Thursday, March 26, 2009


"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but
of the lifelong attempt to acquire it."
-Albert Einstein

Wisdom is a rare Spiritual Gift which has been bestowed upon
merely a scant few mortals. Wisdom should not be confused with

Knowledge manifests itself in our minds. And although our Mind
provides us a direct access with Divinity, its main purpose is to
enable us to function and interact within the Physical Realm.

Our Mind is a "open gateway" which allows us to collect and absorb
knowledge. Knowledge is logic and reason. Knowledge teaches us
how to measure, recognize and understand the phenomena we
experience in the Material Realm of our Current Incarnation.

Knowledge is something that is readily available, easily accessible
and easy to understand for the vast majority of people. Each of us
has pursued different degrees and types of knowledge and it is
these degrees and types of knowledge that separate one type of
knowledgeable person from another. To increase our knowledge we
simply need to increase the amount of information we are able to
digest. A person can digest and understand vast amounts of
knowledge yet never come close to acquiring Wisdom.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is the highest and purest form of
Knowing and Understanding. Wisdom is Spiritual Alignment,
Insight, and Awareness. Wisdom is understanding the Spiritual
Essence contained within all Thought and matter. Wisdom is the
unique ability to balance (harmonize) Duality, in all its aspects.
Wisdom is Gnosis!

A person who possesses Wisdom has the rare ability to tap into this
highest and purest form of Knowing and Understanding in order to
apply these Spiritual Gifts in the Material World.

When we hear of "the Wisdom of Solomon", this phrase instills
a reverence and awe within us. We ask ourselves how could one
person make monumental Decisions, and dispense justice, with such
Simplicity yet be so highly respected and memorialized. It is because
Solomon was able to "see" all things in their highest, purest and
Simplest forms. This enabled Solomon to make respected, common
sense, Decisions on all matters that were brought before him.
Whenever we hear the name Solomon we immediately associate it
with Wisdom.

Wisdom, by its very nature, is an extremely rare "Gift of the Gods"
that can only only be experienced by a select few individuals. And
although history tells us of a number of Wise Men, Master Teachers,
and Magi who have come before us, and left us their Footprint, their
numbers pale when compared to the vast multitudes who have never
come close to attaining True Wisdom.

The Lesson passed down to us within the myth of Prometheus tells
us just how Precious and Rare the Divine Gift of Wisdom truly is.
Prometheus gave the Gift of Fire to mankind. And for this act, which
was against the will of the gods, Prometheus was chained to a
mountain top where each day a vulture would come and feed upon
his liver.

As with all myths and legends we need to look within the story in
order to understand the Symbolism and Metaphor they are
presenting to us. Symbolically, "Fire" represents Light...Illumination
...Enlightenment...Wisdom! Prometheus, of his own accord, Chose
to give the Gift of Wisdom to all mankind. However the "gods"
understood that mankind, in general, was not ready for such a
Powerful and Divine Gift. For his callous act Prometheus was
severely punished.

The moral of this legend: Mankind, in general, has never been and
still is not ready for the Divine Gift of Wisdom. History, and current
Events, show that whenever Mankind is presented with Truth and
Wisdom they greet it with scorn, mockery, ridicule, suppression and
destruction. Therefore, the "gods" were correct in punishing
Prometheus for his thoughtless act.

Although Wisdom cannot be bestowed upon the common masses,
it is not unusual for certain individuals to discover, understand and
possess this Divine Gift through their personal efforts. These
privileged individuals deeply appreciate and sincerely respect this
Precious Gift when it comes into their possession. These individuals
understand that Wisdom is the one Divine Gift that separates "gods"
from mortals.

But how do we understand and recognize Wisdom? Wisdom is
Spiritual Harmony. Wisdom continually seeks out Truth and Balance.
Wisdom does not entertain doubt, rumors, and unfounded Opinions;
it resolves them. Wisdom does not look for someone to "blame"
when things fail to go according to plan, it seeks out the cause of the
Event. Wisdom expresses itself by Harmony, not by force. Wisdom
is the ability to balance Mercy with Justice. Wisdom is knowing
how to balance Duality in all its forms, as Symbolized by the
Vesica Piscis.

Wisdom is the ability to use our Spiritual Gifts of Insight and
Awareness to evaluate and resolve the Decisions we are confronted
with during our Current Incarnation in the material realm. Wisdom
is the highest and purest form of Spiritual Knowing and
Understanding. Wisdom is the Gift of Divinity, the Holy Grail,
bestowed upon those rare few who make the gallant effort to
understand it, Seek it out and recognize it when it is presented to

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Independent Thought

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

"To find yourself, think for yourself."
- Socrates

If we Think, Act, and Believe as everyone else does, what makes us

The Truth is, if we allow ourselves to be governed by the
expectations and dogmas of outside influences we are not special.
We are simply a part of a group, a crowd, or a faction which dictates
to us how we are expected to Think, Act, and Believe.

We merely need to comply and we are instantly accepted into
The Crowd...any crowd. There is no effort required on our part.
By simply conforming to the expectations of the crowd we are
immediately accepted into that crowd and presented with the
Illusion of being important. We relinquish our Individual
Sovereignty for group acceptance. For many persons, this is
quite alright.

We also become part of The Crowd when we allow our Thoughts,
Actions, and Beliefs to be governed by a news media which is
constantly bombarding us with its own special, self-serving,
brand of "information".

Any time we are Thinking, Acting, or Believing the same way as
"everyone else" we cease being unique and special. We cast aside
our Divine Gift of Independent Thought.

The Independent Thinker does not subject himself, or herself, to
mob Indoctrination. Nor does the Independent Thinker succumb
to the by-laws, rules, regulations, and Compromises which shackle,
stagnate, and numb the minds of the masses.

The Independent Thinker is a Lone Traveler on the Road that leads
to new ideas, concepts, innovations, experiences, and Adventures.

The Independent Thinker operates outside the boundaries of group
thinking and is a Trailblazer, a visionary, and a dreamer. The
Independent Thinker is the Lone Wolf that starts the wheels of
Change and innovation into motion.

Independent Thinkers suffer the brunt of ridicule, criticism, and
discreditment only to be eventually proven correct, and worshipped
as heroes, once their ideas and innovations are accepted by the
mainstream of society. It is the Independent Thinker who is the
David that smites the Goliath of mass stagnation and eventually
improves a business, a life style, a society, a nation and a world.

Our ancestors, we ourselves, and our posterity, owe everything we
enjoy, have enjoyed, and will enjoy to the Foresight and Awareness
of the Independent Thinker.

Each one of us is bestowed with the Divine Gift of Independent
Thinking. However, until we Choose to use our Free Will to
experience this Divine Gift it will lie dormant within us.

To embrace Independent Thought is to travel the "road less
traveled". We will not "enjoy" the company of groups and crowds
along this Less Traveled Way. But in the end we will enjoy the
peace and contentment that comes with knowing that we are truly
the Master of our physical, mental, and Spiritual Domains.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Thinker - Rodin's Symbolic Sculpture

We have probably all seen a picture of Rodin's sculpture,
"The Thinker".

"The Thinker" is a naked man sitting on a rock. The elbow of his
right arm rests upon his left thigh while his chin rests upon the
fingers of his right hand. "The Thinker" is deep in Thought.

The Symbolism contained within this sculpture is quite interesting.
Symbolically, the Head represents that portion of the body where
the Mind resides. The Mind is directly connected to Spirit which is
connected to Divinity. Therefore the Mind is Divinity.
(See: Mind, Body And Spirit).

The chin of "The Thinker" rests upon his right arm which, in turn,
rests upon his left Thigh. This is an unusual and uncomfortable
position for someone to assume while in a state of Thought.
Normally, our chin would rest upon our right arm which would then
rest upon our right thigh. Or, our chin would rest upon our left arm
which would then rest upon our left thigh.

However, Rodin, in his sculpture, Chose the uncomfortable position
of having the right arm of "The Thinker" rest upon the left thigh!
But, Why?

When we consider this posture within the context of Symbolism we
get our answer. The right arm resting on the left thigh Symbolizes
the Union Of Duality. The right side of our body, which is the
Masculine side of our Nature, represents Reason while the left side
of our body, which is the Feminine side of our Nature, represents

Crossing, and thereby uniting, the right side of the body with the
left side of the body Symbolizes the Interaction, and Union, of
Masculine Reason with Feminine Intuition. This Interaction of
Reason with Intuition is a Union Of Duality. This is the same
Symbolism which can be represented by both The Cross or the
letter X, which also represent the Union Of Duality.
Therefore, the posture of "The Thinker" reminds us of our Dual
Nature: Masculine and Feminine, Reason and Intuition, Logic and
Feeling, Intellect and Insight.

In order for our Mind (our head) to reach a Balanced solution to
whatever matter it is that we are contemplating, we must allow
our Mind to rest upon, and use equally, both the Masculine and
Feminine side of our Nature. In other words, we must use our
Divine Faculties of Reason and Intuition, in equal amounts, if we
expect to make True and Wise Decisions.

Finally, the sculpture of "The Thinker" is naked. Nakedness,
Symbolically, represents openness, the exposed, the unhidden,
the completely revealed. In other words, nakedness represents

Truth has no reason to hide. Truth has nothing to be ashamed of.
Truth has nothing to fear. Truth is Truth and it is all around us.
It is up to us to Seek It out, recognize It, and understand It, when
It presents Itself to us.

Therefore, the sculpture of "The Thinker" reminds us that it is
only by using both the Masculine and Feminine Aspects of our
Nature, in equal Balance, that we are able to un-Veil the Truth
and Wisdom contained within any issue that we are contemplating.

(Image via Wikipedia)

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spiritual Refinement

Refinement is a Process by which we eliminate all that is impure
in order to retain, and concentrate on, only that which is Pure.
This Process works the same whether we are Refining something
in the physical, mental or spiritual realms. With this in mind, let
us explore the Spiritually Refined Individual.

Within every society there exists a small number of people whose
Thoughts, Words, and Actions are finer and nobler than the
Thoughts, Words, and Actions of the common masses. These
Spiritually Refined persons always represent a small percentage
of any society.

The Thoughts of a Spiritually Refined person reside in the Realm
of Ideas and Ideals. Their Ideas focus on Creativity and Self-
Improvement while their Ideals are the Guidelines they live by
which allow Creativity and Self-Improvement blossom in their

A Spiritually Refined person does not allow their Thoughts to
become mired in the mundane bickering of the external world.
They understand that the fussing, complaining and arguing, that
takes place among the masses is a negative energy that can only
divert them from the Spiritual Path they have chosen to Travel.

Because the Thoughts of a Spiritually Refined person are finer
and nobler so, too, are their Words and conversations. Their
conversations consist of Words and phrases that are positive,
stimulating and complimentary.The Spiritually Refined person
naturally refrains from the use of any vulgarity and profanity in
their conversations. They understand that vulgarity and profanity
are gross negative energies that can, in no way, contribute to their
further Spiritual Refinement.

Since the Thoughts and Words of a Spiritually Refined person are
finer and nobler so, too, are their Actions and inter-Actions.
A Spiritually Refined person avoids the use of any kind of force to
compel another individual, or group, to succumb to their way of

Their primary interest is to share their Thoughts and Ideas with
"like minded" persons while graciously side-stepping those persons
whose paths are in conflict with their own. They do not indulge in
gossip or criticism and they avoid responding to any gossip or
criticism tossed upon them by others. The Spiritually Refined person
understands that to respond to gossip and criticism is only to invoke
negative energies that can be of no positive benefit to them. In the
same vein the Spiritually Refined person avoids all individuals whose
basic nature is to antagonize, ridicule, and bully others.

Quite simply, the Spiritually Refined person is interested in only
invoking those Positive Spiritual Energies that nourish the finest and
noblest qualities of their Divine Nature while avoiding any negative
Action, or energy, that hinders their Spiritual Growth. This is why a
Spiritually Refined person always leaves behind them a positive and
peaceful energy wherever they Journey.

Each one of us has the ability to become a Spiritually Refined Person.
All that is required is that we eliminate all negative Thoughts, Words,
and Actions that are detrimental to our Spiritual Nature while
continually focusing on only those Thoughts, Words and Actions that
are responsible for creating Spiritual Refinement.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


"Instant rejection followed by immediate ridicule
is a sign of Ignorance."


"The greatest disgrace is to be ignorant of being ignorant."
- Pythagoras

There are two types of Ignorance: Simple and Inherent.

Simple Ignorance: Simple Ignorance is a product of not under-
standing something that is unfamiliar to us. Simple Ignorance
is easily cured by studying and Learning whatever it is that we
currently do not understand.

An example of Simple Ignorance: Prior to entering Grade School,
we know that there is an alphabet, numbers, the ability to read,
and the ability to count. However, we are not able to read or count
because we have not been taught how to use letters and numbers.
Once we enter Grade School we are taught how to use letters and
numbers and thereby learn how to read and count. At this point
our Ignorance of reading and counting is overcome.

Each time we Choose to Learn and understand something new we
conquer our Ignorance in that subject through our desire and
determination to Learn.

Inherent Ignorance: Inherent Ignorance is the complete
opposite of Simple Ignorance. It is this Ignorance that is referred
to in the above quotation. Inherent Ignorance is what causes people
to react with denial and resistance to Thoughts and ideas that are
revolutionary and new. Thoughts and ideas that are a threat to the
way they wish to understand something.

Whereas Simple Ignorance is conquered by the desire and
determination to Learn something new, Inherent Ignorance is the
refusal to understand, or acknowledge, a Thought or idea that is in
conflict with the way someone wants to think about a particular

Inherent Ignorance can easily be recognized by "instant rejection
followed by the immediate ridicule"
of a thought or idea that
conflicts with someone's ingrained Belief system.

Inherent Ignorance surrounds us in abundance. It is the product of
a "closed mind". Inherent Ignorance is that ingrained conditioning,
and Indoctrination, which causes factions, organizations, and
individuals to attempt to discredit new and unique Thoughts, ideas,
and innovations.

Inherent Ignorance generally takes the form of these kind of
statements: "I refuse to believe that! What makes you think that
everyone else is wrong but you are right?", or, "That's ridiculous!
How can you even suggest such a thing?".

We hear these types of statements very often in the news media
when one faction is attempting to discredit the ideas of a Lone
Innovator or Independent Thinker.

We also hear these kinds of comments from friends and relatives
when they have no intention of entertaining any Thought or idea
that is not sanctioned by "the crowd" with which they associate

In order to understand something, a person must first want to
understand. Persons who Choose to be Inherently Ignorant have
no desire, or intention, to understand or acknowledge something
that is outside their ingrained belief system.

One of the most precious assets of the True Seeker is the ability
to recognize Inherent Ignorance, thereby avoiding those whose
behaviors are not Harmonious with the Seeker's Path.

The True Seeker, when confronted with persons or factions that
are Inherently Ignorant, immediately and politely gives them a
wide berth. For the True Seeker's primary interest is to expand his,
or her, Spiritual Horizon and these individuals and factions are a
hindrance to the Seeker's Spiritual Growth.

The Seeker of Truth and Wisdom understands that New and
Creative Ideas stimulate our minds, thereby allowing us to Travel
new Paths. New Paths allow us to experience new Adventures.
New Adventures enable us to grow both mentally and spiritually.
Mental and Spiritual Growth enables us to distance ourselves
from the world of the mundane. As we distance ourselves from
the world of the mundane we approach the Realm of Spirit
where Peace, Harmony and Contentment reside.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Prime Directive

"No Star Fleet personnel may interfere with the
healthy development of alien life and culture."
-Star Trek Prime Directive

Each one of us is a single organism experiencing a unique Incarnation
in the material world. During our Incarnation we interact with other
similar organisms that eventually form our city, state, nation and
world. The world we live in is the Race (the Species) of which we
are a part. The Species we are a part of is referred to as Human.

Each inhabited planet, realm and dimension has its own Species.
Some Species are superior to, and some Species are inferior to, each
other. Different Species develop (evolve) at different speeds, and at
different Times. This is the Natural Scheme of the Universe.

For one advanced Species to interfere with the natural development
of a less advanced Species disturbs, and confuses, the natural
evolution of the less advanced Species. This is an Ancient Truth
which was understood and passed down since the most remote
rememberings of our Ancient forefathers.

This Principle was the basis of the Ancient Mystery Schools:
non-interference with the masses in general; yet readily available to
Instruct the well-qualified and Spiritually Advanced Initiate.

The evolution of a Species is similar to the evolution of the Chakras
as we progress from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra: where
the Root Chakra represents basic earthly survival and the Crown
Chakra represents Spiritual Transcendence.

As advanced as our Species currently presumes itself to be, its
evolution still resides, symbolically, in the realm of the lower

This is due to the fact that the current political philosophy of our
Species is based upon warfare, governance backed by weapons, and
suppression in all its forms.

It is easy for us to blame our political "representatives" for the fact
that we are still languishing in the lower regions of the evolutionary
scale. However, it is the citizenry that votes in, and thereby allows,
this form of governance. This, in itself, is a testimonial as to where
the majority of the organisms of our Species have evolved to in our
current Evolutionary Progression.

As the majority of organisms, which represent our Species, evolve
to a higher mental and Spiritual plane, we will select representatives
that are aligned with those higher realms of evolution.

Representation is a result of, and not a cause of, Evolution.

To give an example of a highly advanced Species interfering with
our evolutionary development, let us use the following example:
Should a highly advanced Species choose to share superior
technology and knowledge with our Species, their well-intentioned
gift would meet with disaster: something which the higher evolved
Species fully understands.

Although a minority of our Species would be excited, and eager,
in using the advanced technology and knowledge for the common
good, the political representatives, voted in (and thereby supported)
by the vast majority of our populations, would take by force these
advanced technologies and knowledge to use for the purposes of
warfare and suppression.

The highly advanced Species in all realms and dimensions under-
stand this Truth and this is why they Choose not to interact with
our Species during this current period of our evolution. To do so
would be to "interfere with the healthy (natural) development
of alien life and culture". To do so would be a violation of the
Universal Prime Directive.

However, although these Superior Beings avoid interacting with
our Species on a massive scale, this does not preclude them from
interacting with the more Spiritually Advanced Individuals of our
Species on a personal scale.

To these Spiritually Advanced Individuals, these Seekers of Truth
and Wisdom, Superior Beings appear as Angels, Spirits and Guides.
They stand ready and willing to provide us with the Guidance and
Wisdom we seek in order to attain the Divine Gifts of Spiritual
Advancement and Transcendence.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mind, Body And Spirit

Ancient Teachings tell us that we are composed of Three Principal
Characteristics: Mind, Body and Spirit.

Spirit: When we speak of Spirit we are referring to Divinity Itself.
As a Creation of Divinity we contain the Seed, or Spark, of Divinity
within us. This Spark, or Spiritual DNA imprint, is what Ancient
Sanskrit teachings call our Atman, our "God Within".

Atman, our God Within, is linked directly to Brahman, The Creator.
This teaches us that we and our Creator are One.

Spirit is also described as the Vital Life Force which is Eternal and
Perpetual. Spirit gives life to all of Creation. Spirit is also that Life
Force of The Creator which provides every living thing with its very
own Unique Personality...its Divine Nature.

This Unique Personality is what the Ancient Egyptians referred to
as the Ba. The Ba is depicted, Symbolically, as a bird (which is a
Symbol of Spirit) with the head of a person.

Body: This is the physical structure, or Temple, which our Spirit
(our Ba) occupies during our Current Incarnation. Our body is
formed of matter. Being formed of matter means that our body is
temporary and has certain limitations which are governed by the
natural laws of the physical realm. However, our physical limitations
can be reduced, and our physical experiences can be increased, by
mastering the Spiritual Energy that governs our body through the
proper use of our Mind.

Mind: The Mind is the Undefinable third aspect of our Divine
Nature which, along with our Spirit, is in direct contact with Divinity.

The Mind is Limitless and it is through the mind that we create,
imagine, expand, and grow (both Spiritually and materially). It is
also through the Mind that we can Choose to limit ourselves with
Thoughts of inferiority and inadequacy.

Our Mind is that Spiritual Tool which we refer to as Free Will. And,
as the Mind maintains a continual and direct access to Divinity, it
has the power and ability to achieve anything we Choose for it to

Our Mind can change our Thoughts. When we change our Thoughts
we change our experiences. When we change our Thoughts we also
change our Destiny.

We can use our mind to free ourselves of Self-Imposed Limitations.
We can use our Mind to heal ourselves. We can use our mind to heal
others. We can use our Mind, through Meditation and Prayer, to
access Divinity and thereby get answers to whatever it is we wish
to understand.

Our Mind is Powerful and Limitless in its abilities and it is the one
"thing" over which we have Absolute Control!

The Spiritual Energy contained within our Mind can take us from
"rags to riches". Our Mind can access the Mysterious and Unknown.
Our Mind is the Direct Link which allows us to speak to, and gain
answers from, Divinity.

Each one of us possesses a Mind, Body, and Spirit. We could not
exist in the material realm without all Three of these Characteristics.
It is up to us to Choose how we will use these Divine Three.

Eternal and All-Powerful Divinity is forever with, and within, us.
Divinity always stands ready to grant us the Peace, Contentment,
and Harmony we long for. Our Mind has to simply Choose and
focus upon only those Blessings which are important to us. Once
our Mind has determined what it is that we truly want it then
communicates our request to Divinity. Once our Mind is in Direct
Harmony with Divinity we are then ready to experience, and enjoy,
all the material and Spiritual Blessings that Divinity is ready and
willing to bestow upon us.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Union Of Duality

Upon leaving the Womb, we enter the world of matter. This world
of matter is the realm and dimension of Duality.

Everything we experience in the realm of matter is Dual in nature.
Hot and cold...simple and difficult...male and female...matter and
spirit. Furthermore, Duality does not need to be extreme in nature
for it also consists of varying degrees of differences of the same
essence: such as warm and cool instead of hot and cold.

Duality presents us with a lifetime of challenges and Choices. How
we Choose to reconcile (unite) matters of Duality determines the
Path we will Travel during our life's journey through the material

Whenever we reconcile a Duality that presents itself to us,
regardless of whether it is in material, mental, or spiritual matters,
we create, and experience, a Balance (a harmony) in that particular
area of our nature.

The Ancients understood the importance of Balancing Duality and
used the Symbol of the Cross to express this Sacred Concept. The
Cross is a very Ancient Symbol. It is found in all Ancient cultures.

Regardless of whether a Cross is drawn with two equal arms, two
unequal arms, or at an angle, all Crosses have one thing in common:
The Focal Point at which the two arms of the Cross intersect
represents the Union Of Duality.

Not only does Union Of Duality represent Harmony, but the Union
Of Duality is a necessary requirement for the Act Of Creation.

The Male Seed must impregnate the Female Womb in order to
Create new life. The Male Energy of the Sun's Rays must impregnate
the Female Womb of Mother Earth's Soil in order for life, in all its
forms, to grow, exist and flourish on our planet. The Male Energy
bestows the Seed which the Female Womb accepts in order to
Manifest the Act of Creation. This is the Way of the Universe.
This is the Union Of Duality in the Physical Kingdom.

In the Mental Kingdom, Creation is manifested when two different
Thoughts, or Notions, are Woven Together to form a new idea,
concept, or invention.

Something "New", in any realm, can only be Created by Way of the
Sacred Concept of the Union Of Duality.

Once we Learn to understand, and accept, the Divine Principle of the
Union Of Duality, we are able to recognize, and evaluate, both sides
of all Issues and Concepts. We become the Seeker, the Wanderer,
who lives in that Borderland Between Two Different Realms, that
Vesica Piscis, where all Knowledge and Wisdom converges in one
Central, and Focal, Location.

Once we allow ourselves to "see", understand, and embrace the
Duality that surrounds us, we are then able to make the proper
Decisions which allow us to experience our Current Incarnation
with Peace, Simplicity, and Contentment.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009