Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and The Three Wise Men, or Magi (Symbolism)

Then, opening their treasure chests,
they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.

- Matthew 2:1-12

Three is the number which Symbolizes creation, the creative
principles, and the creative process (See: "The Three Gunas").
Here we find the number Three represented by the Three Wise
Men, or Magi, along with their Three Gifts of Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh.

But, who were these Wise Men, or Magi? And why did they
specifically offer the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?

In order to un-Veil the answers these questions we must first
examine the mysticism and and Esoteric meanings hidden
within these ancient and mysterious Wise Men and their Gifts.

The Three Magi (Wise Men): Magi is the plural of Magician;
a word which has become corrupted, abused, and discredited
by modern society.

However, in ancient times, a Magician was someone who
understood herbs, potions, elixirs, healing, divination, the
Cycles of Eternity, and the movement of the heavens. They were
the Initiates who received secret and sacred Instruction regarding
the divine spiritual essences, or "magic", which lies behind all
cosmic and worldly things and Events.

Therefore, in ancient times a magician, and its plural magi, was
a term used to describe Wise Men, Holy Men, Shamans and

Gold: The characteristics and Symbolism of Gold have been
discussed in detail in a previous article titled: Gold - As A Symbol.
Gold is Symbolic of the uncorruptible, the untarnishable, and the
eternal. Therefore Gold is the color used to represent the "Son",
or Atman; the divine spiritual essence which burns within each
one of us.

Frankincense is an aromatic resin which is obtained from an
extremely hardy tree called Bosaellia Sacra which has the ability
to grow in the most hostile, rugged and unforgiving environments.
It has the ability to grow where there is no soil; it can even grow
out of solid rock. Therefore this tree is a Symbol for resilience,
strength, endurance and Sovereignty.

Frankincense is obtained by cutting or slashing the tree so that
its sap can bleed out. The sap bleeds out in the form of "tears";
and this may be the same "tears" referred to in religious lore as
the "tears of the Madonna".

Its pleasant aroma, which was associated with the masculine
energy of the heavens and of life, was mixed with other oils to
anoint newborn babies. Frankincense was also used during
Initiation Ceremonies to anoint worthy Initiates who were entering
into the newer, higher, and more sublime phases of their spiritual
life. Frankincense may have been the same fragrance, mixed with
oils, which was used to anoint the feet of The Christ.

Myrrh is a resin obtained from a thorny tree which grows in dry
and arid desert regions. When the bark of this tree is cut open,
its resin seeps out as a gum.

Myrrh was valued for its medicinal values and was used to disinfect
and cleanse wounds. It also has the ability to mask odors and was
therefore used in embalming Rituals.

Myrrh Symbolizes a feminine and nurturing essence, or energy,
which is linked with the earth.

Conclusion: In ancient times, Frankincense and Myrrh were often
considered to be more valuable than Gold; with Myrrh being the
most valuable of the three.

As Gold represents the untarnishable, the uncorruptible, and the
eternal, it Symbolizes the eternal Source, the eternal Unity, from
which everything in the material realm originates.

As Frankincense Symbolizes the masculine essence and Myrrh
the feminine essence, these two fragrant essences represent the
duality, and extremes of duality, which permeate the created, or
physical, realm.

Frankincense is the fragrance used in the Symbolic anointing oil
which was used to welcome the newborn Christ, and thereby all
newborn infants, into the physical world.

The thorns of the Myrrh tree represent the "Crown of Thorns"
placed upon the head of Jesus at the end of his life. Furthermore,
because Myrrh was used in embalming Rituals, and is linked
to the Earth, it Symbolizes the end of our physical life; the time
when our spiritually vacated bodies are Ceremoniously prepared
for entrance into their final resting place within the nurturing Womb
of Mother Earth. This is the time when our physical bodies are no
longer required as our spirit has already left it to return back to
the Golden Unity from which it originally came.

Therefore, as Gold Symbolizes the One eternal Source of all
creation, Frankincense and Myrrh, on the other hand, represent
the dual result of all creation: life and death; beginning and end.
They are Symbolic the two extremes of duality in the Life-Death
Cycle of the created, or manifested, realm.

And finally, the Three Wise Men (The Three Magi, or Magicians)
represent The Three Gunas. They are Symbolic of the creative
processes, and energies, which permeate all realms of creation.

See also: "The Winter Solstice"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Solstice

"Life, death and rebirth are inevitable."
- Rig Veda

We learn from mythology, legend, and ancient texts that there
are four days of the year which are spiritually and religiously
sacred to all ancient peoples and indigenous cultures. These
four days are the spring and autumn equinoxes and the
summer and winter solstices.

The ancients aligned the windows of their temples, and key
stones of their sacred monuments, so that the rising sun
would shine through these windows or upon the points of
these key stones on these four sacred days. For each one of
these days signified a celebratory moment, and commemorative
Change, in the birth-death Cycle of the Sun during its annual
journey through the sky.

The Winter Solstice, occurring on about December 21st, has
come to be known today simply as the "shortest day of the year".
It is also the time of the year when the festival of Christmas, which
commemorates the Virgin Birth of "The Son", is celebrated
throughout the Christian and Catholic world.

However, to the ancient societies who celebrated and worshiped
the Winter Solstice for its Esoteric significance, the rising sun of
this special day represented much more than simply "the shortest
day of the year" and the birth of "the son"; it heralded in the birth
of "The Sun".

A familiar Christmas Carole reminds us of the significance of this
special and glorious day with the words: "Hark! The herald angels
sing: Glory to the newborn king". For in mythology and Symbolism
king, Gold, and Sun all refer to the same sublime entity and essence.

But what is so important that makes this one moment of the year
so spiritually and sacredly significant? Why do people throughout
the world, at this one specific moment of the entire year, stop all
that they are doing and honor this Son, this Sun, this King, this

Simply put, this is the exact moment of "birth", or "re-birth". It is
the defining moment when The Sun is "re-born" and begins its
semi-annual conquest of coldness and darkness. For it is at this
special moment that the coldness, darkness, and barrenness of
winter finally exhausts its power and is replaced by its victorious
and eternally opposing force: the warmth, brightness, fertility and
abundance of the emerging spring and summer months.

Religious texts speak of a moment when "the sun stood still in
the heavens". This moment occurs twice during every annual
solar Cycle: the summer and winter solstices. For nothing can
reverse its course unless it first comes to a complete standstill.

When the Sun "stands still" in the heavens at the winter solstice
this is the moment when it prepares to reverse its course and
begin its return journey to the lands of the north. A journey which
will eventually "stop" and end at the summer solstice.

The word "solstice" has its root in the Latin words sol which means
"sun", and sistere which means "to come to a stop; to stand still".
Therefore solstice means "the point, or time, at which the sun seems
to stand still".

This annual solar Cycle is also referred to in mythology and legend
as the sun-god Apollo's annual journey through the heavens.

In addition, we read in myths and legends of how the sun is
restricted by means of a rope, fence, or wall: a boundary which it
is forbidden to pass beyond. This mythological rope, fence, or
wall is the Tropic of Capricorn, which is its southernmost boundary
at the winter solstice and the Tropic of Cancer, which is its
northernmost boundary at the summer solstice.

Therefore, when we celebrate Christmas, along with all of the
"gifts" which we are presented with at this festive Time, let us keep
in mind that the True gifts we are receiving are the warmth,
brightness, fertility, and abundance of the upcoming spring and
summer months which are the result of the "rebirth" of The Sun at
the Winter Solstice.

See also: "The Sea Goat [Goat Fish] and Capricorn", and
"Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and the Three Wise Men"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hyperborea: Beyond the Northern Winds
(Mysticism and Mythology)

Now, their mother had told them,
"It's dangerous around here, boys,
and you can go to the east,
to the south, to the west,
but don't go north."
So they go north.

"Transformations of Myth Through Time",
page 37, by Joseph Campbell

The earliest myths tell of a legendary place, and race, which
ushered in the age of mankind on this planet. This legendary
place is called Hyperborea, and its dwellers the Hyperboreans.

The Hyperboreans were the gods and goddesses of myth and
legend who brought the Wisdom and secrets of the universe to the
earliest inhabitants of this planet. They were responsible for the
Golden Age of mankind referred to in ancient texts. A Golden Age
which has since Devolved from sublime spirituality to gross

But who were the Hyperboreans, and where is this Hyperborea
which is spoken of in the most ancient of legends?

Before we can understand what and where Hyperborea is, we
must first study the etymology, or root meaning, of this Word.

Hyper means above, beyond, or over. Boreas means "the north"
or "the north winds". Therefore Hyperborea translates as a
place that is "above and beyond the Northern winds". It is the
polar origin, or polar center, which connects the realm of matter
below with the domain of spirit above.

And as this northern polar center is also called the arctic, let
us now look into the etymology of the word "arctic". Arctic comes
from the Greek arktos meaning "bear; Ursa Major; the region of
the north", the Bear being a northerly constellation (from: Online
Etymology Dictionary).

Therefore "arctic" refers to the Arctic Bear or Polar Bear  which,
along with all the other stars in the heavens, rotates around
the cosmic or heavenly center as viewed from our planet. This
cosmic center is currently occupied by the north star we call

It is the rotation of the stars around this cosmic center which
creates the "branches" of the World (or Cosmic) Tree. And, it is
this fixed cosmic center, which is invisibly attached to the
northern-most point of our planet, that creates the axis, or "trunk",
of the World (Cosmic) Tree.

This northern celestial mid-point around which the heavens appear
to rotate is that sacred center which is also represented,
Symbolically, by the Dot Within The Circle.

The far northern lands of our planet are barren and inhospitable
to humans. And because of this these far northern lands, along
with high mountain peaks, have always been considered to be
the domains of gods, spirits, and the Wise Holy Men who occupy
the Borders Between Realms.

Even in the folklore of today we commemorate these far
northern and inhospitable lands every December as we await the
arrival of Santa Claus, and his gift-bearing sled, in his annual
journey from his home in the North Pole.

And how many children relish the gift of a stuffed polar bear under
their Christmas tree?

Yet, as mystical, magical, and intriguing as the legends, myths,
and folklore of these far-northern lands are to us, Hyperborea
refers to a spiritual and metaphysical (beyond the physical) realm
which exists well above and beyond these cold and frigid northern
realms of our planet. For Hyperborea is "above and beyond the
Northern winds".

However, for the Hyperboreans to have contact with us, there
must be a point of entry for them in our realm. This entry point is
the northern pole of our planet. This northern pole, or northern axis
point of our planet, is where the base, or "trunk", of the World
(Cosmic) Tree attaches itself to our world and takes "root".

This northern-most focal point of our planet is where the spiritual
realm of the heavens meets, and interacts with, the physical realm
of earth.

As this northern-most point is where the four major compass
points meet, these four compass points Symbolize the four
rivers which feed the four major roots of the World Tree.

This northern-most point is also the focal point where all of the
lines of longitude merge together and are united as one. Therefore
it is also the point from which all of the sub-roots of the World Tree
begin their branching-out.

And because all of the longitudinal lines and compass points
meet at this one focal point this is also the Omphalos, or navel,
of our planet. In other words, it is the central point where the
umbilical cord of our planet is connected to the heavens,
metaphorically, by way of the "trunk" of the Cosmic (World)

It is by way of this umbilical cord, or "trunk" of the World Tree
which connects heaven and earth, that the heavenly spirits
(Hyperboreans) are able to descend upon humanity and bestow
their blessed gifts upon us.

It is also by way of this umbilical cord, or "trunk", that those of us
who have achieved enlightenment are able to ascend back to that
heavenly realm from whence we departed a long, long time ago
and become as one again with our spiritual brothers and sisters in
that mystical land of Hyperborea which exists "above and beyond
the northern winds".

See also: "The World Tree" and "Egyptian Pyramid: Part 2"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Karmic Paths and Roads

"A path without a heart is never enjoyable.
On the other hand, a path with a heart is easy---
it does not make a warrior work at liking it;
it makes for a joyful journey;
as long as a man follows it, he is one with it."

- Carlos Castaneda

For the purpose of this article, Karma is defined as the unexpected,
unintended, and unforeseen consequences and results of our
choices and actions.

In "Thoughts, Actions, and Karma" we explored how our
Thoughts and Actions, both positive and negative, affect us
internally. In this article we will explore how our Thoughts and
Actions affect us externally; how they determine the Roads we
Travel and the Destinies and Consequences we bring upon

Whether we realize it or not, each one of us is journeying down
a Karmic Path which is determined for us based upon the
Choices and Decisions we make.

There are many Paths we can Choose to Travel: well-worn Paths,
seldom Traveled Paths, Paths that very few have Traveled, and
Paths which have never before seen a human Footprint.

A Path which has never before seen a human Footprint is a
Path which is Traveled by the Mystic, or Avatar,  who appears
only rarely in the evolution of a race. This Path has no Karma
and it can only be walked upon by someone who has already
transcended Karma. This is the most sublime Path a person
can journey upon while still occupying the realm of duality and

We can create, for ourselves, a Path which has never before
seen a human Footprint. This is done by Choosing a lifestyle and
behaving in a manner which is completely unique to any other
type of life-Path existing in the physical realm. Those who
Travel this Path are the Hermits and Holy Persons who dwell
high in the sacred mountains and other Borders Between Realms
which occupy our world.

A Path that very few have Traveled is the Path which is walked
upon by Master Teachers and their Initiates. These individuals
have very little Karma attached to themselves and are in the
process of ridding themselves of whatever little still remains.
These are also the Paths upon which the heroes of mythology
and legend left their Footprints long, long ages ago.

Seldom Traveled Paths are those Traveled by the mysterious
figures of history, myth, and legend. These are the quiet,
uncharted, and unpopulated Roads which are the Adventurous
wonderlands of the Lone Wolf, the Trailblazer, and those mystical
and magical figures of fable known as Wizards and Wanderers.

Those who Travel upon seldom-traveled Paths are Aware of,
and respectful of, the Laws of Karma and have learned how to
use these Laws to their advantage.

However, the vast majority of us spend our lives traveling upon
well-worn Paths and Roads. And, in most instances, there is
nothing wrong with Traveling along these Paths; for these Paths
help us to express, and experience, Our Divine Nature during our
Current Incarnation.

Well-Worn Paths are those Roads which are already in existence.
They are the Roads which have been established many generations
ago and are busy, active, and teeming with vast multitudes of
businesses, activities, and individuals that make up the integral
parts of these Roads. These Roads already have a specific flow
and personality already in place when we step onto them for our
very first time.

An excellent metaphor for Well-Worn Roads is the cantina into
which Luke Skywalker entered the first time, with Obi-Wan Kenobi,
in the pirate city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. Although
it is a bustling and familiar cantina to those who frequent it,
complete with its own set of rules, secrets, and camaraderies, it
is a completely new first-time experience for Luke.

This cantina is Symbolic of the Well-Worn Roads we step upon
for our very first Time. Let us look at a couple of other examples.

We decide to be a musician. The moment we enter into our
musical career we step onto the well-worn, and bustling, Karmic
road which all others who are pursuing, and have pursued, musical
careers have walked upon for ages. This well-worn road already
has its own particular and unique flow to it. It is familiar to all those
who are already traveling upon it; however, it is all a brand new
experience to us.

This well-worn road is complete with the businesses, characters,
composers, musicians, and other folk which are already an active
and integral part of this road and its flow. In addition, this road
contains the many important personal contacts we are yet to
become acquainted with who will eventually help us establish and
promote our musical career. We rely on the existing experience
of everything, and everyone, on this road to help us become
successful in our chosen profession as a musician.

Someone decides to be a criminal. The moment that person
enters the life of crime they step onto the well-worn Karmic road
which all other criminals are traveling upon, and have traveled upon,
for ages. Again, this well-worn road already has its own particular
and unique flow to it. It is familiar to all those who are already
traveling upon it; however, it is all a brand new experience to those
who are first entering its flow.

This well-worn road is complete with the business, hiding places,
half-way houses, criminals, informants, con-men, malcontents,
and law-enforcement people who are the integral part of this road.
And while those who Choose to live a life of crime are new to this
road, this road is an old experience to those who are already
traveling upon it.

As Karma is the end result, or Consequence, which is associated
with the Choices we make, we must be constantly on guard in
regards to the Choices, Decisions, and Actions we involve
ourselves with. For by being Aware of all of the Karmic Roads and
Paths which are available to us we are better able to understand the
Consequences and benefits which each Karmic Road and Path
offers us, and we are better able to Choose that particular Road or
Path which is most Harmonious to our Divine Nature.

See also: "Theater of Life"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Laws: Divine vs. Man-Made

"Forgive him, for he believes
that the customs of his tribe
are the laws of nature."

- George Bernard Shaw

We spend such a large portion of our lives dealing with man-made
laws that many of us have probably forgotten that there are laws
which are far superior to man-made laws . These superior laws
are the Divine Laws which govern not only our personal lives but
also the conscious universe, along with all that exists within it,
as well.

And as each one of us is primarily concerned with our personal
lives, let us look at the difference between man-made laws
versus Divine Laws and evaluate how these two different sets of
principles affect our Current Incarnation.

Man-made laws:

We are all familiar with man-made laws. They engulf us. They
overwhelm us. They confuse us. And, quite often, they are used
by oppressive regimes in an attempt to suppress us.

In addition, man-made laws are not limited to statutory laws;
they also include the rules, regulations, by-laws, and policies
and procedures of every organization and faction on our planet.

Although society requires a basic structure in order for it to
function freely, safely, and properly, an over-abundance of
man-made laws often leads to chaos and loss of respect simply
because these laws, over time, become not only contradictory
to each other but their design is very often inconsistent and
dis-Harmonious with the Divine Laws which govern all of creation.

Man-made laws, by their very nature, tend to be fickle, fleeting,
changeable, prejudicial, and inconsistent. Furthermore, man-made
laws may either be enforced, randomly enforced, or disregarded
depending on the whims of whatever political faction is currently
in a position of authority. Also, man-made laws quite often bestow
special privileges upon individuals belonging to a certain class,
social status, or income status.

And finally, as most of us have experienced, man-made laws often
differ radically from time to time and from place to place. What is
considered to be legal or illegal in one period of time may be
looked upon quite differently in another period of time. The same
holds true for cultures, states, nations, and races: what is deemed
to be either legal, illegal, or important in one segment of society
may be looked upon entirely different in another segment.

Man-made laws are based upon theory, Compromise, and current
political and social whims. Man-made laws are governance by force
and Guilt. And this is why societies, nations, and civilizations often
meet bitter ends; for they force upon people rules, laws, restrictions,
and constrictions which are not only inconsistent but often at odds
with Divine Laws.

Divine Laws:

Divine Laws are the exact opposite of man-made laws. Divine Laws
are constant, unwavering, and eternal. Divine Laws are the same for
every person, place, and time...without prejudice!

Divine Laws are Divine Principles. They are the basic Truths which
govern the cosmos. These Laws have been passed down to us from
the very beginning of Time. We find these Divine Laws depicted in
the Symbolism contained within the ancient Egyptian Neters.

Divine Laws, if adhered to, allow for the free and balanced flow of
energy within a race, a nation, a society, and a person. If not
adhered to, those who disregard these Laws will suffer the
consequences of their actions.

Divine Laws allow for self-governance: we can either Choose to
obey these Laws or disregard them.

Divine Laws are simple, basic, and eternal. And it is perhaps
because of their simplicity that these Laws are so often ignored.

Let us examine a few of these Divine Laws.

The Law of Truth: What is is. Truth is not found in the Hopes,
wishes and Opinions of either ourselves or of others.

The Law of Ignorance: To be unaware of what is Real and True
does not release us from the Consequences of our Ignorance.

The Law of Karma: Every Action, whether by Word or deed, has
its Consequence. It is up to us to know the Consequences of
our Actions.

The Law of Awareness: To observe and understand what is
happening within us, around us, and throughout our world.

The Law of Free Will: We have the freedom to Choose our
Thoughts and Actions. However, with this freedom comes
responsibility and Consequences.

The Law of Sovereignty: The supreme gift which is bestowed
upon each one of us that grants us a dream: a dream of how
we Choose to experience our Current Incarnation.

The Law of Interconnectedness: All Words and Actions have
effects; often in ways we are unable to conceive.

The Law of Destiny: There are various kinds of Destinies:
personal, societal, and planetary.

The Law of Alchemy: To make something or someone pure,
all impurities must first be removed.

The Law of Harmony: We are either in Harmony (perfect balance)
with the Laws of the Universe or we are not. There is no middle
ground in these matters. The Ancient Egyptians called this Divine
Principle Maat.

These are just a few of the Divine Laws which govern the
universe and, by association, our Current Incarnation. It is our
personal Choice whether to obey or disregard these Laws.
However, as these Laws are eternal and unchangeable we should,
at the very least, have an understanding and Awareness of these
Divine Truths.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

(The Masks We Wear)

"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade.
Masquerade! Hide your face,
so the world will never find you."

- "Masquerade" lyrics,
from Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera"

We live in a polyester society; a cosmetic and fabricated land
teeming with deceptive Appearances and false Perceptions.

In this land of artificiality and materialism we are constantly being
bombarded with ads, commercials, and Opinions of self-serving
"experts" as to what we should buy, what we should wear, how
we should present ourselves to the public, how we should think,
how we should speak, and how we should act.

This process of Indoctrination, constantly being heaped upon the
masses by way of ads, commercials, Opinions, and "guilt trips",
strips away from the unwary, the gullible, and the greedy their
individuality, their freedom, and their peace-of-mind.

Those of us who bite into the shiny and attractive lures of these
mass-marketing Indoctrinations often suffer a great peril from the
hidden hook which lies well concealed behind the attractive lure
we find ourselves biting into.

With these thoughts in mind, let us now look at some of the
Masquerades, or Masks, that dominate the world in which we live.

The Mask of Possessions:

We drive through neighborhoods of large, attractive, and relatively
new homes with well-manicured lawns.  These neighborhoods
seem to be just about everywhere. We see late-model and
expensive cars and SUV's parked in the driveways and we
instinctively say to ourselves, "Wow, aren't those people lucky
to be living in such a beautiful house, in such a beautiful
neighborhood, and driving such beautiful cars. I wish I had their

But how do we know that these people are really "lucky"? How
do we know what is going on within the walls of these beautiful
and expensive homes with the late-model vehicles parked in the
driveways? For, in Truth, a great many of these homes are
occupied by husbands and wives who are heavily overburdened
due to the mortgages, loans, and credit card debt that was
required to create this false facade, this Masquerade, of perceived

Under such conditions spouses argue, drift apart, and ultimately
get divorces. Children find their lives torn to shreds. And the parents,
who were once loving couples, find their youthful dreams shattered
as all they have to show for their perceived affluence is decades of
debt which may never be fully repaid.

How many of us know families and couples whose lives have
been destroyed because of this all-too-common scenario?

Ads, commercials, and "guilt trips" are aimed at Indoctrinating
us that this is the kind of lifestyle we "deserve" and should
pursue...even if we cannot afford it.

There is a big difference between having safe, secure, and
comfortable housing versus unaffordable extravagance.

There is also a big difference between having safe and reliable
transportation versus flaunting the latest "power car" to our
friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

The Mask of Appearance:

There is nothing wrong with "putting our best foot forward"; of
presenting ourselves in an attractive and healthy manner. For
personal care, along with the way we feel and Act, is important
to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The problem arises when we attempt to use our outer appearances
to Deceive either ourselves or others. For external features can
only camouflage, not hide or change, the person we truly are
once we remove our Mask of Appearance.

Those who rely solely on the Mask of Appearance present
themselves with an air of artificiality. In other words, they are
artificial people. And, as like attracts like, these artificial people
end up attracting other artificial people; with each one forever
wondering why their relationships constantly meet disastrous

For when we present ourselves as someone who we are not, we
can only attract those other people who are also presenting
themselves as someone they are not. This is the Law of like
attracting like.

Those who depend entirely on a Mask of Appearance and
abandon the pursuit of mental and spiritual substance find
themselves, first slowly and then more quickly, drawn into a
powerful whirlpool from which they ultimately cannot escape.

They are eventually drawn down into the lowest realms of
artificial society which languishes at the bottom of this whirlpool
where, eventually, no cosmetics, surgery, or latest fashion can
cover-up what they have allowed themselves to Become.

However, the Law of like-attracts-like works in both directions.
Therefore, the pure, robust features and warm inner glow of
someone whose honesty, sincerity, and Inner Beauty radiates
warmth, contentment, and friendliness to every person he, or she,
encounters, will attract those similar types of persons into their life.

The Mask of Intelligence:

This is the Mask we wear when we gossip, complain, pontificate
(pass personal judgement), or spout common and unfounded
Opinions in order to be accepted into a social group; or in order
to attempt to impress others at a social gathering.

Of the above mentioned behaviors, perhaps the Mask of Opinion
is the behavior we most often see displayed at parties and social

In its simplest and most basic form we put on our Mask of
Intelligence whenever we act as boastful "experts" while in the
company of friends and acquaintances; or when we are at parties
and other social gatherings.

The Mask of Intelligence is a way of showing to others how much
we think we know, or how much more informed we have become,
by listening to some political speech or some self-serving "expert"
who appeared on last night's news.

Those who engage themselves in conversations while wearing a
Mask of Intelligence do so in order to "impress" others that the
vast sum of all they think they know is also the vast sum of what
everyone else who is involved in the conversation also thinks they

The reasoning here is that we must be up to date on the news,
of course, if we expect to be accepted into the crowd who
proclaims themselves to be "in the know".

And although no problems are solved, no solutions have been
created, nothing positive has been discussed, and those who
involved in these conversations end up more befuddled, confused,
and angry than they were at the start, it does make for "good


Avoiding other people's masks:

We are all social animals. And because of this we must always
be Aware of the trap-doors that society, along with our fellow man,
is constantly constructing beneath the feet of the unwary, the
gullible, and the greedy.

Those who are Aware of these trap-doors, these Masquerades,
are better able to sidestep them. Those who are unaware find
themselves constantly falling into them.

Avoiding using masks for ourselves:

A fisherman uses the correct lure to catch the kind of fish he, or
she, is after. A hunter uses a proper decoy to bag his, or her, game.

What kind of lure, or Mask, are we using? Are we using the lure of
Sincerity and Honesty to attract Sincere and Honest people? Or,
are we using a Mask of Artificiality to attract other artificial people?

If we look the same, talk the same, and act the same as most
other people, what makes us different and special?...Nothing!

We only shine when we allow our true inner-self to show itself to
the world.

There is no one so attractive, and no one who shines the brightest
from their inner glow, as a Sincere, Honest, and caring Spirit who
is not trying to hide or camouflage who they Truly are. These are
the rare individuals whose Inner Beauty is the only lure they require
to attract other similar, and truly radiant, Spirits.

See also: "Beauty (Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty)" along with
"Appearances and Perceptions"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Apprenticeships and Internships

"Where your talents and the world's needs cross,
there lies your vocation."

- Aristotle

Here is an interesting thought...

We spend much of our pre school-years, and even our pre job-years,
as Apprentices and Interns. These are the years we spend doing
for free the things we truly love.

When we do the things we love, we are acting in Harmony with
our Divine Nature. And although we may refer to these activities
as hobbies or interests they are, in fact, activities which resonate
with our True Nature.

If our interest is to be an athlete, we will spend these formative
years learning, practicing, and perfecting the particular aspects
and nuances of whatever sport we have a deep interest in.

If our interest is to be a botanist, we will spend a great portion
of our time learning to name and recognize different trees and
plants. We will even venture into the woods and collect different
leaves and preserve them inside pages of a scrapbook.

If our interest is chemistry, we will engulf ourselves in chemistry
sets and experiments.

If we reflect back, most of us will probably remember our childhood
interests and hobbies which were a driving part of our life in our
magical and mystical pre school, and pre job, years.

And though we may think that we were merely "playing" when we
immersed ourselves in these activities, we were in fact playing at
Learning what truly interests us.  And if we give these activities
careful Thought, we will find that these initial hobbies and interests
were our first Apprenticeships and Internships. And, these early
Apprenticeships and Internships were nothing less than our
voluntary self-education and Self-Initiation in a hobby or field that
is very dear to us.

We pursued these early interests enthusiastically, lovingly, and
for free! We were learning without even thinking about it. And,
we became very good at these interests simply because we
loved what we were doing.

Many individuals carry these early Apprenticeships with them for
their entire lives and build their careers upon them. These
individuals stick to their dreams and labor many years in their
self-chosen Apprenticeships until their skills are properly honed.
Then, after years of Sacrifice in which the necessary talents and
skills have been properly refined and mastered , these talented
individuals emerge as the superstars, geniuses, and Trailblazers
in the particular field of their childhood Choice.

Yet there is another beautiful and mystical Gift which is lavished
upon everyone who pursues their childhood Apprenticeships...
even if they do not become superstars or Trailblazers.

These individuals experience an Incarnation full of the same
magic and enchantment that consumed them during their
childhood years. To look at it in another way, these individuals
never forfeit either their childhood, their dreams, or their

So, for those of us who pursued our childhood Apprenticeships
and Internships, let us recall how we laughed with enthusiasm
and excitement each and every time we learned something new
and interesting in those activities and fields which are very dear
to us. And, above all, let us forever Remember those magical
and mystical days when we enthusiastically did for free the
things we are getting paid to do today!

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spirit And Matter

"Where the telescope ends the microscope begins,
and who can say which has the wider vision."
-Victor Hugo

For the purpose of this article, the terms Spirit and Energy are

What is Spirit?

Ancient texts refer to Spirit by various different names and terms.
Some of the names used to refer to Spirit are: prana, chi, and
Aether. Some of the terms used to describe Spirit are: The Divine
Breath, The Word of God, the Hermetic Logos and the Guna Rajas.
The Pythagoreans referred to Spirit as the sacred quintessential
Fifth Element and used the Symbol of the Pentagram, or five-
pointed star, to represent this Divine Essence.

But regardless of whatever Word or term is used to represent or
describe Spirit, Spirit is Energy! It is the sublime and eternal Divine
Energy which permeates all manifested realms, space, and Time.

In its purest state, Spirit (Energy) is free and unbounded. The
metaphor "free spirit" is an excellent description of this eternal

Science tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it
can only change form. Energy can manifest itself into matter, or
it can remain in its free form. After its manifestation into matter
has completed its Cycle, energy returns to its free form...its
Free Spirit!

Spirit (energy) can, and does, exist without matter. However,
matter cannot exist without Spirit. Furthermore, Spirit (energy)
is contained within all matter.

What is matter?

Nearly all sacred texts allude to the mysterious process by
which Spirit manifests itself into matter. These sacred texts tell
of how Spirit leaves the realm of the sublime (the realm of Unity)
and descends through the spheres accumulating more and more
density until it ultimately appears in the physical realm (the realm
of duality) in the form of matter.

This process of manifestation is what is alluded to by the terms:
"The Fall", "Original Sin", and the "banishment from paradise".

Furthermore, the terms "adulterate" and "adultery" are also used
to refer to this process of material manifestation.

Adulterate means: to corrupt; to taint; to combine a higher and
faster vibratory energy (Spirit) with a lower or slower vibratory
manifestation (matter). In other words, it is the tainting of pure
Spirit with gross matter; it is the imprisoning of Spirit within
matter for a specific period of manifestation or Incarnation.

When science analyzes matter, it finds that at the heart of all
matter is atoms. These atoms combine to form molecules.
These molecules ultimately form the building blocks which
eventually manifest themselves as some form of matter: a tree,
a rock, a cathedral, a person, etc. But, again, at the heart of all
matter is the atom; an infinite and uncountable number of atoms.

At the center of every atom is an energy field around which an
electron, or a number of electrons, orbit themselves; similar to
the way the planets in our solar system orbit our sun. This energy
source at the center of every atom is the Spirit, the Aether, the
Divine Breath, and the Word of God referred to in religious texts.

Without this Divine energy source there would be no atom...
there would be no molecules...there would be no building blocks...
there would be no matter. Therefore the ultimate makeup of all
matter is energy, or Spirit.

Matter cannot be formed until Divine Consciousness combines
the appropriate energies which ultimately become the "spark"
which manifests matter from "nothingness". This nothingness
is the Great Abyss and the Gnostic and Hermetic Chaos which
is referred to in ancient and spiritual texts.

Manifestation is that specific moment when the Free Spirit of energy
becomes "entrapped" within matter for a specific amount of Time.
This is the process of creation.

Once Spirit tires of, or no longer has a use for, the matter in which
it is entrapped or adulterated with, it vacates matter and once again
becomes Free Spirit. This ultimate vacating of Spirit from matter is
what is referred to as "death" in the material realm and the freedom
of "release", or "re-birth", back into the Spiritual Realm from
whence it originally came.

See also: "Smoke - As A Symbol" and
"Dust (Mythology, Mysticism and Symbolism)"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Emotional Decisions

"Never make a decision while the reckless
steeds of emotion are thundering in all directions."
- Joseph Panek

There are times in our lives when we experience stressful, chaotic,
or fearful situations; times when we feel completely out of control
in our environment; times when we feel compelled to make an
immediate decision, promise, commitment, or compromise; times
when we are tempted to cast blame for our discomforting
situation upon someone else.

And although we may Think that immediate and quick decisions
are necessary to calm our racing minds at these times, the
opposite is most often True.

At times like these, when we are still under the Stress of the
moment, our emotions are disturbed and our thinking is clouded
due to the anxiety of whatever it is that is upsetting us. These
are the worst times for us to make a quick decision, promise,
commitment, or compromise. It is also the most inappropriate
time for us to "point fingers" and place blame.

When faced with any emotionally distressing or confusing situation,
the safest action we can normally take is to calm our minds and let
the situation play itself out. This enables us to put a little distance
between the us and the event that is upsetting us; thereby allowing
more information to come forth while, at the same time, allowing
our mind to become more settled.

This combination of distance and additional information is what
enables us to properly analyze the traumatic Event and make the
most appropriate and rational decision. For it is impossible to
clearly understand a stressful or chaotic situation clearly while we
are still under its spell. By allowing a certain period of Time to pass,
our emotions calm down, we are able to evaluate the situation with
clarity, and we prevent ourselves from saying or doing something
which we may later regret

In addition, we may also experience instances in our lives when we
have a severe emotional disagreement with another person and our
first impulse is to "rush in" and "make things right" with this
individual. This kind of emotional volatility falls into the same
category as any other emotionally stressful situation. For these are
the times when all individuals involved are emotionally distraught
and least able to make sound, rational, beneficial, and sincere

When we find ourselves involved in stressful situations such as
these, it is very important to let an appropriate amount of time pass
before Words are spoken. Otherwise, every person who is involved
in this process may very well regret the words spoken, the Actions
taken, and the injuries inflicted which can never be healed or

To take Action while under stress, or in a state of high-emotion,
causes us to make Decisions, statements, Promises, and
Compromises that we may not only regret but cannot be taken back.

Once an Action is done, it cannot be undone. Once we say
something hurtful to another person, we cannot take these words
back. Although we can apologize, an apology does not cure the
harm which has been inflicted. For the pain of our words will
always remain and our Relationship with that person will never be
the same.

The same goes for making commitments, compromises, and
promises while still under the influence of emotional stress.

Because our emotions are clouded and confused when we find
ourselves in emotionally stressful situations, anything we either
say or commit to while under the influences of these conditions
generally ends up being either broken, rescinded, or ignored;
resulting in behaviors that neither we, nor any of the other persons
who are involved, will ever be able to forget or fully Forgive.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Theater Of Life

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players..."

- William Shakespeare

The world is one huge Theater. Within this Theater there are a
limitless number of Stages. Upon these Stages exist a vast
multitude of Actors involved in an infinite number of Plays.

We see these Actors performing on their personally chosen
Stages each and every day.

The student's stage is a classroom. The doctors stage is a
hospital. The authors stage is a place of quiet solitude. The
criminal's stage is a prison. A judge's stage is the courtroom.

So it goes, on and on, all these actors involved in all these plays
on all these stages.  And on one of these Stages, in one of these
Plays, each one of us is acting out our own individual part.

Are we happy with the Stage we are on, the Role we are playing,
and the Script we are reciting? Some people are, but many people
are not!

When we view our lives from this point-of-view we get an entirely
different outlook on the jobs, professions, and activities in which
we involve ourselves.

How many of us have Become very good at an occupation that we
are dissatisfied with? How many of us are involved in activities that
have been chosen for us by someone else?  How many of us are
acting out Roles that are not in Harmony with Our Divine Nature?

We are all Professional Actors who are very capable of Award
Winning performances in a Role, and on a Stage, that is
Harmonious with our True Nature. If we don't like the particular
Role we are currently involved in we can simply Choose to move
to another Play on another Stage and assume a Role which
provides us with the comfort, contentment, and Adventure we feel
that we deserve.

There are numerous Stages and uncountable Roles from which
we can Choose. The fact that we have plenty of past experience
performing a certain Role we are unhappy with does not Obligate
us to continue on with that Role. We can Change Stages, Roles,
and Scripts any Time we Choose.

Our Incarnation is a Gift that is meant to be experienced and
enjoyed.  The best way for us to enjoy our Gift is to Choose only
those experiences which are Harmonious with Our Divine Nature.
This is one of the Lessons handed down to us through the art
and practice of Alchemy.

If this is selfish, then let us exercise our Divine Right to be Selfish.
Selfishness is far superior to misery; for we become unhappy,
frustrated, and unfulfilled when we participate in any experience
that is not Harmonious with our True Self.

We owe it to ourselves to be the best person we can be and to
experience the best life (Incarnation) possible.

We were granted our current Incarnation in order to evolve,
Become, experience, and enjoy our life in the most positive and
expansive way Imaginable.  If we are unhappy and unfulfilled with
how our current Incarnation is progressing, we have the Sovereign
right to turn in our script, take off our costume, exit the Stage, and
Become the most enthusiastic and Sincere Actor playing our favorite
Role upon the Stage-of-our-Choosing in this great Theater of Life.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Unattached Observer
(The Beholder Of Cycles, Events, and Destiny)

"The iron chain and the silken cord
are both equally bonds."

- Friedrich von Schiller

There is a very insightful statement which appears on page 61 of
"The Fire From Within" by Carlos Castaneda which bears further
attention and comment:

"...Seers aim to be free, to be unbiased witnesses incapable of
passing judgment; otherwise they would have to assume the
responsibility for bringing about a more adjusted cycle. No one
can do that. The new cycle, if it is to come, must come of itself."

As this paragraph is an excellent description of an Unattached
Observer, let us look further into this statement and attempt to
analyze its insights and Instruction.

As Events create Cycles, they therefore share a similar bond.
Cycles can be cosmic, planetary, societal, and personal. And
although cosmic and planetary Cycles are unalterable, and
generally beyond our control, we still have the ability and
responsibility to be Aware of them.

Societal and personal Cycles and Events are a completely different
matter. They can either present us with those golden opportunities
which appear to us perhaps only a handful of times during our
lifetimes, or, they can be the trap-doors that constantly get us into
an awful lot of trouble.

Societal and personal Events are brought about by Actions. Actions
can be in the form of Words, personal behavior, or massive group
(mob) undertakings. Once an Action is performed a Cycle is created;
and This Cycle will have Consequences. Furthermore, this Cycle
must experience its own completion; nothing can stop it once it is
set into motion.

Seers, and Seekers, understand that whenever we create an Event,
or Share Energy with with a person, place, thing, or Event, we
become bound to, and responsible for, the Consequences of the
Event we either participate in or create. The responsibilities and
Karmic burdens we may incur from the resulting Consequences of
these Events can often limit our personal freedom and clear thinking
long after these Events complete their normal Cycles.

Therefore, Seers and Seekers are very cautious of who and what
they Choose to share and invest their energies with. This is why
Seers and Seekers very rarely involve themselves in societal
and inter-personal Events and simply maintain the role of an
Unattached Observer.

So, with this Thought in mind, the question we should be asking
ourselves is simply this: Do we want to be swept away by personal,
inter-personal, societal, and perhaps even cosmic Events which are
such a large part of Human Behavior and our Human experience, or
do we simply prefer to be an Unattached Observer who is immune to
these Cycles and Events and the Consequences which they create?

As every Action (whether by word or deed) creates an Event, and
every Event has a Cycle, and every Cycle has a duration and
Consequences, each one of us possesses the Free Will to Choose
whether or not we will participate in, and therefore bind ourselves to,
an Event, its duration, and its Consequences.

We Learn by way of two different processes: observation and
experience. Furthermore, experience can be gained by either of
two  ways: personal experience or the experiences of others. As
personal experience can often be expensive and brutal, it is Wise
to learn as much as we can from the experiences of history and
the experience of others.

Seers and Seekers who maintain the role of the Unattached
Observer understand this important principle. They are the
Lone Wolfs who realize that Non-Interference allows us to be
free, unbiased, unattached, and observing. Whereas Interference
restricts our freedom, causes us to form and defend Opinions,
attaches us to Events and their Consequences, and prevents us
from being Aware of what is truly happening.

The Unattached Observer has cultivated the ability to properly
observe and understand an Action or Event along with the
Consequences it will bring forth. This Awareness enables the
Unattached Observer to Wisely Choose whether to participate
in, or distance themself from, any particular Event.

Finally, Unattached Observers, being fully Aware of the Cycles
which are created by Actions and Events, understand that once a
Cycle is created it cannot be stopped; it must completely exhaust
itself. This "pearl of Wisdom" prevents them from interfering in any
Cycles which individuals, crowds, or societies have put into motion.

They completely understand that any attempt to interfere with any
Cycle already in motion disturbs its natural rhythm, binds them to
the Cycle, and creates responsibilities and obligations which can
limit their freedom, disturb their peace of mind, and draw them from
the Path of their personal Destiny.

Although there are Cycles, Events, and Destinies which constantly
befall mankind, The Unattached Observer is fully Aware that he, or
she, is not required to participate in these issues. The Unattached
Observer simply observes these issues from a distance, sidesteps
the follies and intrigues of the masses, and takes pleasure in the
peace and contentment of their own personal Journey.

See also: "The Prime Directive"

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sharing Energy and Forming Bonds

"Whenever we share energy
with a person, place, thing, or event,
a bond is formed."

- Joseph Panek

Isn't it interesting that once we share energy (an experience or an
encounter) with another person, another place, or another thing,
a permanent Bond is formed?

And because we exist within the realm of Duality these Bonds
can be either good or bad...positive or negative...happy or sad.

Most of us refer to these Bonds as Memories and Remembrances.
But however we Choose to refer to them, the Truth is, they are
permanent and unbreakable Bonds.

And though it may have been years since we have last seen, or
had an encounter with, a particular person, place or thing, the
moment we have a re-encounter we find that the Bond which was
finalized during our last encounter still exists. And we also find that
the same emotions, which existed when the original Bond was
formed, rear themselves anew with the same potency between us
and the object of our Bond as had existed when the original Bond
was formed.

Bonds formed by Sharing Energy are permanent "links" which can
never be broken. Negative Bonds can be renounced, hated, or even
banished to the deepest recesses of our consciousness. Positive
Bonds can be loved, cherished, or remain foremost in our minds.
However, because Bonds are permanent "links" they can never
be forgotten or broken!

Whenever we Share Energy with a person, place, or thing which
has a lower vibration than ourselves, we reduce our vibration level
and create a negative Bond.

Whenever we share energy with a person, place, or thing which
has a higher vibration than ourselves, we raise our vibration level
and create a positive Bond.

Anything we allow into our lives which torments us (lowers our
vibration level), whether its politics, Events, or relationships,
creates a permanent negative Bond between us and that other
entity. The only True escape from these negative energies is
complete release.

Anything we allow into our lives which comforts us (raises our
vibration level), and is in Harmony with our Divine Nature, creates
a permanent positive Bond between us and that other entity.
These energies should be embraced for they are the energies
which bestow bliss, peace, contentment, and freedom upon us.

As energy follows Thought, Bonds can also be formed between
ourselves and our Thoughts.

Whenever we focus our attention on negative (lower vibratory)
persons, ideas, things, Events, or situations, our thinking attracts
negative energy into our beings. In addition, when we focus our
attention on anything which disturbs us and is unalterable, we
also lower our vibration level, attract destructive energy, and create
a negative Bond.

Whenever we focus our attention on positive (higher vibratory)
persons, ideas, things, Events, or situations, our thinking attracts
positive energy into our beings and a positive Bond is formed.
In addition, when we focus our attention on those things which
we have the ability to Change in a positive way, we are energizing
the latent powers and higher Spiritual Energies within us to
help us accomplish our tasks and elevate our consciousness.

When we reflect upon how we Share Energy we realize that we
must be extremely cautious of the energy we share with other
persons, places, things, and Thoughts. For once we share energy
a permanent Bond is formed...whether we like it or not.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Virgin Birth
(Symbolism, Mythology, and Mystery)

The doctrine of Virgin Birth is an extremely ancient and common
motif (theme) found in the numerous mythologies, legends, and
religions throughout our planet.

However, before we begin to explore the doctrine of Virgin Birth, it
is important that we understand the Alchemical, Hermetic, Gnostic,
and Esoteric meaning of the Word Virgin; a designation which
comes down to us from the earliest dawn of antiquity.

Virgin, or Virginity is the pure; the untainted; the unadulterated.
And the only True essence which fits this description of Virginity
is Spirit. Specifically, the Virgin is that Esoteric Spiritual essence
which is untainted or unadulterated by union with matter.

Therefore, Virgin Birth is Creation which occurs in the Spiritual
Realm. It is pre-manifested Thought of the highest degree.

One of  the oldest accounts of Virgin Birth comes to us by way of
the ancient Egyptian Mystery concerning Osiris and his wife-sister

After Seth murdered Osiris, and cut his body into fourteen parts
which he scattered throughout creation, Isis scoured the entire
world collecting Osiris' parts in order to reconstruct the body of
her husband.  She was able to locate every part of Osiris' body
except one - his penis.

After she located all of Osiris' severed parts - save one - and
reconstructed his body, she then hovered over the reconstructed
body of her dead husband, became impregnated, and gave birth
to Horus.

This Ancient Egyptian Mystery illustrates to us that this was not
a physical birth. It was a Spiritual Birth; it was an Immaculate

This Egyptian Mystery is the same Lesson which comes to us
by way of the Symbolic Trinity (Father, Son, and [Holy]Spirit).
It is also the same Lesson which comes to us by way of
The Three Gunas (Sattwa, Tamas, and Rajas). And, it is the
same Lesson which comes to us from Hermetic texts (Nous,
Chaos, and Logos).

In the Egyptian Mystery Osiris is the Father (the creator), Sattwa,
and Nous. Horus is the Son (the created), Tamas, and Chaos. Isis
is the Spirit (of creation), Rajas, and Logos.

A great deal of Symbolic Wisdom is contained within the Egyptian
Mystery of Isis and Osiris.

The slaying of Osiris is Symbolic of the end of one life, or Cycle,
so that another life, Cycle, or Incarnation can begin. As Osiris is
the Egyptian Neter who personifies re-Incarnation, He represents
the continuing Cycles of re-incarnation we must progress through
until all of our Inner Demons are slain and Spiritual perfection
is accomplished.

The number 14 represents the fourteen segments of the waning
moon, it is therefore Symbolic of the waning portion of a Cycle.

The fact that the penis of Osiris was never recovered by Isis
teaches us that the "birth" created between Isis and Osiris is
a spiritual and abstract creation which comes about by way of
Osiris "dying" in the physical and becoming transformed into a
higher essence so that His Seed can reproduce itself, with the
Spiritual assistance of Isis, on the next higher realm. This is
a continuing Cycle which forever repeats itself until Spiritual
completion is attained.

This continuing Cyclical principle of death, transformation, and
re-birth into a higher realm is the theme which is Remembered,
and honored, through the performance of Initiation Rituals and
Rites of Passage. It is this Spiritual and Esoteric process which
is represented by the Egyptian Symbol of the Ankh.

Isis, the Virgin, is the unseen creative essence which stimulates
creation, and re-creation, in the Spiritual, mental, and abstract
realms. Without the Spiritual stimulation of creative energy
which Isis provides, the ability to create could not exist between
the creator and the created. Therefore Isis Symbolizes the
Spiritual creative principle which is invoked in Initiation Rituals
and magical Ceremonies.

Horus Symbolizes the abstract, Esoteric, and Spiritual Creation
which is the result of Virgin Birth. And because Horus is the
highest essence which is created between Spirit (Isis) and the
higher and higher re-incarnations of Osiris, Horus is the Symbol
and essence of direct ascension. Horus Symbolizes the Path
which is available to, and can be Traveled by, the select few
who Choose to resolve all of their Incarnations in one lifetime.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

(Dreams, Mythology, and Symbolism)

"I fly because it releases my mind
from the tyranny of petty things."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Angels can fly because they carry no burdens."
- Eileen Elias Freeman,
"The Angels' Little Instruction Book"

Most of us have had dreams of flying; of soaring to breathtaking
heights. In addition, the mythologies and legends of numerous
cultures throughout our world speak of winged-serpents, flying
horses, winged-angels, and flying carpets.

Flying is an inbred part of both our consciousness and our
Subconscious...our dreams. And because it is such a deeply
embedded part of our dreams, it means that flying is more than
just a mere curiosity. For, to be a part of our dreams, Flying must
also be an archetypal part of our DNA. This means that Flying
must be an original pattern, concept, myth, or Divine Principle
which has been a part of our collective unconscious since the
earliest ages of our most remote ancestry.

With these Thoughts in mind, let us look into the Symbolism and
mythology of Flying.

Symbolically, and in dreams, Flying represents: freedom, joy,
confidence, and independence.

Esoterically, it represents: the soaring mind, higher consciousness,
elevated perception, total Awareness, Spirituality, and the
All-Seeing Eye. Therefore Flying is a Spiritual reminder of the
Divine Essence, and unlimited potential, which exists within us
and forever accompanies us as our higher-self...our God Within...
our Atman.

As a Symbol for Ascension, Flying is similar to the Ladder.
However, where the Ladder represents indirect Ascension
achieved one-rung-at-a-time by way of many re-incarnations,
Flying represents the rapid, and direct,  Ascension which can
be achieved in one Incarnation.

Flying, as rapid and direct ascent, represents the freedom and
ability to soar at will above the mundane and superficial. It means
that all chains and obligations to the material realm have been
tossed away. All Lessons have been properly Learned and their
Wisdom thoroughly absorbed. We are now free to Fly-Away to
anywhere, and any-when, we Choose; for all bonds to the material
have been completely discarded.

As a note: further Symbolism for direct Ascension versus indirect
Ascension comes to us by way of two Neters from Ancient Egypt.
Osiris (the Ibis) represents the process of indirect Ascension
through many re-incarnations. Horus (the hawk) represents the
process of soaring to direct Ascension, which some are able to
achieve, in only one Incarnation.

An interesting quote regarding direct Ascension comes to us from
the Episode "Meridian" in the Stargate SG-1 series: "When the
mind is enlightened, the spirit is free and the body matters not."

The Winged Horse Symbolizes "the heightening power of natural
forces" ***.

The horse is an ancient Symbol for Travel and journeying. Adding
wings to the horse, therefore, enables it to not only Travel faster
but to also Travel into higher realms. The Winged Horse, therefore,
is a magical and mystical creature which has the spiritual ability
to carry a worthy and well-qualified Initiate away from the world
of gross matter and into the higher, more sublime, and rarefied
realms which are the domain of Spirit and Divinity.

The Winged Horse and the Unicorn are both mystical and
magical horse-like creatures that have the ability to Travel
between realms. But, unlike the Winged Horse, the Unicorn
does not carry anyone.

Winged Angels are Symbolic representations of enlightened
beings who have the ability to Travel between all realms and
act as Spiritual Guides, or Messengers

In addition, Angels are a much later representation of the
Egyptian Neter.

The Winged Serpent Symbolizes the Union of matter with
Spirit which is the inherent make-up of all persons, plants,
animals, and minerals which occupy the realm of duality and
matter. It is a Symbolic reminder that even the lowliest creature
contains the spark of Spirit within it.

The Flying Carpet: How many of us have been enchanted by
the "Tales of the Arabian Nights" wherein the hero, or heroine,
steps onto a Magic Carpet and is instantly transported anywhere
they desire?

Symbolically, a Carpet is a safe, restricted, special, and sacred
space which cushions us from, and separates us from, the earth
or floor beneath us; it also provides comfort and support.

Therefore the Flying Carpet is the Spiritual Support which
insulates us from the mundane and allows us to soar above
the troubles and obstacles which permeate the realm of matter.
In other Words, the Flying Carpet Symbolizes escape from the
mundane, gross, and superficial. It is the Symbolic vehicle that
can be used to Ascend to the higher and more sublime realms of
our most fascinating and spellbinding dreams. It carries us into
the realm of higher Awareness and allows us to perceive great
distances from a higher, and much purer, point-of-view.

In addition, because the Carpet is a flat surface, its Symbolism
is similar to the Truncated Pyramid.

*** From: "A Dictionary of Symbols" by J.E. Cirlot, page 251
in reference to Pegasus.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011