life-Giving.

After leaving its mountain spring, these Waters join with other
Waters from other mountain springs to eventually form a River.
A River does not flow in a straight line, it has many twists and turns.
These twists and turns are Nature's way of keeping Her life-giving
Waters healthy: they create the eddys that aerate the Water which
is so vital to the nourishment and preservation of all the people,
animals and vegetation which rely on the River for sustenance.

Once the River has completed all of the twists and turns of its long
journey it finally empties into the sea. The point at which the River
enters the sea is called It's Delta. The Delta is a triangular area
which forms at the mouth of the River. The word Delta is derived
from a Greek symbol, also in the shape of a triangle, which means
"Change". Upon passing through Its Delta the River "Changes". Its
individuality comes to an end as It merges with all of the other
Rivers, which have also ended their long Journeys, to become part
of the One Great Sea.

Now that we have briefly explored the life-journey of a River, let us
move on to the Symbolism, mythology, metaphor and Lessons
contained within the River and its Waters.

First of all, although a River is composed of Water, it is important
to understand that the River and Its Water are two separate and
distinct essences; they are two separate and distinct Principles.
Water is the Feminine Essence which gives birth and nourishes.
The River, on the other hand, is the Masculine Principle which
Impregnates the soil of Mother Earth with Its Water.

Life on this planet cannot exist without the life-giving nourishment
of Water, and it is the River that provides that Water. Perhaps the
most familiar understanding we have of this Principle is the annual
return of the Nile River in Egypt. Each year the Nile River swells
along its river bed and impregnates the soil along Its banks with the
nourishing and life-giving supply of Water necessary to regenerate
the crop supply. Without the River there would be no Water.
Without the Water there would be no crops. Without the crops there
would be no life.

Creation myths from numerous cultures speak of a great mountain
from which four Rivers flowed in four different directions. These
Rivers provided the life-giving nourishment for the four cardinal
areas of creation (North, South, East and West). These Rivers
impregnated the lands which then gave birth to the exotic gardens
of myth and legend.

Symbolically, a Garden represents fertility and Abundance. For
there to be a Garden (fertility), Water (birth and nourishment) must
be very close at hand. And this Water can only be delivered by either
a River, Spring or Stream.

It is important to also note that a Well, which is also a Water supply,
is simply a man-made effort which taps into an underground River
or Stream.

The twists and turns which are a part of a River's long journey
symbolize the twists and turns which we encounter during our
earthly journey; our Incarnation. As with the River, our earthly
journey is not direct. Just as a River must take Time to turn, pause
and aerate Itself, we too must take Time to pause, alter course a
little, and refresh ourselves.

And just like the River, once our pause and refreshment is over we
are then ready to resume the next clear Path of our journey. The
River also reminds us that we can only go forward in our life's
Journey. It is when we attempt to go back (live in the Past) that we
find ourselves "swimming upstream" in a futile attempt to defy the
natural flow of Nature.

The River, in its long Journey, is Symbolic of life in general; and of
our lives in particular. There are periods when the River experiences
turbulent, chaotic and disturbing Times (rapids); there are periods
when It experiences twists, turns and pauses; and then there are
periods when the River flows peacefully, smoothly and calmly.

And finally, just as with each and every one of us, the Time comes
for the River to end its long Journey. This is the moment when the
River passes through its Delta (Change) to be transformed into, and
become part of, the Great Sea. This moment of transition for the
River symbolizes our moment of transformation which occurs when
our long earthly Journey comes to its end. This is the time when we
also Change in order to return to, and re-Become part of, that Great
Consciousness which we call Divinity. The River, what a great
metaphor for this complex Journey we call life!
Next: Rivers, Part 2

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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Sunday, July 5, 2009


"Sometimes one pays most for the
things one gets for nothing."
-Albert Einstein

"Free advice is seldom Cheap."
-Quark, "Star Trek, Deep Space Nine"

There are basically three types of Advice:
1. "Free", unsolicited advice.
2. Advice sought for the purpose of assurance and conformity.
3. Advice sought for self-improvement.
The first type, "free", unsolicited advice, abounds all around us.
We experience this type of advice every day. On the television, in
the newspapers and on the radio this type of advice consists of the
daily "news" articles, and "expert" Opinions, which tell us what we
must know, how we must think and, subliminally, how we must
This type of advice also comes to us by way of our family, friends
and even strangers who are continually attempting to impress their
opinions upon us. "Free", unsolicited advice is a kind of advice
which we accept as truth, and act upon, simply because it comes
to us from a source which we want to believe is reliable.
"Free", unsolicited advice carries the least, if any, value. And, for
those of us who act upon this advice, we find that following this kind
of advice usually costs us very dearly in the end.
In addition, free and unsolicited advice also consists of "advice" which
is imposed upon us by those who wish to either sell us something,
relieve us of something, or recruit us into their particular group,
faction or cause.
Whenever we are being bombarded with free and unsolicited advice
we must always ask ourselves "what is the motivation of the person
who is 'advising' us?".
The second type, advice sought for assurance and conform-
ity, is the advice which we seek after we have formed an opinion,
or have come to a decision, on some matter. We then want to deter-
mine how many other people agree with us. We seek out this type
of advice because it makes us think that our opinion or decision is
correct if many other people agree with us. When we seek out
assurance and conformity it is because we have either not taken
the time to personally and thoroughly research the issue confronting
us, or, we are dealing with too many unknowns.
In this instance we tend to believe that if a great number of other
people agree with us, we must be right. In addition, in seeking this
type of advice, we disregard all contrary opinions. Then, when we
think that we have enough conforming opinions, we go ahead and
do whatever it is we decided to do in the beginning. And because
we disregard all opinions which are contrary to our initial decision,
this type of advice-seeking is simply designed to massage our ego;
not to gain Insight. Therefore, this type of advice barely, if at all,
rates above the level of "free" and unsolicited advice.
The third type of advice, Advice Sought for Self-Improvement,
is the Advice we seek when we are looking to improve ourselves
either mentally, spiritually, personally or financially. This is the only
type of Advice which possesses Value and Wisdom. Advice Sought for
Self-Improvement is Advice we seek from those persons who have
already achieved whatever it is that we want to achieve.
Unlike the first two types of advice, Advice Sought for Self-
Improvement must be sought out. And although those persons who
possess this type Advice are willing to give it away freely, they do
not waste their time attempting to impress their Wisdom, experience
and knowledge upon others. These persons understand that they
cannot teach the un-teachable and they cannot motivate the lazy.
These individuals invest their time Learning new skills and honing
the skills they already possess. They are the true Seekers and
"doers" of our current Age. And, if we are to gain honest and reliable
advice, it is these individuals whom we must seek out.
In the end, as always, we are solely responsible for our decisions and
actions. When we allow our thoughts, Decisions and actions to be
ruled by either "free and unsolicited advice" or "advice sought for
assurance and conformity", we have placed our Destiny in the hands
of others. However, whenever we seek out "Advice for Self-
Improvement", we then become a part of that minority which are
truly Seeking to be the very best that we can become.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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