Sunday, October 25, 2009


"We enter our current incarnation spiritually wise
but materialistically ignorant.
It is our abandonment of spiritual wisdom solely
for the sake of materialistic gain which is the
source of all our woes.
-Joseph Panek

When we consider the many different "beliefs" we are burdened
with throughout our life, it is easy to understand why Truth,
Wisdom and Harmony seem so elusive to us and why we often
feel confused.

Since many of these Beliefs become part of our character, it is
important for us to understand how we obtain them. Once we
understand the source of our Beliefs we become better able to
"weed out'' those pestering Beliefs which are not in Harmony with
our Divine Nature.

Let's consider some examples of how Beliefs are ingrained within us:

What we are taught to believe: These are the earliest Beliefs
to which we are introduced. These Beliefs come to us from parents,
teachers, relatives and neighbors. These are people whom we trust;
people who are very dear to us; people we rely upon to advise, teach,
and protect us when we are very young. In addition, these individuals
sincerely believe that the Beliefs they are instilling in us are sound
and true.

But regardless of how well-intentioned the Beliefs of these persons
may be, if they are erroneous beliefs to begin with, the Consequences
that these Beliefs have upon us will ultimately be harmful, and
perhaps even calamitous, to our life-experience.

One of the most common, and earliest, mis-Beliefs which we are
introduced to is that we must "follow the crowd", "fit in", and not
"rock the boat".

When we follow this common Belief we relinquish our individuality.
We forsake our Free Will to Think our own pure Thoughts, experience
our true personal feelings, and imagine our most wondrous dreams.
We then find ourselves taken off our personal, unobstructed Path
and forced into the traffic jam, the "rat race", of the masses. We
become diverted from the Spiritual Purpose of why we were placed
into our Current Incarnation.

What we are trained to believe: Although we may envision
regimented Beliefs to be part of a militaristic or monastic setting,
these types of Beliefs are also imposed upon us by way of corporate
"training" and group involvement.

Regimented Beliefs are a form of conversion, or brainwashing, in
which we are disciplined to believe that "we" are better than "them".
It is the replacing of Instruction and open-mindedness with training
and Indoctrination.

Regimented Beliefs coerce us to believe that: our product is better
than theirs; our organization is superior to theirs; our Beliefs are
right and their Beliefs are wrong; and, our cause is holy and just
while "they" need to be saved. Regimented Beliefs put us at odds
with, instead of in union with, our world-wide brethren.

In a regimented Belief type of setting, we are often required to don
uniforms which are designed to fracture our individuality and help
ease us into being assimilated into the thought process of that
particular group.

The unfortunate result of regimented Belief organizations is that
they demand unconditional obedience to their dogmas from all
of their "followers".

Many people turn to groups and organizations in search of Wisdom,
Truth, and Enlightenment only to often find that they are
disappointed, and perhaps even deceived, by the same organizations
and institutions which profess to honor and provide the Truth,
Enlightenment, and Instruction which these individuals are Seeking.

What we think we believe (a phantom most deceptive):
Unfounded conclusions are the bane of humanity. Quite often,
what we think we Believe is usually a combination of what we are
taught to Believe and what we are trained to Believe. This is why
it is so easy to be fooled, and disappointed, by what we think we

What we think we Believe are, in fact, false Beliefs which enter our
lives by way of unfounded Opinions, gossip, rumors, subliminal
suggestions, media propaganda, and a lack of research, Awareness
and insight on our part.

We fall victim to this type of Belief when we allow our ego, laziness,
and complacency to replace reason, research and intuition.

What we truly believe: This is knowledge and Wisdom which is
gained through Self-Instruction, personal investigation and unbiased
evaluation. It is the Seeking out of what is - not what "should be".
True Belief is being in Harmony with both our Divine Nature and the
external world of our Current Incarnation.

True Beliefs are the Truths, Wisdom, and knowledge which we have
taken the time to un-Veil for ourselves. True Beliefs require great
effort on our part; they must be earned. This is why they are so
rare. However, each True Belief we uncover brings us one step
closer to the Star of Enlightenment which beckons us to continue
down the wondrous and mysterious Path of our current earthly

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Lone Wolf - As A Symbol

"Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne,
He travels the fastest who travels alone."

-Rudyard Kipling

Although wolves normally live, travel, and hunt in packs,
occasionally a young wolf will Choose to leave the pack and set out
on its own. As a result, this Lone Wolf usually grows to be much
stronger, and more cunning, than the average wolf which is a
member of a pack. The Lone Wolf is an archetype, a metaphor,
a Symbol for freedom, independence and Self-Reliance.

When used to describe a person, the term Lone Wolf is conferred
upon a person who is an Individual in the Truest sense of the word.
The Lone Wolf is someone who prefers to work alone, is Self-Reliant
and enjoys the peace and contentment of his, or her, own solitude.
The Lone Wolf lives by his, or her, own rules: rules which are in
Harmony with Universal Laws and its own personal Divine Nature.

The Lone Wolf is independent of, and distances itself from,
the petty bickerings, expectations, demands, mediocrities and
unfulfilled dreams of other people, groups or organizations. In
other words, The Lone Wolf is not tethered to "the pack".

By thinking and acting alone, The Lone Wolf acquires superior
cunning, agility, imagination and skills unknown to members of
"the pack". He, or she, has a deep spiritual respect for their own
individual Sovereignty, they experience true Independence,
and are a slave to no master. The Lone Wolf enjoys holding its
head up high while it breathes in the fresh, sweet air of Freedom
and Individuality.

In addition to Individuality, The Lone Wolf is also a metaphor for
Awareness and the Detached Mind. He, or she, is an observer of
Events and Actions and foresees their outcomes well in advance.
Thus The Lone Wolf is able to act with swiftness and sureness
at the appropriate moment.

An armada can only travel as fast as its slowest ship. In the same
way that the slowest ship slows down the armada, so do rules,
by-laws, committees and petty bickering bog down the Decisions
and actions of groups, organizations, corporations and society -
"the pack".

The Lone Wolf, by its very nature, sets itself aside from, and is
immune to, these kinds of behaviors. And while "the pack" is
consumed with analyzing, Debating, re-debating, and
Compromising, the Lone Wolf is evaluating ideas and Events and
is ready to act with dispatch and nimbleness.

The Lone Wolf is the epitome of the Individual Mind, which, except
for Divinity, is perhaps the most powerful force in the Universe. The
Lone Wolf decides and acts while "the pack" wonders and guesses
about its next move.

In the Tarot deck, Lone Wolf is represented by two cards: The Fool,
which Symbolizes the young Lone Wolf, and The Hermit, which
Symbolizes the Wizened Lone Wolf. These two cards are the
archetypes, or Symbols, for those persons who choose not to follow
in the footsteps of conformity.

The Lone Wolf is often branded as the "rebel" who refuses to bow
to the monotony of conventional foolishness. And, although
outwardly ridiculed and shunned by "the pack", the Lone Wolf is
also envied by many who dare not admit it. For it is the Sovereign
Lone Wolf who stands alone, in all of his (or her) glory, who has
chosen, and is Destined to experience, the Adventure of life with all
of its Simplicity, Beauty, and Mystery.

(See also: "Non-Conformity and the Non-Conformist")

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The One Forbidden Act

"Forbidden things have a secret charm."
-Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Why is it that we are subconsciously drawn to those things which
are forbidden, or denied, us?

As children we are told "don't touch the stove", so we immediately
touch the stove. We are told "don't play with matches", so we play
with matches. We are told "don't stick a paper clip into a wall
socket", so we stick a paper clip into a wall socket and immediately
find ourselves on the other side of the room.

And, even as adults, the moment we are told "don't" we experience
an uncontrollable urge to "do" that One Forbidden Act.

Mythology abounds with tales of the One Forbidden Act.

Pandora was told, "do not open the box". So, what does she do?
She opens the box.

Bluebeard tells his wife, "you may open any door in the castle
except that one". What does she do? She, of course, opens that

In Navajo mythology two young boys set out on a journey to find
their father, the Sun, in order to help save their village from
monsters. The wise elder tells them that they can travel in any
direction except North. They immediately set out to the North and
after many unique adventures they find their father.

And, in perhaps the most famous myth of all, Adam and Eve are
told, "you can eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden except that
one." We all know what happened there. Upon performing their One
Forbidden Act, and relishing the Forbidden Fruit, they are cast out
of the Garden (which symbolizes the Womb; the Realm of Unity),
and thrust into the realm of matter (which is the realm of Duality;
the realm of choices both good and ill).

The legend of Adam and Eve is a metaphor for birth, whereby a new
life leaves the world of Spirit to enter the world of matter.

So what is it that these myths and legends are passing down to us?

The One Forbidden Act is a metaphor for that one required catalyst
which is needed in order for change, growth and new creation to
occur. Metaphorically, without the One Forbidden Act, there would
be no change; there would be no growth; there would be no new

Something must be the catalyst that upsets the status quo, the
proverbial "apple cart", which insures that change and new creation
occur in rhythm with Universal Laws. That catalyst is The One
Forbidden Act.

The One Forbidden Act teases us to do what has not been done
before, to go where no one has gone before, to envision what no
one has envisioned before and to experience what no one has
experienced before.

The One Forbidden Act is the "open doorway" which stands at the
threshold of our journey in our quest for our personal Holy Grail.

Metaphorically, we become the Dorothy who leaves our battered
house to enter the colorful world of Munchkins and bewilderment in
order to travel down the Yellow Brick Road in pursuit of the magical
land of Oz.

However, there are further lessons involved within the tale of the
One Forbidden Act. When we bite into the "Forbidden Fruit" we
acknowledge that we are both willing and unafraid to pursue the
journey which lies before us. This journey consists of accepting the
responsibility for our actions and decisions as we experience the
realm of Choices and Duality in all of its many aspects.

We also understand that should we choose to avoid the Realm of
Choices, we will find ourselves limited to, and enslaved by, the
choices of others. When we willingly, and understandably, accept
the responsibility for our actions we are then able to savor the  
fruits of our chosen odyssey.

On the highest plane the One Forbidden Act symbolizes the Seeking
of Truth, which is the bane of all governments and organizations;
governments and organizations which continually indoctrinate us
to live in a blurred and confused state of false Hope, unfounded faith
and guilt-ridden servitude.

It is only when we bite into the "Forbidden Fruit" that we experience
a Destiny different from the majority and blaze our personal Path
into immortality.

Subconsciously, we desire to grow and become Wiser. However,
society is forever conditioning us to stagnate and conform.

Driven by our Spiritual Desire to grow and create, we find ourselves
in a state of constant battle with society's attempt to stifle and
control our thoughts and actions. This constant battle between
Spiritual Growth and physical control is the central issue of why
many of us live in dis-Harmony and unhappiness.

It is not until we perform the One Forbidden Act of biting into the
"Forbidden Fruit" that we are able to discard the invisible restraints
of conformity and travel down the unique and non-conforming path
that leads us to our personal Destiny.

---Suggested Reading: the writings of Joseph Campbell

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Past

If we don't remember the past, how will
we know when the future arrives?"
-Joseph Panek

The Past is one of the greatest gifts that can be presented to us.
It is a classic textbook of both Wisdom and folly. The Past contains
all of the Lessons, experiences, Consequences, achievements, and
tragedies of the countless individuals, and civilizations, which have
preceded us. It is also the realm of the Ancient Masters who made
certain that the Sacred Teachings and the Sublime Truths of
Antiquity were passed on to all future generations.

Mythologically, The Past is also the domain of Saturn, The Teacher
who bestows upon all people, organizations, and civilizations the
just rewards, or punishments, resulting from their Past behaviors.

The Lessons of The Past are the guidelines of the future. When we
learn from The Past we gain foresight and Awareness. There is no
need to randomly guess, or haphazardly "predict" what tomorrow
holds in store because, "What has been will be again, what has
been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun"

(Ecclesiastes 1:9). Therefore, to learn from The Past enables us to
understand, and foretell, what Destiny holds in store not only for
ourselves, but also our society and our planet.

In the oft-repeating Cycles Of Eternity, individuals have met with
disaster and empires have been razed to rubble simply because
they have Ignored the Lessons of The Past. These individuals and
empires always behave in the same manner: they Ignorantly and
pompously march off to do battle with History completely oblivious
to, and heedless of, the calamity which awaits them as they
cheerfully wave their ancient and tattered banner whose faded
Words proclaim: "This Time It's Different!"

In addition to The Past, there is also our past. Once we Become
able to learn from the past experiences of others, we then become
better able to learn from our own past experiences. This Learning
process simply requires that we place our ego aside and replace
it with a genuine thirst for knowledge and Wisdom.

History is replete with tyrants, despots, various clergy, and petty
thugs who have conducted monumental efforts to destroy Wisdom
and knowledge. Yet, with all of their misguided efforts, the Eternal
Spirit of Wisdom and Truth has always prevailed.

In addition, many individuals have been tortured and executed
throughout the endless Past for their efforts to provide their
generation, and all future generations, with Spiritual Guidance and
Divine Truth.

Books, manuscripts, and people can be destroyed, but the Divine
Essences of Truth and Wisdom cannot. These Divine Essences are
forever preserved, and carried forth, by Master Teachers,
indigenous cultures and Independent Thinkers.

And although ignored by many, these Teachings and Instructions
lie right before our eyes. They are the spiritual writings, philosophies,
legends, and mythologies which have been preserved through Time.
Our library shelves abound with many of these works which are
simply awaiting the touch of our fingers and the gaze of our eyes.

We owe it to ourselves, and our ancestors, to absorb these Lessons
and philosophies of The Past so that we can be better prepared for
what awaits us as we journey down our very interesting Path which
beckons us into our future.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the "Comment" link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2009