Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Face Of A Child

When we look into the Face of a Child, what do we see?

The first thing we notice is a look of Peace and Contentment.
A Child's Face exhibits no worry or frustration. A Child's Face
displays no fear. A Child's Face is void of deception. We see no
"secretiveness" or "defensiveness" in the Face of a Child. To the
contrary, a Child's Face is full of Trust and the features on a
Child's Face display Peacefulness, Contentment, Openness,
Honesty, Curiosity, and Excitement.

A Child views everything, and everyone, in this world as a
New Experience: a New Adventure. And, this Child cannot get
enough of all the New Experiences, and New Adventures, that
surrounded it.

Although a Child may still be physically "clumsy" this Child
continually volunteers to help adults gather firewood, plant
flowers, sort laundry, bag groceries, and pay the cashier at the
checkout stand. A Child gets a thrill simply from the opportunity
of being able to assist an adult in all sorts of "ordinary tasks".
And, to top it off, a Child neither asks for, nor expects, anything
in return.

A Child simply enjoys participating in a New Adventure,
regardless of what that New Adventure is. The participation in
this New Adventure is the Child's reward. What "adults" might
consider as boring and mundane chores, a Child views as
Exciting New Experiences.

When we look into a Child's Face, or listen to a Child's Voice, we
are experiencing the living proof that the Qualities of Peacefulness,
Contentment, Excitement, and Honesty are still alive and well in
this world. These are the same Qualities that many of us have
abandoned in our mad rush to "grow up".

A Child's Face is a reminder from Divinity that these Higher
Qualities actually do exist, and are continually being re-born
into this world every single day!

This is why we worship and admire a Child as much as we do.
A Child's Face reminds us of who we were before we "grew up",
and who, deep down inside of us, we long to re-Become.

The Lessons and experiences of Peace, Contentment, Honesty,
and Curiosity are right before our eyes. These Lessons and
experiences are being re-born into our world each and every day.
These lessons and experiences are presented to us each and every
time we look into The Face Of A Child!

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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Kringle said...

I found your blog interesting as it speaks to the innocence of the child. ... yet too, having worked in mental health so long, I am mindful of the importance of the early experiences and I think of how the child with worries beyond youth bring me to much thought of the journey of the child.. and how important our gentle love and guidance is.

Joseph Panek said...

Hello, Kringle;
Thank you for your touching
comment. Please feel free
to share your thoughts again
in the future.
Thank you,