Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 1(Symbolism and Metaphor)
"The most beautiful thing we can experience
is the mysterious."
- Albert Einstein
Pyramids! We find these mysterious, immense, and fascinating
structures throughout the world. We gaze at them in wonder and
ask ourselves: who built them? how were they built? what were
they used for? and, when were they built?
We may never know the True answers to all, or any, of these
perplexing questions; and this is what mystifies us. However, by
delving into the Symbolism of the Pyramid we can begin to un-Veil
some of the Esoteric and Ancient meanings contained within that
mysterious and sacred structure we call the Pyramid.
The word "pyramid" is a Greek word. And because it is a Greek
word, which is a much later language than Ancient Egyptian, this
tells us that this was not the original name that these structures
were called in antiquity. For the Greeks came to Egypt at a far
later Time after the Pyramids were built.
However, as words change from one language to another, at least
a portion of their original essence tends to remain as language
is passed down through Time, different civilizations, and various
When we look at the etymology of the word "pyramid" we notice
that the root of this word is pyre. Pyre means Fire. And Fire can be
further translated Symbolically, Alchemically, and Mythologically
as: enlightenment, illumination, primal energy, the Creative Seed,
and Divine Principle.
When we trace the original Name for Pyramid back to Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs, we come upon the glyph Per-Neter, or Per-
Neteru, which translates as "House of Divine Principles". And
Divine Principles are the primal essences, the original Creative
Seeds, and Natural Laws which exist throughout the cosmos and
give energy, purpose, and expression to all things.
(See: "The Egyptian Neter")
The Pyramid also represents, Symbolically, the primordial mound
which appears in numerous creation myths throughout the world.
The primordial mound is the first matter that rose out of the depths
of the sea of Chaos (the Great Subconscious) to create the material
realm. This primordial mound, upon rising from the primal Waters,
separated these Waters below from the sky above.
When we view the Great Pyramids of Egypt from one of their sides
we notice that they are massive upward-pointing Triangles. An
upward-pointing, or ascending, Triangle has one point at its top
and two points stretched out equally at its wide base below. We
also notice that the Pyramid has four sides, is stepped, and is built
upon solid bedrock.
With all of these points in mind, let us now delve into the Symbolic,
and metaphorical, Lessons contained within the Pyramid.
Ascending Triangle: As an ascending Triangle, the Pyramid is
one of the basic and revered shapes contained within Sacred
Geometry. A Triangle has three sides. And, Esoterically, the
number Three is the number of creation (See: "The Three Gunas")
In Alchemy, the upward pointing, or ascending, Triangle is the
Symbol for the Element of Fire; which, again, represents
enlightenment, illumination, force, energy, and the Creative Seed.
Solid Bedrock: The Great Pyramid is built on solid bedrock; not
shifting sand. This teaches us that, just as the Pyramid requires
a solid and stable foundation to support itself, we too require a
solid and stable foundation beneath our character if we are to be
firm and unwavering in our Thoughts and Actions. For we cannot
ascend to great heights if our character is not set on solid principles
(bedrock). Those of us who build our character on shifting sand
always find ourselves shaky, unstable, and ready to collapse
under the most minimal stresses which daily life, and Time,
bring upon us.
Wide Base: The Pyramid is widest at its base. And "base", in this
instance is a very appropriate Word. This large and wide base is
Symbolic of where a very large part of humanity spends most if its
Incarnation. The base is Symbolic of where the masses congregate,
struggle, fight, argue, and mingle. And although everyone "wants"
to get themselves out of this lower segment of society, or what is
often referred to as the "rat race", very few accomplish this feat.
Most people find that they are simply incapable while others just
can't quite figure out how to "get over the hump" that leads to the
higher levels.
Four Sides: Each side of the Pyramid faces only in one direction.
Symbolically, this means that those people occupying one side
of the Pyramid have only a limited, and one-sided, view of Events.
Furthermore, the view of those occupying the bottom (the base)
is more restricted than is the view of those who have ascended to
higher levels.
And, as the "view" of those persons who occupy one side of the
Pyramid is limited to only one direction, these persons are
incapable of "seeing" all that is occurring throughout all "four
corners" of creation.
This restricts the ability of these persons to make sound and
rational decisions for they are restricted from viewing what is
happening all around them. Therefore the one-side Symbolizes
limited Awareness, short-sidedness, and a narrow point of view.
Stepped: The Pyramid is "stepped". The steps of the Pyramid are
therefore similar to the steps of the Ladder; which is another
Symbol for Ascension. These steps teach us that knowledge,
Wisdom, and Ascension must be earned one-step-at-a-time. These
steps also represent "resting stops" where we may find ourselves
lingering occasionally while we acquire the necessary skills to
Ascend to the next higher level. But, by their very nature, the steps
of the Pyramid provide every individual who is willing to accept the
Quest the solid footing necessary to transcend the world of
pettiness, superficiality, and the mundane.
Those of us who work diligently on the mental and spiritual aspects
of our Divine Nature ultimately acquire the skills, knowledge,
Awareness, and Wisdom necessary to scale the higher, narrower,
and more sublime levels of the Pyramid.
As we Symbolically ascend the levels of the Pyramid we are better
able to see the other directions which were previously hidden from
our view. Things also Become considerably more peaceful and less
crowded. The air at these higher levels is purer. The individuals,
beings, and essences we come into contact with at these
Ascending levels are more sublime. And, as an added bonus,
the view from the top of the Pyramid is unlimited, unique and
In "The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 2" we will explore:
1. The numerology of the Pyramid;
2. The unfinished (truncated) top;
3. The invisible capstone;
4. The "All-Seeing Eye" (which appears on the U.S. Dollar bill);
5. The invisible descending Pyramid.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Guilt, Threats, and Obligations
"A person cannot be free who submits themself
to the shackles of others."
- Joseph Panek
Here are two questions which deserve our deepest and most
sincere consideration
First Question: How many things have we done in our lives, and
are possibly still doing, that we really do not want to do?
Second Question: How many things have we NOT done, and have
not experienced, in our lives that we deeply regret not having done
and experienced?
For many of us the list of answers to these two questions is
probably very painful and quite long.
Whenever we do something that we do not want to do, or not do
something that we desire to do, we are behaving in a way that is
not in Harmony with our Divine Nature.
When we behave in any way that is not in Harmony with our Divine
Nature we automatically bring people, places, things, moods, and
energies into our lives that weigh heavily upon our peace-of-mind,
drag us from our personal Path, prevent us from experiencing our
personal Destiny, and cause us to relinquish our individual
Sovereignty and Free Will.
In short, whenever we do things we do not want to do, or do not
do the things we truly want to do, we are bringing negative energy
into our lives.
At first, these Actions simply subdue us. However, over the long
term, these behaviors become our entrapments. And these
entrapments eventually end up destroying the Divine Gifts we
were bestowed with when we entered our Current Incarnation:
individual Sovereignty, childlike curiosity, intoxicating enthusiasm,
wondrous enchantment, and limitless imagination.
When we consider all of these things, we are naturally drawn to
a Third Question:
Why is it that we tend to blindly do the things we do not want to
do, yet at the same time staunchly avoid doing those things we
deeply and truly desire to do?
To answer this question we need to evaluate the following three
culprits: Guilt, Threats, and Obligations.
Guilt, Threats, and Obligations are the three poison pills that society
feeds to the Conformist, the Ignorant, and the unsuspecting. These
mind-altering poison pills change us from actually being happy to
simply acting happy. They alter our minds to cheerfully embrace
the many insurmountable responsibilities, and externally-imposed
expectations, that choke off our spontaneity, enthusiasm, dreams,
imagination, and joy for life.
And although the natures of Guilt, Threats, and Obligations can
overlap and become indistinguishable from each other in many
instances, and even lead to the same Consequences, let us try
to examine each one of these powerful tricksters separately.
Guilt: The use of Guilt can be subtle, deceptive, and deadly. It is
the eternally favorite poison pill of all self-serving persons, factions,
and organizations whose sole purpose is to impose themselves
upon, and thereby dominate, others.
Through the wielding of Guilt we are bludgeoned into actually
Believing that everyone else but us deserves, needs, and requires
something; that it is our "personal responsibility" to simply give, or
Sacrifice, for the sake of some "poor and unfortunate" other.
We see Guilt imposed upon us daily by political factions, religious
groups, and the uncountable number of self-interested "charitable"
organizations who unrelentingly feed us large morsels of Guilt in
order to sustain, finance, and promote their self-serving interests.
In addition, Guilt is also imposed upon us by self-serving persons
who continually attempt to intimidate us with comments such as:
"You only think of yourself."
"You're just selfish. Why do you refuse to share your (fill in the
blanks) with others?"
"I promised everyone you would be there." (Really! who are you to
speak for me?)
"If you move away from home, you will be stabbing me in the heart
with a dagger." (How many of us have squandered years of our
lives because of this Guilt-trip?)
Threats: We may think of Threats as only being physical and
violent in nature. However the most subtle and powerful Threats are
the ones we succumb to under the guise of jealousy, envy, and
ultimatums. Some examples are:
"If you won't do this for me, I'll find someone else who will."
"You must act immediately. Otherwise someone else will snatch
this opportunity."
And, perhaps the most famous: "Limited time offer."
Obligations: Obligations, impositions, and the expectations of
others all fall into this one category. These are the Paths we allow
ourselves to be coerced into following which are not in Harmony
with our True Self (our Divine Nature). Again, some examples:
"You come from a family of lawyers. You owe it to your family to
go to law school." (But I want to be an artist!)
"Its time for you to grow up; get married, have a family, buy a house
(go into debt), and give me grandchildren."
And the ever-eternal: "Everybody else is doing it."
Sovereign, Free, and Expansive minds do not allow Guilt, Threats,
or externally-imposed Obligations violate their Incarnations.
These Lone Wolfs and Non-Conformists understand that Guilt,
Threats, and Obligations are Self-Limiting and make people very
old at a very young age.They also realize that by bringing these
foreign, negative, and dis-Harmonious energies into our lives we
Become saturated with mountains of responsibilities, expectations,
and impositions which society is all-too-happy to heap upon the
unwary and unsuspecting. Mountains which must be either slowly
chiseled away or submitted to with a broken spirit.
Whenever a person or faction assaults us with Guilt or Threats,
or when they attempt to force upon us their Deceptive and self-
serving demand that it is "our personal obligation" to do what
they insist of us, let us be quick to recognize these poison pills
for that they truly are: externally-imposed entrapments designed
to strip us of our individual Sovereignty and enslave us to the
self-serving and fickle whims of those whose sole intention is to
dominate us.
Once we realize that Guilt, Threats, and Obligations are simply the
ogres, trolls, Demons, and dark forces which occasionally disturb
our Journey, we can then either bypass them or slay them and
continue our Sovereign trek down that unique Path which leads us
to our Personal Destiny.
So the next time someone attempts to hand us the poison pills of
either Guilt, Threats, or externally-imposed Obligations let us keep
one fact in mind. In the long "waiting line" of humanity there is
always someone willing to relinquish their Sovereignty,and
embrace Self-Imposed Limitations for the "privilege" of allowing
Guilt, Threats, and Obligations to become a part of their life.
There is no reason why that someone should be us.
Peace, Contentment, and Freedom are achieved by us when we
are in Harmony with our Divine Nature. And one of the simplest
ways we can accomplish this is by doing only those things we
truly want to do and by avoiding doing all those things we really
do not want to do.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Human Behavior Patterns(The Laws of Probability)
"To understand is to perceive patterns."
-Isaiah Berlin
There is a Time to analyze and there is a Time to recognize. And
though these two processes may sound the same, they are
entirely different.
To recognize something is to accept that something for what it, in
fact, is. This is the mastery of Truth.
To analyze something is to microscopically question that something
to extremes. This simply amuses our ego and gives us "something
to talk about".
When it comes to Human Patterns, or Human Behavior, our
addiction for analysis often results in an abandonment of common
sense. Analyzing Human Behavior, instead of accepting it for what
it is, often blurs our senses to the obvious and unquestionable
facts which are staring us in the face.
Isn't it interesting how we, as human beings, Choose to Perceive
Patterns? On one hand, we Choose to recognize some Patterns for
what they Truly are. While on the other hand we Choose to analyze
other Patterns until we become confused and dizzy.
For example: we know that the sun rises in the east; we know that
if we let something slip from our hands it will fall to the ground; and
we know that if we plant a petunia Seed it will grow into a petunia
flower and not an oak Tree. We understand, and accept these
natural Patterns as Truths and facts and we hardly, if ever, ask
However, when it comes to Human Patterns (Human Behavior) we
take an entirely different stance or attitude; we automatically look
for, and attempt to dissect, the "Why?" of the situation and casually
Ignore the fact of the situation.
Why is this so? Why do we accept nature's Patterns for what they
are yet refuse to accept Human Behavior Patterns for what they are
...a Pattern?
Since our earliest childhood society, and all of its factions, groups,
and organizations, has Instructed us to recognize things for what
they are.
Yet this same society has, on the other hand, Indoctrinated us to
give people the "benefit of doubt", at the expense of Truth, when
it comes to their Behavior Patterns.
We have been trained, mostly through Guilt, to Forgive and forget
when we should be taught to be Aware and understand. For
Awareness and understanding are our most reliable allies.
A person's past is a testimonial to their future. If a person is a liar
or a thief, this is what they are. There is no "sugar coating" of these
facts. Yet, how many of us blindly give these individuals the "benefit
of a doubt" only to rue our Decision and cry out "Why?".
We then get together with our like-minded groups and exhaust
ourselves attempting to analyze why this person lied to us, or
why this person has stolen from us. Yet no matter how deeply
we analyze an individual's Behavior Pattern we can never come
to the real answer of "Why" that person did what they did. For
each person's subjective motives are as different and varied as
there are people on this planet.
Therefore, those of us who analyze behavior instead of recognizing
Patterns, and those of us who give the "benefit of doubt" instead of
accepting obvious Truths, suffer repeatedly for our blind Ignorance.
And for those of us who continually embrace illusion at the expense
of Truth we regretfully, and constantly, find ourselves wailing out
"poor me".
Before we allow some person or entity access into our lives, or
into the lives of our family, it is critical that we see these persons
or entities for what they Truly are, and not for what we "think they
should be".
Behavior Patterns of people, whether as individuals or as groups,
remains very constant. It is our Sovereign responsibility to be
Aware of an individual's obvious Behavior Pattern, which represents
a high probability of how that person will behave, and not simply
give someone a capricious "benefit of a doubt", which is a low
probability of how that person will behave.
To do otherwise is to toss aside the Laws of Probability which
govern the behavior of all Patterns, Cycles, persons, and things
which occupy the physical realm.
To Ignore Human Behavior Patterns, along with the Laws of
Probability associated with these Patterns, is to subject ourselves
to a lifetime of continual victimization. And if we Honestly look at
the personal tragedies of our Past, we are likely to discover that
they are the result of the people we allow into our lives and the
obvious Behavior Patterns we Choose to Ignore.
For, in the end, whether we Choose to accept this fact or not,
a Pattern is a Pattern is a Pattern.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Interconnectedness - The Karmic Web
(Symbolism and Metaphor)
"Always in motion is the future."
-Yoda, Jedi Master, "Star Wars"
Ancient texts from India tell us of Indra's Web. It is a string of
Interconnected Pearls which vibrates at all points when it is
touched at any point.
From Mythologies and tales from other parts of the world we
encounter the Spider's Web which, like Indra's Web, vibrates
at all points when someone, or something, touches it.
What these Symbols are teaching us is this: Our Actions vibrate,
and continue to reverberate, throughout all of creation the moment
we commit an Act. This reminds us that we must be very careful
of the Actions we put into motion; for they can bring Consequences
that not only affect our future, but also the future of others who may
be in the vibrational path of our Actions.
In addition, just as our Actions can have Unexpected Consequences
on others, the Actions of others can have Unexpected Consequences
upon us. Everything is Interconnected; everything is inter-twined;
every Action has its vibratory, and Karmic, Consequence.
A good way to picture the vibrations, and Interconnectedness, of
Actions is by way of the "Pebble Cast Into The Pond".
Imagine tossing a Pebble into a pond. The Pebble is basically
motionless from where it is tossed into the pond. It simply sinks
to the bottom and comes to a rest. However, the Pebble,
although appearing to be relatively insignificant, can have far-
reaching Consequences. In this seemingly insignificant way, the
Symbolism of the Pebble is similar to the Symbolism of the
The ripples, the Consequences, caused by this seemingly
insignificant Pebble continue outward to form an expanding
Circle that ultimately affects the farther reaches of the pond.
Now, imagine this: At the same Time that we are casting our
Pebble into the pond, another person casts another Pebble into
the pond in the vicinity of where we cast ours. Now the expanding,
Circles created by the two Pebbles are going to create an
unexpected effect upon each other. Plus they will now both have
expanding Consequences upon the pond. This represents the
independent, and most likely innocent, Actions of only two
Now, consider multiple people casting multiple Pebbles into the
same pond. These multiple Pebbles create multiple vibratory and
expanding Circles which have multiple and incalculable
Consequences upon each other. The pond never stops rippling.
And just as the pond never stops rippling from the many pebbles
(disturbances) cast into it, neither does either the Spider's Web, or
Indra's Web, stop vibrating from all of the Actions and disturbances
tossed upon them by the multitude of humanity. A humanity that is
vibrating these Webs every moment of every day.
And to carry this Symbolism and metaphor even one step further,
today's Consequences are not only affected by the Actions of
others, but also by the Actions of those who lived in the Past.
And consequently, the Actions (vibrations) created by people
today can very likely create Unexpected Consequences upon
those who live in the future.
Indra's Web, the Spider's Web, and the Pebble In The Pond,
Symbolize the Web of Life.
Every one of our Actions has a vibration, a ripple effect, that not
only affects today, but eternity as well. The moment we perform
an Action it is recorded in the Akashic Hall of Records with our
name next to it. And as our Actions affect not only today, but
vibrate well into the future, they can have a profound affect on
Times and Events not yet manifested.
With so many individuals currently vibrating so many parts of
the Web of Life, along with such a vast amount of unresolved
vibrations from the Past, it is easy to understand why we are
engulfed and overwhelmed with Consequences both expected
and unexpected.
With these Thoughts in mind, it is vitally important that we weigh
the potential Consequences of our Actions before we "toss our
Pebble into the Pond".
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The Goat, The Goat's Horn, and The Bezoar (Symbolism and Mythology)
The Goat, along with the Goat's Horn, provides us with an
abundance of Symbolism and Mythology. The Goat is also a
Metaphor which expresses itself in our daily lives.
The Goat is a sure-footed animal that is as much at home on
mountain slopes and mountain tops as it is on flat ground. In this
aspect, the Goat is a Symbol of agility. And, in its ability to
scale a mountain, it is a Symbol of determination.
The male Goat, because of its reproductive prowess, is a Symbol
of virility, vitality, potency, and stamina. It therefore represents
the energy of the creative and regenerative Seed: traits which are
expressed in the Mythology and Symbolism of the Greek Goat
God Pan. Pan is the forest Deity that is the creative and
regenerative spirit for all the plant and animal life which inhabit
His domain.
The famale Goat is a Symbol of nurturing and nourishment.
The she-Goat Amalthea is the nurturing Goddess who was the
wet-nurse, or nursemaid, of the Greek God Zeus. From the she-
Goat we also get the Word, Nanny: a term we use today for the
person we charge and entrust with caring for our infants and
young children in our absence.
The milk of the female Goat is a sustenance fed to infants. Its
high quality and nourishment is a Compatible substitute for
mother's milk and for formulas which may not be agreeable to
The Horn of the Goat, both male and female, is both Symbolic
and practical.
It is the Horn of the she-Goat Amalthea, the wet-nurse of Zeus,
which is the Symbolic Cornucopia: the Horn of Plenty, the Horn
of perpetual abundance.
The Horn was also used as a drinking vessel in antiquity and is a
dual Symbol in that it is both masculine and feminine.
When pointed upwards, the Horn is the masculine, penetrating,
and assertive, phallic Symbol. When pointed downwards, it is the
feminine, receptive cup or chalice (womb).
This dual Symbolism, therefore, is representative of the yin/yang
energy. And the the combination of both the upturned Horn along
with the downturned Horn carries the same sacred Symbolism
and Esoteric meaning as the six-pointed "Star of David".
Those of us who are Harry Potter fans are familiar with the Bezoar.
A Bezoar is a stone which grows in the stomach of animals.
Bezoars removed from a Goat were considered the most potent
and were ground up and used as elixirs and antidotes for poisoning.
Bezoars were sought because they were believed to have the
power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed
that a drinking glass which contained a Bezoar would neutralize
any poison poured into it. The word "bezoar" comes from the
Persian pâdzahr (پادزهر), which literally means "protection from
poison." (from:
As we can see, the Goat is not only a Symbolic and Mythological
creature, it is also an animal which provides practical and nutritional
benefits to mankind. And it is easy to understand why this animal
was so honored and cherished by ancient cultures throughout the
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
Goat's Horn,
Greek Pan,
Star of David,
The Goat
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