Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Axe - As A Symbol

The double-headed Axe is rich in Symbolism. To begin with, it has
three extensions, or arms; and Three is the number which
represents "Creation" (See: "The Three Gunas").

The double-headed Axe is similar to the Tau Cross, ( T ), therefore,
the Symbolism contained within each of them is also similar.

The horizontal Axe-head, just like the horizontal line of the Tau
Cross, Symbolizes the greater and lesser extremes of Duality
which exist within the material world.

The vertical handle of the Axe, just like the vertical line of the Tau
Cross, Symbolizes the Spiritual aspect of ourselves, of mankind,
and of the universe. And as the vertical handle connects into, but
does not continue above, the well-balanced midpoint of the
horizontal Axe-head, it represents the Blending Of Differences
and the Union of Duality.

(Note: Should the vertical line proceed through the horizontal line,
it would then become a four-pointed Cross, ( + ) , which, among
other things, Symbolizes the Transcendence of Duality.)

As the double-headed Axe Symbolizes the "Union of Duality",
it is therefore a Symbol for marriage. In marriage, a spiritual union
(the vertical handle) is formed between the Dual nature of a man
and woman (the two opposite sides of the Axe-head). This spiritual
union is the unseen magical essence which allows this man and
woman to go forth and create together whatever it is they Choose
to create in either the physical, mental, or spiritual realms.

It is also interesting to keep in mind that a "marriage" can occur
between any two opposites which unite together in a common
pursuit. Some examples of these kind of "marriages" are
business partnerships, mutual pursuits, and treaties between

The double-headed Axe is usually portrayed with curved blades
on either side of the Axe-head. This is lunar Symbolism and
represents the waxing and waning Cycle of the moon. It is
therefore a Symbol for beginnings, endings, and rebeginnings...
birth, death, and rebirth. When Symbolized in this way the
double-headed Axe represents the endless Cycles of Eternity
along with the Divine Essence (vertical handle) which "Unites"
the Dualities of these Cycles.

In Ancient Egypt, the Axe was a Symbol that represented the
Neters (gods and goddesses) and was therefore a Symbol for
Divine Authority.

In recognition of the physical aspects of the Axe, it is also a Symbol
for cutting, hewing, and cleaving. An Axe is used to hew away the
excess wood from the end of a tree-branch in order to form a spear.
In this way it represents "getting to the point"; a phrase we use
today when attempting to understands facts and Truths. An Axe is
also used by Trailblazers, both in a physical and metaphorical
manner, to "cut down" obstacles in order to create new Paths, Trails,
and Ways.

An example of "cleaving open" comes to us from Greek mythology.
Zeus, after suffering a raging and unrelenting headache, allowed
Prometheus (some say Hephaestus) to cleave open his Skull with
an Axe. Zeus' headache immediately disappeared and out of his
Skull popped Athena, the goddess of Intellect, Wisdom, and Good
Council: qualities which can also be expressed as "Lightening",
"Great Light", and Illumination. Athena is also the patroness and
protectress of the city of Athens.

This particular myth is rich with both Symbolism and metaphor.
Zeus was in the throes of an enigma, or dilemma...his headache.
He allowed Prometheus, the "Bringer of Light [Wisdom]" to cleave
open his Skull [the domain of the Mind] with an Axe. This cleaving
open of the Skull Symbolizes the "opening of the Mind". Upon
opening His mind, out sprung Athena...the goddess of Wisdom.

This Greek myth teaches us that a closed mind leads to mental, and
physical, torment. This torment can only be released by opening our
mind. Upon opening our mind we then open ourselves to not only
endless possiblilties, but also Truth and Wisdom...qualities that all
True Seekers respect and cherish.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Quests and Fellowships

Mythology, legend, and folklore provide us with an abundance

tales whereby humans, elemental beings, or a combination of both,
come together to form a Fellowship in order to pursue a common

And although the Fellowships which are spoken of in myth and
legend tell us of noble deeds and near-impossible Quests, there

are also those down-to-earth Fellowships which most of us have
participated in while hardly being aware of the fact that we were,
indeed, part of a Fellowship.

In its most simple, basic, and earthly context, we participate in a
Fellowship when we are part of a school project, a sports team, or
a community planning group. Fellowships are also formed when a
group of complete strangers unite in times of local and national
emergencies. Fellowships can also be formed when a group of
complete strangers bond together, for a short period of time, while
on a pleasure cruise.

These are the simplest forms of Fellowships that many of us have
most likely participated in while being unaware that we were
a part of a Fellowship. And while these types of Fellowships

all serve a purpose, and provide value to our lives and experiences,
they are a far cry from the legendary Fellowships which are passed
down to us by way of mythology and folklore.

Since legendary Quests and Fellowships are such an important part

of our individual cultures and universal consciousness, let us take a
closer look at what they are and what they represent in their purest,
esoteric form.

A Quest is a Great Adventure. It is a noble task. It is a life-changing


A Fellowship is a voluntary union of complete strangers who

temporarily bond together to pursue a Quest. In other words, a
Fellowship is the motley combination of guides, mentors, and new
friends we encounter when we accept a Call To Adventure.

It is also interesting to note that while a Quest can be pursued by
an individual, a Fellowship requires a Quest to bond all of its
participants together.

Once a Quest is completed, the Fellowship that was formed to

achieve the purpose of the Quest automatically dissolves. And the
bond that once held this Fellowship together as a single unit now
Changes into a different kind of bond: a bond of an Old,
and Reminiscent Friendship.

And although this Fellowship will never come together again with
same purity and intensity it once held, the bond of Friendship
it Forges becomes a valued Memory...a coveted entity...
which remains
forever alive within those who participated in the
Quest for the remainder
of their days.

Some of the legendary and life-changing Quests and Fellowships of

mythology, legend, and folklore include:
...King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table: their chivalric
Adventures and their Quest for the Holy Grail;
...Jason and his Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece;
...Odysseus and his shipmates and their long, Adventure-filled,
back to their homeland;
...the Fellowship of hobbits, dwarfs, elves, and humans who

bonded together to destroy the One Dominating Ring in JRR
Tolkien's "Lord
Of The Rings";
...Luke Skywalker and his human, non-human, and robot,
who ultimately overcame the Evil Empire in "Star

...Harry Potter along with his close-knit circle of classmates, elves,

Wizards, magicians, and warlocks who ultimately defeated Lord

The list of heroic Quests and Fellowships is monumental. And once
the Noble Purpose or Legendary Pursuit of the Quest is achieved,
dissolution of the Fellowship must ultimately follow.

And though the participants in the Fellowship must finally part and
go their separate ways, the permanent bond that was sealed by
their Fellowship remains a forever burning ember of Remembrance
within each participant. This burning ember is an eternal reminder
of days long gone, and a Quest fulfilled. It is also a rare gift of an
inextinguishable, eternal, and Untarnishable Friendship that was
once Forged in the Fires of Companionship which is now part of
their fading but never forgotten Past

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mis-Translation And Mis-Interpretation
(Of Ancient Texts And Symbols)

Words have different meanings to different people. For example:
if I say "cat", I may be thinking about a calico colored cat while
you may be thinking of a gray cat. I may picture my cat sleeping
while you may picture yours sitting with its tail wrapped around
itself. My cat may be indoors while your cat may be outdoors, etc.,
etc., etc. And although we both have a very good idea of what a
"cat" physically looks like, we mentally picture this same "cat"
with an entirely different essence.

In addition to essence, the meanings of Words, along with the way
that they are used in phrases, cliches, and metaphors, can change
over relatively short periods of Time.

Furthermore, the same "word" can have an entirely different
meaning, or representation, from one language to another.

All of the above conditions are what make inter-personal,
inter-cultural, and inter-national communication so difficult.
And these conditions merely pertain to the way we use modern
words among different individuals, cultures, and societies.

Now imagine the extreme difficulty we face when we attempt to
Interpret and Translate Ancient Texts and Symbols which are
thousands of years old. In effect, we are trying to Interpret and
Translate Ancient Thought, Concepts, and Ideas, by using the
condensed definitions which modern words provide.

Parables, mythologies, and legends are designed to teach Lessons
through the use of stories, which are easier to remember than
"lectures". This practice originated in the most remote Ages of the
distant Past and continues even today within the various cultures
throughout our planet. Even today we use "fairy-tales" to entertain,
entrance, and Teach, young children.

Symbols, which come to us from the earliest Mists of Antiquity,
are the most remote and distant forms of written communication.
They are the physical representations, passed down to us from
unremembered yesterdays, of Ancient concepts, ideas, and ideals.
They represent the Sacred and Esoteric Words, experiences, and
Lessons of our long-forgotten Elders.

Whenever a Word, Text, or Symbol is translated from one language,
culture, or Time, to another, it automatically loses a portion of its
original and True essence.

When we take all of these factors into consideration, it is easy to
understand why it is so difficult, and sometimes even impossible,
to correctly Translate, Interpret, and Understand the writings and
Symbols which have been handed down to us from very Ancient

Furthermore, it is very important to also keep in mind that Ancient
Symbols present us with some very unique issues. This is due to
the fact that Symbols do not represent Words or letters. Symbols
represent concepts, ideas, and Thoughts. In other words, Symbols
represent Esoteric Essences which cannot be simply translated
away by using a two- or three-word definition; or by simply
attaching an alphabetical letter to them.

In addition: Symbols, like Words, can also change their meanings
in short periods of Time.

For example: A Circle with a diagonal line drawn through it may
have, in the distant Past, represented Duality within Unity: as
does the yin-yang Symbol which so many of us are familiar with.
However, today this same Symbol is used to represent: "stop",
"no", and "do not".

Words, phrases, and Symbols have changed meanings throughout
the Ages. And today we use many current, and inappropriate,
Words and phrases in our attempt to define, explain, and try to
understand, Ancient concepts and Lessons. This is the major cause
of confusion in many futile attempts to Translate and Interpret
Ancient Wisdom into modern Thought.

The meanings of Ancient Symbols and Texts can only be properly
Translated and Interpreted by understanding the language,
meanings, Thoughts, and Beliefs of those long-ago Times when
they were first put down in writing. And until we can train our
mind and Spirit to understand the True conditions of these
Ancient Times, we will continue to experience Mis-Translations
and Mis-Interpretations of Ancient Texts and Symbols.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

(Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty)

 "A thing of beauty is a joy forever;
its loveliness increases;
it will never pass into nothingness."

- John Keats

"Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart."
- Kahlil Gibran

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Simply put, Beauty can be
different things to different people. There are probably as many
ways to judge Beauty as there are people in the world.

However, if we were to categorize beauty, we would eventually
come to the conclusion that there are basically two kinds of
Beauty: Outer Beauty and Inner Beauty.

Outer Beauty: In the strictest sense Outer Beauty is a type
of physical appearance, based solely upon external features,
which society has conditioned us to accept as being desirable,
fashionable, reliable, and trustworthy.

Some people are born with the natural features of Outer Beauty
while others find that it is necessary to create this outer
Appearance, to some degree. For most people, Outer Beauty is
easily created by means of a temporary camouflage of creams,
scents, ointments, styles, and various kinds of outer wrappings.

And although each one of us is entitled to look and feel as
attractive as we Choose, it is important to also understand that
Outer Beauty, by itself, is only one minuscule aspect of our
Divine Nature. If we rely upon Outer Beauty alone when we
present ourselves to others, this amounts to nothing more than
creating a false and temporary illusion of who we truly are.

Furthermore, those who rely upon the Appearance of Outer Beauty
alone in their interpersonal relationships, usually have very little, if
anything else, to bring into their relationships. And once their
temporary and fleeting illusion of Outer Beauty finally vanishes,
their unfulfilled and limited true character is all that they have left.

Inner Beauty: While Outer Beauty is but a temporary and
fleeting illusion, Inner Beauty is an Untarnishable and permanent
Truth. It is the purest expression of Beauty that the soul has to

And while Outer Beauty can be used to gain instant and temporary
gratification in the physical realm, Inner Beauty is Spiritual Magic
which enables the person who possesses it to enjoy permanent
contentment in all realms: physical, mental, and spiritual.

Inner Beauty is a warm and hypnotic "glow" which radiates from a
magical ember that burns deep within the person who possesses
it. Inner Beauty is a Divine Essence which cannot be manufactured.
And, it is amazing how Inner Beauty can make an "average looking"
person radiate with a magnetic glow and a heart-stopping presence.
It is a permanent Quality which makes this individual interesting,
desirable, trustworthy, and welcome.

Persons who possess Inner Beauty have positive and forward-
looking personalities. They are well-read and have a wide variety of
interests. These individuals are genuinely polite in their interactions
with others and harbor an Awareness, Insight, Intuition, Empathy,
and Radiance not found in the average person. In other words, this
person has a sincere interest in life.

When we encounter someone who possesses Inner Beauty, Time
seems to stand still as we gaze in wonder at this special person who
is standing before us. The sparkle in their eyes and their soft,
sincere, and innocent smile remind us of someone who is looking at
all things, and all people, with the same wonder, enthusiasm,
curiosity, and interest that we see in The Face Of A Child.

And just as Outer Beauty can be manufactured from without,
Inner Beauty can be created from within. The big difference
between these two is that while Outer Beauty is temporary and
fleeting, Inner Beauty is permanent and radiant.

So, how do we create Inner Beauty within ourselves?

The ember of Inner Beauty is lighted and stoked by a genuine
interest in Self-Instruction and Self-Improvement. These are the
same disciplines which were embraced by the Ancient Initiate.
Self-Instruction enables us to become well-read, well-informed,
and Aware. Self-Improvement is the cultivation, development, and
harvesting of our Inner Spiritual Self.

In closing, it is important to remember that we have been sent
into our Current Incarnation to experience this realm both
physically and Spiritually. Therefore, although it is important to
cultivate our Inner Beauty, thereby expanding our Inner Temple,
it is also important to respect, appreciate, and maintain, the
Outer Beauty of our Outer Temple. In doing so, we enable
ourselves to enjoy our Current Incarnation to its fullest
material and Spiritual measure.

(See also: "Appearances and Perceptions" and
"Masquerade - The Masks We Wear")

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

The First Time - Zep Tepi

"There is only one first time."
- Joseph Panek

The Ancient Egyptians had a phrase that represented the original
"beginning of beginnings"...that long-ago Time when Gods walked
among mankind...the Time when all was pure and new and mankind
had not yet begun its long descent of Devolution. They referred to
this ancient, original, and distant Age as Zep Tepi: The First Time.

Every Event, and every experience, has a First Time. And
regardless of whether we are referring to the creation of the vast
cosmos, or to experiences in our personal lives (our personal
cosmos), there is only one First Time.

Let us take a brief look at this Divine Principle of The First Time
and how it applies to us in our personal life experiences.

There is only one First Time for us in each of the following
experiences: the First Time we are able to stand up and walk
by ourselves as a child; the First Time we sat upon a pony; the
First Time we sat upon Santa's lap; the First Time we learned to
read and write; the First Time we received a diploma; the First
Time we sat behind the wheel of a car; the First Time we earned
money for our efforts; and, the First Time we experienced romance.
These are just some examples of the First Times that nearly each
one of us has experienced during our lives; our Current Incarnation.

The thrills and joys of our First Times can be experienced by us
only once! After they have been experienced by us, there can
never be another First Time for us in any of these experiences.
They then Become fond Memories and Remembrances which
are forever Lodged in the most sacred, private, and Innermost
recesses of our heart and mind. They can never again be
experienced with the wonder and excitement that we originally
experienced them when they were Our First Time.

After we have experienced a First Time in something that is
pleasurable to us we can never again re-create its original
sensation, we can then only perpetuate the experience. And,
although the perpetuation of the experience may also be
pleasurable, it is not the same wondrous and awe-inspiring
fascination that we experienced during our very First Time.

How many of us spend our entire lives trying to recapture the
thrill and wonder of our First Times - especially when it comes to
romance? However, as First Times can happen only once, they
are impossible to recapture in their original delight. Our First Times
are like wisps of smoke which vanish before our eyes as they float
into the recesses of our Memory and become our constant and
faithful companions as we journey down our Path of life. And, no
matter how hard we may try, we can never recapture the
anticipation, thrill, joy, and ecstasy which only the experience of
a First Time can provide.

However, our Path is long and our Journey is Eternal. And though
we can never re-experience episodes of our Past with the same
wonder and intensity as we did during our very First Time, we can
certainly create new First Times which can provide us with the
same joy and fascination that we experienced in the First Times
of our Past.

When we Choose to accept the Adventure of creating new First
Times for ourselves, we open ourselves up to new experiences
and wonders. We create new Zep Tepis which provide us with
magnificent and different joys, fascinations, and Memories which
are waiting to Become part of us as we Travel on the Road of our
Personal Destiny that takes us into our limitless future.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

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