Sunday, April 25, 2010
"Time and tide wait for no man."
-Geoffrey Chaucer
What is this thing called Time? We set our watches by it. We make
plans and appointments based upon it. We also look forward to
holidays, anniversaries, festivities and birthdays based upon it.
But have we ever stopped to consider the meaning and reality of
this cosmic Drumbeat we call "Time"?
In its most Simple and brief description Time is a measurement of
movement. To be more precise, Time is the movement of one object,
or Event, in relationship to another.
Time is both cyclical (infinite) and linear (finite). This cyclical and
linear concept of Time is represented, Symbolically, by the horn
of the Unicorn. The Unicorn's horn is a straight (linear) Symbolic
bone protruding from the top of the Unicorn's head - or Crown
And, although straight and finite, the Unicorn's horn consists of a
spiral design which begins at the crown of the Unicorn's head and
eventually fades into Infinity at the uppermost tip of the horn. This
straight and spiralled horn of the Unicorn Symbolizes both the
cyclical and linear nature of Time.
Cyclical Time is the continuous repetition of the endless Cycles of
Eternity. It consists of the seasons, tides, sunrises, days, months,
years, ages and eons which are encompassed within Eternity.
Cyclical Time is the often repeating and unending Cycles which
govern not only our visible, physical universe but also the invisible,
spiritual realms which are unfamiliar to us. Cycles, which are
Symbolized by Circles and Spirals, are the Eternal timepieces which
are part of Divinity's Grand Design.
Linear Time, on the other hand, represents the finite and temporary.
Just as a line must have a beginning and an end, so must linear
Time have its beginning and end. Each day must come to an end.
Each year must come to its close. Civilizations, dynasties,
kingdoms, eras, joys, sufferings, festivities, Relationships, material
gains and physical life are all a part of linear Time. Therefore,
because they are finite in nature, they must all experience their own
particular beginning and end. In addition, linear Time also contains
the Consequences, or results, of previous Actions and Events
initiated by ourselves and by others.
Linear Time exists within Cyclical Time. While the Cycles of Eternity
are enduring and infinite, the Events which occur within these Cycles
are limited and temporary. And although today's day has the same
24-hours as yesterday's day had, it is not the same 24-hours.
Today's day is a finite, temporary Event occurring within one of
Divinity's numerous and overlapping Eternal Cycles.
This is why the same sunrise which greeted our ancient ancestors
many ages ago is not the same sunrise which greets us today.
Yes, it is the same Sun. Yes, it is still rising in the East. However
this same Sun which is still rising in the East is now performing its
daily, finite function within a new rhythmic Cycle.
Therefore, although we can "put things off until tomorrow", or even
"look forward to tomorrow", tomorrow will not be the same day as
today. For tomorrow truly is "a brand new day!"
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
cyclical time,
linear time,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Rituals And Ceremonies
(Their Symbolic Importance)
A Ritual or Ceremony is a celebration, a jubilee, a tradition. Through
these rites we re-live, re-enact, honor, Remember, and call forth
ancient Events, spiritual teachings, Divine Essences, and heroic tales.
Rituals and Ceremonies are also performed in order to "set a mood".
We can participate in Rituals and Ceremonies as either a part of a
group, or in a private and personal setting.
And although modern day Rituals and Ceremonies have been
reduced to merely Symbolic and festive group gatherings they are,
in fact, no less powerful now than when they were performed by our
ancient ancestors. In our modern world we have simply lost focus
of the true purpose and meaning of these very ancient traditions.
Even today indigenous cultures throughout the world participate in
Rituals and Ceremonies with the same respect and awe as did their
forefathers and ancestors.
For example, prior to going on a hunt for food, certain indigenous
cultures will draw a picture, usually upon a mound, of the animal
they are about to hunt and then devote their entire night praying
over the image, honoring it, and thanking it for the sacrifice it is
about to make for the benefit of the tribe or community.
The purposes of establishing, performing, and participating in
Rituals and Ceremonies are threefold.
1. To Remember and re-introduce us to the spirits, ancestors,
Lessons, and heroes which are part of our cultural and spiritual
2. To set a solemn mood by way of performing these rites in a
location which is Harmonious with the Ritual or Ceremony which
is being enacted;
3. To then Instill that solemn mood within us so that we can access
our Inner Being...Our Subconscious...our Atman, in order to
manifest whatever it is that is important to us in our Current
First: When we recall the spirits, ancestors, Lessons, and heroes of
our distant past we are reminded of the Divine Essences which they
represent. They represent the teachings, Wisdom, deeds, and
achievements which are at the core of the spiritual philosophy of our
particular culture. In fact, they are the teachings, Wisdom, deeds,
and achievements which have been, and still are, at the core of all
cultures ever since the most remote beginnings of the most
long-forgotten ages of mankind.
These spirits, ancestors, Lessons, and heroes are the inspirations
which elevate our Thoughts and feelings to the bliss, ecstasy, and
peace of the higher spiritual realms.
Second: As the purpose of Rituals and Ceremonies is to set a
solemn mood, they are performed in specially selected locations
which are Harmonious with inner tranquility and spiritual peace.
This is of particular importance regardless of whether these rites
are performed for group participation, or in private by ourselves.
Third: The performance of a Ritual or Ceremony slowly instills
within us a sacred and pensive mood through which we can then
access our spiritual nature, our Atman, and become intimate with
This feeling, this bonding with Divinity, is similar to a very deep
meditative state which puts us "in touch" with not only the
creative powers of our own Subconscious, but also the creative
powers of the Infinite and Divine Consciousness: powers which
can manifest Thought into reality.
When we enter this solemn, spiritual mood we are temporarily free
of all contradictory and disturbing Thoughts which can hinder us
from manifesting into our lives the object, or intention, of our desire.
While still in this solemn, sacred, and creative mood it is then
necessary for us to also act, through either Words or Action, upon
that object, lifestyle, or essence which we wish to manifest into our
Action, the invisible third element of creation, is the Rajas referred
to in ancient Sanskrit teachings. Without Action (Rajas), mood and
intention by themselves can not manifest whatever it is that we
When we look at Rituals, Ceremonies, and Creation in this manner
it is easy for us to understand why we often leave religious masses,
Rituals, and Ceremonies with an empty feeling.
To spiritually participate in a Ceremony, have our mood set by the
power of the Ritual, but failing to act while in the Spiritual Mood
instilled within us, is to waste the power of that Ritual or Ceremony.
All creation consists of, and is Symbolized by, the Trinity. Thoughts,
plans, and ideas can only be brought into manifestation by way of
Action (Rajas), which is the Third and final aspect of both Trinity
and Creation. (See: "The Three Gunas")
With this in mind, let us remember this Divine Truth the next time
we either participate in, or create, a Ritual or Ceremony. Upon
having our mood set by a solemn Ritual or Ceremony let us remind
ourselves that this is the most powerful and dynamic moment for us
to attempt to manifest, through Harmonious Words or Action,
whatever we feel is most important to us in our Current Incarnation.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wizards and Wanderers - As Symbols
"Not all those who wander are lost."
- "The Hobbit", J.R.R. Tolkien
Throughout Time and within the fables and mythologies of all
cultures we hear of Wizards and Wanderers who roam free and
occasionally assist a worthy soul in pursuing and accomplishing
a noble Quest.
Wizards and Wanderers are cast from a rare and special mold.
They are the true individuals who cannot "settle down" to the
conformities and dictates of society. These individuals remain
eternally free of the restrictions and demands which society
imposes upon its unwary and all-to-compliant subjects.
Wizards and Wanderers smirk at the folly of being imprisoned in
Towers of Self-Imposed Limitations and instead Choose to roam
and Travel wherever they wish - or to wherever they are currently
needed. They are the Seekers of Truth and Wisdom and are
constantly pursuing new Adventures and new Horizons.
Wizards and Wanderers are open-minded and are continuously
acquiring new knowledge, new skills, new understandings, and new
magic. And it is because of these acquired talents and abilities that
they are able to form strong bonds and extraordinary friendships
with like-minded individuals, mystical beings, and the Elemental
Entities of Nature.
Wizards and Wanderers are the Independent Thinkers, dreamers,
and doers who are labeled as Non-Conformists and rebels by the
mundane masses; labels and badges which they gladly accept,
and wear, with a self-comforting pride.
Wizards and Wanderers are very comfortable with their Chosen
life style. They are able to live on their wits and they savor their
ability to do so. These true individuals bear the scars of their Travels
proudly; scars acquired during their many tests and journeys while
in far-away places, less-Traveled environments, and unusual realms;
scars of growth and Adventure.
Wizards and Wanderers understand that they are "in this world but
not of it". They find comfort in knowing that their Quest is noble
and their vision remains forever focused upon the Higher Cause.
Perhaps this is why so many of us secretly desire to share an
Adventure with one of these truly free-spirits and eventually
Become a part of their very limited, very unique, and very
legendary order.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
Higher Cause,
independent thought,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Tower - As A Symbol
While the Tower is similar in appearance to the Lighthouse, its
Symbolism is quite different. For while the Lighthouse Symbolizes
a beacon which guides us, the Tower Symbolizes a strong
structure which restricts our movements, limits our Horizons and
confines us to a specific physical and mental location. The Tower
Symbolizes all of the Self-Imposed Limitations we construct around,
and within, ourselves.
In the physical realm, the Tower Symbolizes all of the material
possessions we slowly accumulate which must now be guarded,
protected and worried about; possessions which limit our
movements, burden us with "responsibility" and imprison us in
a chamber of social conformity.
And although we are fully entitled to accumulate all of the material
possessions we desire, too often we find ourselves being the lone
sentry who must constantly stand guard over "things" which slowly
take control of our lives and become our masters.
In the mental realm, The Tower Symbolizes crystallized thought.
Crystallized thought is the stubborn "closed mindedness" so many
of us acquire when we choose to stop entertaining any new ideas
and fresh concepts which are constantly blossoming and growing all
around us. Crystallized thinking is the result of cemented thoughts
and beliefs which chain us to a time Past; a time which no longer
exists except within the confines of our stagnated mind.
Simply put, The Tower Symbolizes all Self-Imposed Limitations
which restrict our Freedom and curtail our imagination.
Mythology and fables provide us with excellent metaphors of The
Tower and what it Symbolizes. In these tales we are told of a
beautiful young maiden with golden flowing hair being held captive
high up in a Tower while awaiting her rescue by some handsome
young prince.
Of course, the handsome young prince eventually arrives, rescues
the beautiful young maiden and they live "happily ever after."
But what is the meaning of the beautiful young maiden, her golden
flowing hair, the handsome young prince, the Tower, and "happily
ever after"?
The Tower Symbolizes confinement, entrapment and bondage
within a restrictive area.
The young maiden Symbolizes the youthful, feminine aspect
of our nature in which fertility, abundance, imagination and
intuition reside. And, as she is imprisoned in the highest part
of the Tower, the young maiden also Symbolizes soaring
aspirations and a lofty Quest.
As Gold is Symbolic of the untarnishable and incorruptible, the
young maiden's golden hair Symbolizes an untarnishable and
incorruptible treasure waiting to be discovered and claimed by
a noble Adventurer.
The young maiden's long flowing hair symbolizes free-
spiritedness and unrestricted imagination.
The young, rescuing prince Symbolizes the masculine,
complimentary side of the young maiden's Divine Nature (in the
same way in which the young maiden Symbolizes the feminine,
complimentary side of the young prince's Divine Nature).
Furthermore, the young prince Symbolizes adventure, new ideas
and the seed of Abundance.
The rescue Symbolizes the Union of Duality in which the
complimentary masculine and feminine aspects of both the prince
and the maiden are finally re-united into One Stronger Whole.
"Happily ever after" Symbolizes Transcending Duality. Once
the masculine and feminine essences of the prince and the maiden
become united as One they are completely free to enjoy all of the
pleasures and Abundance of their Union. Their completion elevates
them to a higher realm of existence which is free of all of the
confinements and entrapments of the physical world.
Each one of is a young prince seeking his maiden, or a young
maiden awaiting her prince. We all dream of freely riding off into
the sunset upon a gallant white horse accompanied by the
eternal warmth and tenderness of our other half. Yet, isn't it
ironic that the same bondages and entrapments we fight so
steadfastly to escape from in our youth are the same prisons we
voluntarily construct around ourselves once we become "mature"
and "sophisticated" adults.
Perhaps this is the true essence of that inspirational message sent
to us in Matt 18:3...And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you
change and become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven."
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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