"The most beautiful thing we can experience
is the mysterious."
- Albert Einstein
Pyramids! We find these mysterious, immense, and fascinating
structures throughout the world. We gaze at them in wonder and
ask ourselves: who built them? how were they built? what were
they used for? and, when were they built?
We may never know the True answers to all, or any, of these
perplexing questions; and this is what mystifies us. However, by
delving into the Symbolism of the Pyramid we can begin to un-Veil
some of the Esoteric and Ancient meanings contained within that
mysterious and sacred structure we call the Pyramid.
The word "pyramid" is a Greek word. And because it is a Greek
word, which is a much later language than Ancient Egyptian, this
tells us that this was not the original name that these structures
were called in antiquity. For the Greeks came to Egypt at a far
later Time after the Pyramids were built.
However, as words change from one language to another, at least
a portion of their original essence tends to remain as language
is passed down through Time, different civilizations, and various
When we look at the etymology of the word "pyramid" we notice
that the root of this word is pyre. Pyre means Fire. And Fire can be
further translated Symbolically, Alchemically, and Mythologically
as: enlightenment, illumination, primal energy, the Creative Seed,
and Divine Principle.
When we trace the original Name for Pyramid back to Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs, we come upon the glyph Per-Neter, or Per-
Neteru, which translates as "House of Divine Principles". And
Divine Principles are the primal essences, the original Creative
Seeds, and Natural Laws which exist throughout the cosmos and
give energy, purpose, and expression to all things.
(See: "The Egyptian Neter")
The Pyramid also represents, Symbolically, the primordial mound
which appears in numerous creation myths throughout the world.
The primordial mound is the first matter that rose out of the depths
of the sea of Chaos (the Great Subconscious) to create the material
realm. This primordial mound, upon rising from the primal Waters,
separated these Waters below from the sky above.
When we view the Great Pyramids of Egypt from one of their sides
we notice that they are massive upward-pointing Triangles. An
upward-pointing, or ascending, Triangle has one point at its top
and two points stretched out equally at its wide base below. We
also notice that the Pyramid has four sides, is stepped, and is built
upon solid bedrock.
With all of these points in mind, let us now delve into the Symbolic,
and metaphorical, Lessons contained within the Pyramid.
Ascending Triangle: As an ascending Triangle, the Pyramid is
one of the basic and revered shapes contained within Sacred
Geometry. A Triangle has three sides. And, Esoterically, the
number Three is the number of creation (See: "The Three Gunas")
In Alchemy, the upward pointing, or ascending, Triangle is the
Symbol for the Element of Fire; which, again, represents
enlightenment, illumination, force, energy, and the Creative Seed.
Solid Bedrock: The Great Pyramid is built on solid bedrock; not
shifting sand. This teaches us that, just as the Pyramid requires
a solid and stable foundation to support itself, we too require a
solid and stable foundation beneath our character if we are to be
firm and unwavering in our Thoughts and Actions. For we cannot
ascend to great heights if our character is not set on solid principles
(bedrock). Those of us who build our character on shifting sand
always find ourselves shaky, unstable, and ready to collapse
under the most minimal stresses which daily life, and Time,
bring upon us.
Wide Base: The Pyramid is widest at its base. And "base", in this
instance is a very appropriate Word. This large and wide base is
Symbolic of where a very large part of humanity spends most if its
Incarnation. The base is Symbolic of where the masses congregate,
struggle, fight, argue, and mingle. And although everyone "wants"
to get themselves out of this lower segment of society, or what is
often referred to as the "rat race", very few accomplish this feat.
Most people find that they are simply incapable while others just
can't quite figure out how to "get over the hump" that leads to the
higher levels.
Four Sides: Each side of the Pyramid faces only in one direction.
Symbolically, this means that those people occupying one side
of the Pyramid have only a limited, and one-sided, view of Events.
Furthermore, the view of those occupying the bottom (the base)
is more restricted than is the view of those who have ascended to
higher levels.
And, as the "view" of those persons who occupy one side of the
Pyramid is limited to only one direction, these persons are
incapable of "seeing" all that is occurring throughout all "four
corners" of creation.
This restricts the ability of these persons to make sound and
rational decisions for they are restricted from viewing what is
happening all around them. Therefore the one-side Symbolizes
limited Awareness, short-sidedness, and a narrow point of view.
Stepped: The Pyramid is "stepped". The steps of the Pyramid are
therefore similar to the steps of the Ladder; which is another
Symbol for Ascension. These steps teach us that knowledge,
Wisdom, and Ascension must be earned one-step-at-a-time. These
steps also represent "resting stops" where we may find ourselves
lingering occasionally while we acquire the necessary skills to
Ascend to the next higher level. But, by their very nature, the steps
of the Pyramid provide every individual who is willing to accept the
Quest the solid footing necessary to transcend the world of
pettiness, superficiality, and the mundane.
Those of us who work diligently on the mental and spiritual aspects
of our Divine Nature ultimately acquire the skills, knowledge,
Awareness, and Wisdom necessary to scale the higher, narrower,
and more sublime levels of the Pyramid.
As we Symbolically ascend the levels of the Pyramid we are better
able to see the other directions which were previously hidden from
our view. Things also Become considerably more peaceful and less
crowded. The air at these higher levels is purer. The individuals,
beings, and essences we come into contact with at these
Ascending levels are more sublime. And, as an added bonus,
the view from the top of the Pyramid is unlimited, unique and
In "The Egyptian Pyramid - Part 2" we will explore:
1. The numerology of the Pyramid;
2. The unfinished (truncated) top;
3. The invisible capstone;
4. The "All-Seeing Eye" (which appears on the U.S. Dollar bill);
5. The invisible descending Pyramid.
Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.
Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.
© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

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