Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ba and Ka - Egyptian Symbolism

Divinity is the "Great Spirit", the "One", the "All". Everything
that is, ever was, and ever will be is an integral and inseparable
part of Divinity.

Divinity cannot be divided into parts nor can anything separate
itself from Divinity. Should something be able to separate itself
from Divinity then Divinity would no longer be whole, complete
and Infinite. It would no longer be the "All". It would no longer
be Divinity. Therefore Divinity, by It's very Nature is inseparable.
Divinity is whole, complete and Infinite; It is the "All".

Since Divinity is the One Great Spirit, everything that It expresses
(creates) is also a part of this One Great Spirit and contains Divinity
within it. When Divinity "creates" one of us It is expressing a
fractional part of It's Infinite Nature. Therefore, each one of us
is a fractional expression of Divinity.

When Divinity creates something in the material realm It unites
Spirit with matter in order to express a specific essence of It's
Infinite Nature.

At the moment of our conception (our physical creation) Divinity
provides us with the Spiritual Life Force which will accompany us
throughout our Current Incarnation. This Spiritual Life Force, or
Spark of Divinity, which resides within us is what the Ancient
Egyptians called the Ba. The Ba is the Vital Energy of Divinity which
allows us to experience, interact with, and understand, the Spiritual,
mental and physical realms of our Current Incarnation. The Ba also
provides us with that specific essence of Divinity which we call our
personality...our Divine Nature.

The Ba is represented, Symbolically, by the image of a bird with
a person's head. The bird is a Symbol which represents Spirit.
Therefore, the Ba represents the Spiritual Life Force and
personality of the person whose head appears on the bird.
The Ba is the temporary Union which exists between Spirit and
matter and represents the Spiritual aspect of our nature.

While the Ba represents the Spiritual aspect of our nature,
the Ka represents our physical aspect. The Ka is the physical
energy provided by the Ba which animates our body and enables
it to move and function in the material realm.

The Ka is represented, Symbolically, as two arms in the shape of
a square reaching toward heaven. The square is a Symbol which
represents matter and the physical realm. Therefore, the Ka
represents our physical energy.

Metaphorically, we can liken the Ba and Ka to the battery which
is within our car. The battery provides all the energy which our
car requires in order for it to function. The energy from the battery
is available to all of the components of our car regardless of whether
our car is turned on or off. This continual source of energy contained
within the battery represents the Ba.

Once we start our car, and begin using its many functions, we
begin to draw energy from the battery. This energy enables us
to use the car's headlights, radio, wiper blades, air conditioner, etc.
The energy from the battery also allows our engine to start in
order for our car to move and transport us from place to place.
This energy provided by the battery which animates the car and
allows it to function represents the Ka.

All ancient cultures understood that our bodies and Spirit are one.
They understood that we are all children of, and a fractional
expression of, Divinity. They also understood that the "marriage"
of Spirit and matter is but a temporary Union. This powerful, yet
temporary, Union is the Spiritual Essence which guides us through
our Current Incarnation. The Ancient Egyptians expressed this
Sacred Union by way of their Symbolism of the Ba and Ka.

(Images via Wikipedia)

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Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
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© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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