Sunday, October 31, 2010

Egyptian Weighing Of The Heart
(Symbol And Metaphor)

(image via Wikipedia)

In the Egyptian Book Of The Dead we encounter a Ceremony called
the "Weighing Of The Heart" in which the deceased Pharaoh is led
into the underworld by Anubis, the Egyptian Neter who is the
"Guardian of the Way". There the Pharaoh's heart is placed upon
the Scales of Justice and weighed against the Feather of Maat.

If the weight of the Pharaoh's heart was less than, or equal to, the
weight of the Feather, he was then led onward to meet Osiris who
welcomed the recently deceased Pharaoh into the afterlife. However,
if the Pharaoh's heart weighed more than the Feather of Maat, the
Pharaoh was immediately devoured by Ammit, a beast with the
head of a crocodile, the front legs and body of a lion, and the back
legs of a hippopotamus.

This "Day of Judgement", as it is referred to in other religious texts,
may strike us as a hideous trial which is imposed upon the recently
deceased Pharaoh. However, powerful Lessons are often contained
within "stories" which rattle our emotions and strike fear into our
imagination. But, as we shall see, the "Weighing of the Heart"
Ceremony is actually a powerful metaphor, a teaching tool, which
reveals to the Seeker and Initiate an ancient and eternal Truth.

Although the "Weighing Of The Heart" Ceremony contains a great
deal of Symbolism, we need only to focus on the following five
Symbols to understand the Lesson contained within this particular
Ritual: The Pharaoh, the Feather of Maat, the Heart, the beast
Ammit, and the Underworld.

Pharaoh: This is a Symbol, and a Metaphor, which teaches us that
just as the Pharaoh is the ruler of a material kingdom, so too are we
Pharaohs of our own personal kingdom: the kingdom of our mind,
body and Spirit. A kingdom for which we alone bear the sole
responsibility for either its expansion or demise.

Heart: The Heart is the Spiritual Center of our physical body. It is a
Symbol for our Inner Temple in which our Atman (our God-Within)
and our Divine Nature reside.

Feather of Maat: The Feather represents the most minuscule
weight. In the "Weighing Of The Heart" Ceremony, the Feather is
a Symbol for perfect balance, weightlessness, Harmony, and

Ammit: The beast Ammit Symbolizes our Inner Demons which we
must continually grapple with as we Journey through our Current
Incarnation. Either we boldly conquer our Inner Demons, or they
end up devouring us.

Underworld: The Underworld is that dark, silent place within
each one of us. The Underworld Symbolizes a place where a
"rite of passage" occurs. It is a place of Initiation, deep within
ourselves, where we must go to in order to resolve our dilemmas
and to grapple with, and conquer, our Inner Demons. It is a place
of Decision, Contemplation, and Growth. We do not return from
the Underworld as the same person who originally entered into it.

There is a natural order which prevails throughout the Universe.
The Ancient Egyptians called this natural order Maat.

When we are in perfect Balance with Maat, we experience Peace,
Harmony, and light-heartedness in our life. It is during these times
that we find ourselves in control of both sides of Duality and our
Heart weighs less than the Feather of Maat.

When we are out-of-balance with Maat, we experience stress.
Stress is nothing more than an "unbalanced energy" which the
Qabalists call Qliphoth. These are the times when our Hearts are
"heavier than the Feather of Maat" and we find ourselves grappling
with our Inner Demons, our Ammits, until Balance and Harmony is
restored within us.

Our life is one long Journey of Decisions and Choices. And, as
all major decisions must be "weighed" cautiously and deliberately,
these are the times when we find ourselves retreating into our own
Underworld within ourselves (Our Subconscious) to grapple with
the various dilemmas and demons which confront us during our
times of indecision and strife. We begin our Underworld Journey
with confusion, uncertainty, and a degree of fear. Or, to state it
metaphorically, we begin our Journey into our Underworld with
a "heavy heart".

However, slowly we begin to unravel our dilemmas and conquer
our Inner Demons. When we are done with this particular "rite of
passage", our dilemmas become clear and our Inner Demons vanish.

Once our Inner Demons are conquered, and our confusions are
clearly resolved, we can leave our Underworld with the "lightest of
hearts", proceed upon the Path of our Current Incarnation, pursue
our Personal Destiny, fulfill our Dreams, and bask in the Peace,
Contentment, and Simplicity of our personal kingdom.

Throughout the course of Our Current Incarnation it is very easy for
us to acquire a "heavy heart" by way of burdens which are heaped
upon us, not only by ourselves, but by all of the various aspects of
society. These difficult to recognize burdens are covered in depth in
the articles on "Sin", "Karma" and "Guilt, Threats and Obligations".

See also: 
"Sin and Judgment Day"
"The Feather As A Symbol"
"Maat - Egyptian Goddess"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Instruction vs. Indoctrination

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

We live in a realm of Duality, and often we find ourselves standing
at a Crossroad where we are required to Choose between two
diverging Paths: one which is easy, or one which is right.

One of these forks-in-the-road, which each one of us must Choose
to travel sooner or later, is between the Road which leads us to
Instruction or the Road which leads us to Indoctrination. And,
although the names of these two Roads sound quite similar they are,
in fact, two entirely different Paths. And because they are two very
different Paths it is important that we weigh the Consequences of
Choosing one Path over the other.

Indoctrination: This is the easy path; the path of the crowd.
Indoctrination is the one-sided presentation of an idea, theory,
Choice, or Belief. It is something which is imposed upon us by
either subtle means, such as guilt or salesmanship, or by forceful
means, such as fear or threat.

In other words, Indoctrination is a form of "brainwashing". It is the
removal of previous held Beliefs and ideals so that new, regimented
dogmas can be implanted. Indoctrination, in its most fanatical sense,
is aimed at, and accepted by, the most Ignorant, gullible and weakest
of minds.

When we willingly and unquestionably accept Indoctrination, our
Horizons shrink and our growth and Thinking become stagnated
and frozen. We are required to live in a world of policies and
procedures which are not of our own Choosing. Our Imagination
and Dreams are "surgically removed" from our thought process
and our Individual Sovereignty is forfeited to those whose sole
purpose is to dominate and control others.

Indoctrination fractures and divides in its attempt to conquer and
dominate. This fracturing and division is openly visible in the
political and religious organizations which occupy our planet.
However it also exists, just as strongly if not as openly, in scientific,
mathematic and research groups whereby the faction which has
been Indoctrinated into a regimented belief system fights ferociously
to discredit any new ideas, concepts, or theories brought forth by
free-thinkers and visionaries in that particular field.

Instruction: This is the difficult Path; the "Road less traveled".
It is the Path of the Lone Wolf, the visionary, the free-thinker, the
Seeker. It is the Path of wide Horizons, Imagination and Dreams.

The Path of Instruction is the Path which Blends and Creates. It is
the Road on which we discover Wisdom, Truth, Magic and personal
Adventure. Instruction is the inclusion of all possible natural, and
universal, alternatives along with how they apply to, and are
affected by, Universal Principles.

When we embark upon the Path of Instruction we are handed the
Keys which unlock the secrets of the Universe and are Instructed to
go forth and unlock the doors of Eternal Truths which must remain
locked to all but the True Seeker and Initiate.

In ancient times a worthy and well-qualified Initiate would Seek
admission to one of the Mystery Schools where he, or she, would
be Instructed in the Eternal Wisdom of the Universe. Today, we
no longer have these Mystery Schools, nor do we have any of
the Ancient Masters walking among us. Therefore, if we are to
Truly learn that which is understood by only the very few, we
must Choose to travel "the Path less traveled by" ... the Path of
Self-Initiation and Self-Instruction.

And although the Ancient Masters are no longer among us to help
guide us along our way, they have left us the Keys to Ancient
Wisdom by way of their Sacred Writings, Symbols, Mythologies
and Legends. It is now up to us to simply Choose to grab hold of
their Ancient and Mystical Keys, venture forth upon our own
Personal Path, and unlock the doors which hold the Truth,
Wisdom and Enlightenment of all Eternity.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Thread And The Tapestry

"Our Thoughts, Words, and Actions are the
Threads that Weave the Tapestry of our Lives."

- Joseph Panek

Isn't it amazing how one small, and seemingly insignificant, Event
can be the catalyst which creates significant and dramatic Change?
From the unraveling of well-Woven friendships to the fraying of
tightly knit groups, nations, and worlds, these small and seemingly
insignificant Events serve as the Feather which disrupts the fragile
Balance of equilibrium.

For example, a group of employees have been working together
in Harmony for a number of years. Then, one day, one of these
employees decides that it is time to quit the firm they are working
for and move on. This employee does not leave because of job
dissatisfaction. Perhaps this person wanted to move closer to
family, or to move to a more desirable climate, or because their
spouse received a job transfer. No malice is involved with this
initial employee leaving their job and co-workers.

However, the seemingly innocent action of this employee often
serves as a catalyst and, soon afterwards, a number of other
employees also decide to leave for similar innocent reasons and
things are no longer "the way they were" within the organization.

It almost seems as if this group of employees could have gone
on working together forever, but once that first employee moved
on, that person became the loose thread that unraveled the fabric,
the Harmony, of the group of employees.

A similar situation occurs when one member of a close-knit group
of friends moves to a different city. This friend's move is often the
catalyst, the Thread, which ultimately causes the group to slowly,
but eventually fray and break apart.

Examples of "The Thread That Unravels The Tapestry" occur not
only on the social plane, but on the personal, mental and spiritual
planes as well:

We find a flaw in something we have believed to be true for our
entire lives. This flaw becomes the Thread which unravels the
Tapestry of this Belief, and possibly of our Faith.

One unkind Word spoken, or one unjust Action taken, by someone
dear to us can often be the Thread which ultimately unravels the
Tapestry of a lifelong friendship.

One lie made by us, or told to us, will often be the Thread which
unravels the Tapestry of a years-long bond of trust.

Two lessons can be learned from these examples:

Lesson Number One: We, just like everyone else, are responsible
for our Words and Actions. With this in mind, we must "Weigh" our
Thoughts, Words, and Actions very carefully before we release them
upon others. Doing so insures that we will not expose any loose
Threads which may serve as a catalyst to unravel the Tapestry of
our character.

Lesson Number Two: Change is Eternal. And the longer Balance
is maintained, the less it takes to disrupt that Balance. During any
period of equilibrium, Time is patiently waiting for the proper
moment to drop the Feather which ends the balance that has been
in place for such a long time. At the appropriate moment, Time
drops the inevitable Feather which enables Change to once more
take control of matters and ensure that expansion and evolution
can resume their Eternal trek.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Crossroads - Symbol And Metaphor

"It is our choices that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities."

- Professor Dumbledore in J.K. Rowling's
"Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets"

A Crossroad is any point where two or more Paths Intersect. This
intersection Symbolizes the focal point of Decision and Creation. It
represents a "meeting place", or a period of contemplation, where
Thoughts and Ideas must Marinate before becoming either a
Decision or a Creation. It also represents a midpoint where the
gods bring people, ideas, and Events together in order to satisfy

Symbolically, a Crossroad is represented by either the Symbol X,
or the Symbol Y.

When represented by the Symbol X, the Crossroad portrays
Creation or Decision in the material realm. This is due to the fact
that the X has four distinct "legs", and four is the number which
represents matter. The Midpoint of this Symbol, the point at which
its two lines intersect, represents the Union of Duality. Therefore,
the Symbol X represents the Union of Duality in the material
realm; or material creation.

An example of this concept can be found in the familiar surroundings
of the corner tavern, park, or general store where people congregate
and where fellowship is shared and enjoyed; after which everyone
returns from whence they originally came. It is at Crossroads such
as these that the Seeds of new friendships, and new ideas, take
root, grow, and blossom.

A prime example of such a Crossroad is the ancient city of
Alexandria which was a central meeting place for people of all
cultures. It was at Alexandria that people from all different walks of
life met, shared, and deposited their knowledge and Beliefs. It was
the ideal Midpoint for the Blending of Differences.

When represented by the Symbol Y, the Crossroad signifies
Creation or Decision in the mental or spiritual realm. This is due
to the fact that the Symbol Y has three distinct "legs", and three
is the number which signifies creation in the unseen world; the world
of Mind and Spirit. The Midpoint of this Symbol, the point at which
its three lines intersect, is the focal point of all abstract Creation
and Decision (See: "Trivia" and the "Three Gunas").

The Y Crossroad is the lonely fork-in-the-road where we gaze at
two separate roads which fade into the Horizon and must decide
which Road we will travel. It is the point at which the Lone Traveler,
or the Lone Wolf, must make an important Choice. For although
we can see to the Horizon, we cannot see that which is beyond.
The Adventures we experience beyond the Horizon of the Road we
ultimately Choose to travel will change our life forever, and we will
not return as the same person who initially ventured forth.

The Y Crossroad is the Crossroad which appears in Mythology
and Legend and is a metaphor for the lone, personal, enigmatic,
and life-changing Decisions which constantly confront us as we
journey through our Current Incarnation.

As no great decision should ever be made lightly, the Y Crossroad
also represents a time and place of pause, contemplation, and
Marination of Thought which we all must suffer through, and accept,
prior to moving onward.

As we travel from one Crossroad to another we begin to understand
that every Decision we make brings forth a Creation into our life. We
also begin to understand that every Creation which manifests itself in
our life is but the result of some Decision we made at some previous
Crossroad in our Past.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

War, Peace And The Common Enemy

"For an average man, the world is weird because
if he's not bored with it, he's at odds with it."

-Carlos Castaneda

War and Peace are perhaps two of the most dramatic extremes of
duality which we can experience in the physical realm. And yet,
regardless of whether we are experiencing Peace or War, we always
seem to require a Common Enemy upon whom we can vent our
personal frustrations.

War, a masculine aggressive energy, is the far most extreme of the
negative side of Passion. It is born from the Seed of a prolonged
Cycle of Peace. And, just like any other intense passion, War only
ends when all parties become physically, mentally and emotionally
exhausted with the barbaric tragedy they have brought upon
themselves and finally say, "Stop! We have had enough! Give
us Peace".

Peace, a feminine passive energy, is the extreme opposite of War.
After War has exhausted us we breathe a sigh of relief and are
thankful for our new found Peace. However, over time, Peace, just
like War, begins to rear the ugly head of its negative extreme; this
is the time when the ego over-rules common sense.

After an extended period of Peace, nations and cultures find
themselves basking in the by-products of their extended Peace.
These by-products are laziness, complacency, apathy, self-denial,
and boredom.

It is at this extreme that nations and cultures are most vulnerable.
This is the time when the entire bureaucracy, and nearly all of the
population, refuses to acknowledge even the slightest possibility
that change is imminent until some "unexpected" event blasts
them out of their complacency. Once this "unexpected" event
occurs, the bureaucratic "experts" proclaim that they "never saw
it coming", and the shocked populace cries out, "We want blood!".

And so it goes, on and on, the continuing Cycle of War...Peace...

The Common Enemy is the "faceless them" on which mankind
takes out its frustrations in both times of Peace and times of War.
In times of War, mankind expresses its inflamed passion against
another nation or culture. In times of Peace nations and cultures
vent the frustrations of their restless boredom against their fellow

Swayed and agitated by political, religious and social factions, which
have nothing else to do, mankind is coerced into believing that its
once common friend is now its common enemy.

However, these imagined foes are nothing more than external
projections of the personal frustrations, inner emptiness, lack of
direction, and the mental boredom that are the side effect of an
extended Peace.

History has shown us that mankind can neither tolerate the Passion
of War nor the Boredom of Peace.Therefore the endless Cycle of
War and Peace continues to repeat itself.

However, this does not mean that we, as individuals, are required
to partake in the folly of the masses. Those of us who are Seekers,
Initiates, Wanderers, or Lone Wolfs have the ability, and
responsibility, to Choose what is best for us during our Current

During all Cycles of War, Peace, and times in-between, there are
always rare individuals who achieve and excel regardless of any
external conditions.

They excel because they concentrate on only the positive aspects
of Passion and Inactivity. Positive Passions are the burning
desires and the childlike curiosities which accompanied us into
our Current Incarnation. Positive Inactivities are the dreams and
imaginings we long to incorporate into our lives.

When we are able to combine Positive Passion with Positive
Inactivity we no longer need to seek outside ourselves that which
already exists, in its entirety, within us.

And while the masses may be torturing themselves with their own
self-created mayhems and frustrations, we, as Lone Seekers,
have the ever-present option of walking an entirely different Path;
a Path which leads us to Contentment, Harmony, and many
unique Adventures.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2010
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