Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spiritual Refinement

Refinement is a Process by which we eliminate all that is impure
in order to retain, and concentrate on, only that which is Pure.
This Process works the same whether we are Refining something
in the physical, mental or spiritual realms. With this in mind, let
us explore the Spiritually Refined Individual.

Within every society there exists a small number of people whose
Thoughts, Words, and Actions are finer and nobler than the
Thoughts, Words, and Actions of the common masses. These
Spiritually Refined persons always represent a small percentage
of any society.

The Thoughts of a Spiritually Refined person reside in the Realm
of Ideas and Ideals. Their Ideas focus on Creativity and Self-
Improvement while their Ideals are the Guidelines they live by
which allow Creativity and Self-Improvement blossom in their

A Spiritually Refined person does not allow their Thoughts to
become mired in the mundane bickering of the external world.
They understand that the fussing, complaining and arguing, that
takes place among the masses is a negative energy that can only
divert them from the Spiritual Path they have chosen to Travel.

Because the Thoughts of a Spiritually Refined person are finer
and nobler so, too, are their Words and conversations. Their
conversations consist of Words and phrases that are positive,
stimulating and complimentary.The Spiritually Refined person
naturally refrains from the use of any vulgarity and profanity in
their conversations. They understand that vulgarity and profanity
are gross negative energies that can, in no way, contribute to their
further Spiritual Refinement.

Since the Thoughts and Words of a Spiritually Refined person are
finer and nobler so, too, are their Actions and inter-Actions.
A Spiritually Refined person avoids the use of any kind of force to
compel another individual, or group, to succumb to their way of

Their primary interest is to share their Thoughts and Ideas with
"like minded" persons while graciously side-stepping those persons
whose paths are in conflict with their own. They do not indulge in
gossip or criticism and they avoid responding to any gossip or
criticism tossed upon them by others. The Spiritually Refined person
understands that to respond to gossip and criticism is only to invoke
negative energies that can be of no positive benefit to them. In the
same vein the Spiritually Refined person avoids all individuals whose
basic nature is to antagonize, ridicule, and bully others.

Quite simply, the Spiritually Refined person is interested in only
invoking those Positive Spiritual Energies that nourish the finest and
noblest qualities of their Divine Nature while avoiding any negative
Action, or energy, that hinders their Spiritual Growth. This is why a
Spiritually Refined person always leaves behind them a positive and
peaceful energy wherever they Journey.

Each one of us has the ability to become a Spiritually Refined Person.
All that is required is that we eliminate all negative Thoughts, Words,
and Actions that are detrimental to our Spiritual Nature while
continually focusing on only those Thoughts, Words and Actions that
are responsible for creating Spiritual Refinement.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009
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1 comment:

Joshua said...

Thank you, this article spoke to me and helped clear my thoughts slightly. Spiritual refinment has been difficult to progress, since there are few that understand in today's society. Most would ridicule you if they saw you reaching out to your own moral standards and potential, something I wish to grow and nurish in my life. I'm not sure if anyone else who reads this can relate to what I'm saying, but if I'm wrong, keep at it. You will feel yourself make desired progress as you pour into your potential.